


  The pursuit of happiness is one of human being's basic rights. Jobs and social lives are two elements that can affect our happiness and people are universally striving for a balance between them. Whether one’s job is more influential on happiness than social life has become a heated issue. In my opinion, jobs outweigh social lives in affecting people's happiness.

  To begin with, people gain sense of achievement from work, which is closely related to happiness. Apart from rudimentary physical demands like eating and sleeping, people need to search for the meaning of life, and working is the best way to realize this kind of value. It is no denying that the realization of the value of life is the ultimate form of happiness. For example, Steve Jobs, as we all know, is a workaholic without abundant social lives, but from his biography I can feel that his work is the biggest resource of his happiness.

  Additionally, jobs bring people money that is the material guarantee of happiness. We have to admit that happiness without the foundation of material is not real happiness. In other word, all seemingly happy lives are based on decent financial strength. Meanwhile, jobs are the most stable way to gain wealth, which indeed plays a significant role in influencing our happiness. A good case in point is my cousin's family whose happiness is well admired by others. At first, they live in extravagant villa with 3 servants. Besides, my cousin is studying at an American university, while his mother is stunning everyday by using expensive cosmetics and ornaments. In a sense, happiness can be bought by money.


  生活节奏加速 the tempo/pace of life has accelerated

  疲劳 fatigue(n)

  抑郁症 depression

  失眠 sleeplessness/sleep-deprivation/insomnia(n)

  导致人与人之间疏远 create(vt)alienation(n) between people

  过于功利的 materialistic/mercenary/money-worshipping(adjs)

  追求最大限度利润 pursue(vt) maximum profit

  交通堵塞 traffic jams/traffic congestions/gridlock最后一个是不可数名词

  阻碍(v) impede/hinder/hamper/obstruct/inhibit(vts)

  让人担心的 worrying/worrisome/disturbing/disquieting/disconcerting(adjs)

  危害,破坏(v) undermine/spoil/do a disservice to sth/ruin/imperil/endanger/jeopardise(BrE)都是vts


  恶化(v) worsen(vi,vt)/deteriorate(vi)

  导致某种问题更加恶化 amplify(vt)/magnify(vt)/ecacerbate(vt)/aggravate(vt) a problem

  缓解 ease/alleviate/mitigate(vts)


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