


  ? Describe a special toy you had in your childhood.

  You should say

  What it was?

  Who gave it to you?

  How often you played it?

  And explain why it was special to you.

  Sample answer:

  I received many toys throughout my childhood, some I still remember but most of which I have already forget. But there is one toy that I will always remember for the rest of my life. It was a transformer toy “Optimus Prime” which is also the main character of one of the most famous cartoon in the history “Transformer”, a story about a bunch of intelligent alien robots fights against the evil robot force and protecting the earth. My dad gave me this toy when I was 5 after his business in the USA. I can still visualize the scene when I got this brilliant toy.

  My dad hold a big package with one hand and wore a smile on his face indicating something good would happen, then he came to hold me with the other hand and gave me the toy in a surprising way. When I found this mint-in-box “Optimus Prime” you can imagine how exciting and happy I was. Cuz you know, back in mid 90’s, this type of transformer robots toys were impossible to find in China, plus it was “Optimus Prime” my beloved cartoon character. All of these properties and features made this toy so unique and special for me, and it was definitely the most impressive and special toy from my boyhood. Because of that, I seldom played this toy and kept in mint-in-box for almost 5 years before I opened it for the first time.

  ? Compared with the toys that children play nowadays, is there any toy you didn’t have when you were young?

  I think yes, the world of toy has changed over the years. Back in my boyhood, the type of toys were more funny and aggressive but nowadays the toys tend to be more fluffy and lovely, I think the reason is because of the type of cartoon that kids watch nowadays has shifted a lot so the cartoon-based toy models shifted accordingly.

  ?Do you think children should play with hi-tech toys?

  I don’t think it really necessary to recommend the hi-tech toys to kids, firstly, most of the hi-tech toys are video games or radiation related, which I think is bad for both the psychological and physical development for them, secondly, the wide-spread of hi-tech toys will somehow lower the performing ability of kids, and that is definitely bad for them too.

  Describe a special toy you had in your childhood.

  You should say:

  What it was

  Who gave it to you

  How often you played it

  and explain why it was special to you.



  There are a lot of collectible toys out there, for me, the most impressive one is a model of T-800, the robot in the movie Terminator 2.

  It’s about 5 inches tall, made of a special rubber material and applied with highly detailed painting. And you got all the accessories you need, not a whole lot but enough to satisfy. Except for the leather black jacket and pants on it, there used to be an extra T-shirt, a pair of black-lens sunglasses, a shotgun and a figure base with T-800 nameplate.

  Now I only keep the shotgun and figure base because it has been almost 12 years since my mom bought it for me. I just couldn’t find the rest. They were lost one after another when I posed it everyday, adding something or putting them away. I remember I took lots of pictures of it at that time.

  It’s really a special toy for me due to the great value of collection and its authentic looking. I mean,it fully realized likeness of T-800 in the movie. Other toys of mine all looked like lemons compared to it. Besides, what makes it meaningful for me until nowis because of the movie Terminator 2.

  When it first arrived on the screens, I was blown away by the concept - a killing machine sent from the future into our present to eliminate the future threat from ever existing. I wish I could have a similar robot and I just considered this model as my bodyguard in those years.

  Be applied with sth 配有…

  Highly detailed painting 高度细节化的着色

  Figure base 底座

  Nameplate 铭牌

  Authentic looking 真实感的外观

  Realize likeness 实现相似度

  Look like lemons 看起来像是次品

  Be blown away 被震惊

  在Part 1部分,就有关于童年喋喋不休的小问题,比如说童年时的你是一个什么样的小孩,和哪个亲戚最亲近,童年时学过什么等,到Part 2的cue card中,又肆无忌惮地上演童年时的游戏,童年的一次旅行,童年的儿歌,童年的一个玩具,最后在Part 3部分又挑战性地讨论儿童教育,儿童成长受玩具、科技等的影响,种种的困惑全是围绕童年展开的。

