

  雅思写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的雅思写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住雅思写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,珠海雅思托福培训学校小编为您提供雅思作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于老龄化英语作文。  I believe that an aging population has more negative than positive effects on society.  For one,the social security system and welfare for the elderly face grave pressure because the government needs to use their funding to safeguard and issue retirement moneys as well as build more homes for the elderly. As the world economy and political state is constantly changing,there is no way to predict a country's consistent funding to support these services.  Another unfavorable effect is that the workforce decreases when an aging population starts to retire. This also results in a decrease in the country's overall productivity.  Furthermore,the increasing young minority population is under great pressure to uphold a system that predominantly supports the welfare of the elderly. They might be overtaxed to generate enough money to allocate towards supporting the aged.  Lastly,in many cases in traditional societies,the young might have to physically take care of their parents or many senior family members.  In conclusion,a country's government should go to great efforts to maintain a balanced population. 译文:  我认为,人口老龄化对社会的负面影响大于正面影响。  其一,社会保障和福利体系面临严重压力,因为政府需要资金来保障老人的生活,给老人发退休金.以及兴办更多的养老院。世界的经济和政治状态不断发生变化,无法预测一个国家是否有资金来持续性地支付这些服务。  另一个不利影响是当老年人开始退休时,劳动力就减少了。这也导致国家整体生产力的降低。  此外,占少数人口比重的年轻人越加承担着巨大的压力,支持着主要负担老年人福利的社会体系。他们可能被征重税.以产生足够的资金赡养老人。  后,在传统社会的许多情况下,年轻人可能必须亲自照顾他们的父母或其他年长的家庭成员。  总之,一个国家的政府应该努力保持平衡的人口。 以上是由珠海雅思托福培训学校小编为您整理的关于老龄化英语作文的全部内容。以上就是“老龄化英语作文”的全部内容了,希望小编整理的资料能帮助到考生。如果想要了解更多相关资讯,欢迎关注留学频道,为您提供更多精彩内容。

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