初 三 英 语 易 错 题 解 析

  初 三 英 语 易 错 题 解 析

  1 Not only Jim but also his sister ____a few cities in the south since they came to China.

  A have visited B has visited C visited D visits

  一秒解题:要学会看关键词,本道题可根据二组提示词选出,第一,since是现在完成时的标志词,所以答案只能在A,B中间选出。第二,not only,but also 中文意思“不但……而且……,”适用就近原则,也就是说用have还是has,由his sister三单来决定。所以答案只能是B。

  2 Little Mary says good night to her parents____she goes to bed every day.

  A after B until C before D unless



  3 Tom,together with his friends,often____to the old people’s home to cheer the old up.

  A go B going C goes

  一秒解题:考主谓一致。 主语Tom是三单,所以用goes,当主语后跟with,together with,like 时,谓语动词的单复数形式与主语保持一致。
