

  A mom’s job is never truly finished—Eliseknew this instinctively when her son was born.For at least the hundredthtime, she sat next to his bed in that chair mending his quilt. There was no wayof knowing, the day she bought it at a flea market, that it would become herson’s most valued possession.


  To call it a quilt stretched the definitionas it was nothing more than a thousand pieces of oddly shaped swatches stitchedtogether, layer after layer, until the whole of it was thick enough to hold inthe warmth of a small boy's body as he drifted off to sleep. The person whopieced together this labor of love must have spent countless hours shaping theuseless remnants into a usable blanket.Elise felt it was her duty torepair the inevitable rips as an homage to the unknown creator and as amanifestation of her adoration for the little boy who cherished it.


  “I love how cool it feels when I first getinto bed,” her little man observed the first night he wrapped himself in theold quilt. “But before long, it warms up, and I’m snug as a bug in a rug. Wheredid you get it?”


  The question was one whose answer was toomundane to inflict on a wide eyed little boy, so Elise stretched the truth justa little. “It was brought over on the Mayflower by the Pilgrims,” she answeredto her son's delight. “It’s made from pieces of fabric from all over Europe andis the first blanket used by the first Americans.”


  It was just a little white lie, but it wasalso the beginning of a cherished tradition.As stitches unraveled and astears ripped the quilt and the little boy's heart, Elise sat by his bed andmended the heirloom. Then she would continue the "true" story of howthe quilthad found its way to her son.

  这只是一个小小的善意的谎言,也是一个宝贵“传统”的开始。每当针脚散开,毯子扯破时,小男孩会很伤心,爱丽丝就会坐在他床边,修补这个“传家之宝”。然后,她就会继续讲述这个毯子是如何来到她儿子手中的 "真实 "故事。

  “During the Revolutionary War, your quiltwas captured by General Cornwallis and used to keep his legs warm on the coldwinter nights.” Elise said, weaving a story as intricate as the blanket itself.“It wasn’t until the surrender at Yorktown that it was returned.”

  "在美国独立战争期间,你的毯子被康沃利斯将军缴获。在寒冷的冬夜,他用这床毯子给他的双腿保暖。" 爱丽丝说,编织着一个和毯子本身一样复杂的故事。"直到约克镇投降后,才被归还毯子。"



  “Yes, Yorktown,'' she said smiling, “GeorgeWashington took it from Cornwallis and used it during his eight years aspresident.”


  “You mean my blanket has been to the WhiteHouse?”


  “Of course it has,” Elise answered with awink. “But not because of George Washington, silly. John Adams was the firstpresident to live in the White House.”


  “Who then, Mom? ``The little boy asked.,“Who took my blanket to the White House?”


  “That’s a story for later,” Elise replied,kissing her son on his forehead. “Now you get some sleep, and I’ll continue thestory next time.”


  Elise, unfortunately, had far too manyopportunities to continue the blanket’s tale as her son was given todebilitating headaches. At first, the doctors thought he was prone to systemicmigraines, but the truth was much worse. Many nights, too many, the little boywould curl up in pain, his teeth clenched in a faux smile. The headaches wereexcruciating, only soothed by a cold wash cloth, his mother’s gentle voice, andthe telling of the quilt’s tale as he drifted off to sleep.


  There were also many a night where Elisewould sit with her son as he slept, meticulously piecing back together thetears that threatened the blanket entirely, wishing there was a way she couldalso mend her son. The room would be completely quiet save for the sound ofElise’s song. It was something she had done since she was his age.Inadvertently yet intentionally she would let the air slip through her lips,creating a tune just for him that would live for that moment, replaced the nexttime by one equally beautiful and equally unique.


  “As it turns out, the first time the quiltmade it to the White House was just after Abraham Lincoln was electedpresident,” Elise said the next night, continuing the story from where they’dleft off. The pain had become more frequent and more intense, requiring morechapters more often. The story's continuation, however, had the desiredresults, a distraction and a smile.


  “Abraham Lincoln, he used my quilt, too?”her son asked, too young to doubt his mother.


  “Of course he did,” Elise responded,tickling her son just to hear him laugh. “It’s a little known fact, but MountRushmore was actually created to show all of the presidents who used yourblanket.”


  Elise always had a basin of cold water byher side whenever she sat with her son. Very early on she learned that thecoolness of the cloth would help quiet the pain in his head. It was hergreatest joy to moisten the cloth keeping it cold throughout her story. Thelittle boy’s head still throbbed, but while his mom was telling the story shewould gently wipe his forehead with the cold cloth, and it was almost as if heforgot the pain for a time. If all went well, he would fall asleep listening tothe tale of his blanket, as sleep was becoming his only relief from the pain.


  “Did you know your blanket went to themoon?” Elise asked one day when her son seemed particularly down. “NeilArmstrong may have been the first man to set foot on the moon, but he laid outyour quilt so he and Buzz Aldrin could have a picnic.”


  The idea of two astronauts having a picnicon the moon resulted in spontaneous laughter for both mother and son.


  “Is Buzz Lightyear named after BuzzAldrin?” he asked his mom, as both continued to laugh.


  “As a matter of fact he was,” Elise repliedwith a smile. “If you must know, Buzz Aldrin presented your quilt to BuzzLightyear as a gift which means your blanket has been…”


  “To infinity and beyond!”


  “Exactly,” Elise confirmed as she refreshedhis cloth and placed it back on his head.


  Day after day she would take her boy todoctors and then specialists and eventually to the hospital. Then, night afternight, she would sit by his bed and tell the story of the quilt. Elise dideverything she could to stretch out the story, and as each new adventure waspassed from mother to son so too was hope, in the only way she knewhow.


  The night that she finished the story was,in so many ways, just like most of the other nights. Elise was home in herfavorite chair next to her son’s bed. Her breathing was labored and her voiceunsteady. “And then I stopped by a flea market on my way home from the storeand there it was, your beautiful, wonderful blanket. I knew you must have it,so I scooped it up, paid the nice woman, and brought it home to you.”


  Tears filled Elise’s eyes as she sewed thelast stitch on the old quilt. Holding it up, she remembered the first time herson covered himself with the blanket. I love how cool it feels when I first get intobed.


  “It’s finally fixed. It’sperfect.”Elise said out loud, tears continuing to flow. “I love how coolit feels, too.”


  Summoning every bit of her strength, shelay the beloved blanket on the empty bed in front of her.


  Being a mom is a job that is never trulyfinished, at least she had hoped so. With nothing else left to do for her son,she sat back in the chair and silently sobbed.