  不管如何,对于即将要参加雅思口语考试的烤鸭们来说,这些问题是大家需要提高警惕的,roll up sleeves and get down to prepare. 对于广大的中国烤鸭们来说,童年是一个值得回忆但是回忆不起来的时期,没有充分的准备或者没有有效的指导,想很好地完成任务或者得到高分是很难的。在这里,笔者想对A Toy这个话题进行解析、说明以及补充,给大家提供一些有效的思路和及时的帮助。

  为了避免答非所问,或者因不按要求来说明而丢分,在具体分析和说明之前,我们还是首先要了解一下cue card要求的范围和内容。

  Describe a toy you used to play with in your childhood.

  You should say:

  What it was

  How often you played with it

  What you did with it

  And explain why you enjoyed playing with it.

  也许是受到兴趣相投的父母以及学校教育的影响,烤鸭们当下的想法神奇地如出一辙,没有新意,很难得到考官的赏识。笔者丰富的实际教学经验告诉我,80%的烤鸭们想到的都是Teddy Bear或者Transformer. 这里要描述娃娃或者变形金刚、遥控车等并不是不可以,但是要考虑到喜欢这种玩具的原因,显然这样的主题会让考生的思路非常窄,而且说出来的观点或者词汇都会很肤浅、简单。笔者一直都推崇一个理念:在口语表达时,新颖的观点/例子是我们获得雅思口语高分一个不可或缺的部分。我们要找有意义的,并且能够挖出深度含义的主题。在这里我给广大烤鸭们提供的example是:

  Toy Blocks / Building Bricks 积木




  To be honest, I have a pretty wonderful childhood when my small bedroom was crowded with kinds of toys, including teddy bears, dolls, music box and so on. Among them, the most meaningful and precious one should be toy blocks that have accompanied me for many years and are still preserved in my study until now.


  作为一个对我们来说很重要的玩具,我们一定是投入了很多时间在这个玩具上的。但是,这里也是很多烤鸭们存在问题的地方-无话可说。考虑到两分钟的时间要求,我们就应该要用故事或者事实来证明了。但是我们是儿童,还没有认知和理解这个玩具为什么重要或者好玩,所以我们可以这样展开:Actually, I can not remember when I got this amazing toy which comes with wooden pieces of various shapes and colors. And I was too young to know its exact importance to me. But in my memory, I used to rush back to my bedroom after school every day and start my adventure with the toy blocks alone。

  接下来就是重头戏了,积木的玩法也许大家也都有所了解,我们需要利用每一块积木的形状和颜色创作出一个图片或者物体。I acted like a little engineer. Grouping the bricks, organizing the different shapes, composing different parts into a whole like a box, a small house just made me indulge myself into the toy for a couple of hours. Even my mom was surprised and commented that only the toy blocks had the magic power to make me quiet.



  Although my efforts to describe sizes, shapes or positions turned out to be a failure sometimes, this toy did encourage me to imagine and create. It stimulated my curiosity about making my designs with the little blocks in accordance with the different shapes. I guess that is a part of reasons why I appear to be good at Math now.

  Describe a special toy you had in your childhood.

  You should say:

  what it was

  who gave it to you

  how often you played with it

  and explain why it was special to you.

  When I was five years old, I had an accident and was admitted in the hospital. I was required to stay in bed for at least two months. Days in the patient ward wasn’t as dull as I expected it to be. Actually the first week was quite fun. I could watch TV in bed and chat with my fellow “roommates” and my family visited me everyday.

  But after a while, the hospital gradually started to lose its charm. I was getting bored when my Dad showed up. With a hat in his hand, he started to perform magic tricks. Out of thin air, he produced a flower and put it in the hat. Guess what happened next? He made a magic cube from the hat.

  I was immediately in love with the magic cube. Time seemed to go much faster when my Dad taught me how to play it. Before I knew it, I was running around again. Till this day I play it on a daily basis. It always reminds me of my special bonding time with my Dad.


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