


  答案:F C J D G A I E B K

  Section B

  Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2.

  [A] Though he didn’t come from a farming family, from a young age Tim Joseph was fascinated by the idea of living off the land. Reading magazines like the Stockman Grass Farmer and Graze, he got hooked on the idea of grass-fed agriculture. The idea that all energy and wealth comes from the sun really intrigued him. He thought the shorter the distance between the sun and the end product, the higher the profit to the farmer. 蒂姆·约瑟夫虽然不是一个农家子弟,但他从小就对靠土地为生的想法着迷。他读了《牧民草农》和《吃草》之类的杂志,迷上了以草为食的农业。所有的能量和财富都来自太阳的想法真的吸引了他。他认为,太阳与最终产品的距离越短,农民的利润就越高。

  [B] Joseph wanted to put this theory to the test. In 2009, he and his wife Laura launched Maple Hill Creamery, an organic, all grass-fed yogurt company in northern New York. He quickly learned what the market has demonstrated: Demand for grass-fed products currently exceeds supply. Grass-fed beef is enjoying a 25-30% annual growth rate. Sales of grass-fed yogurt and kefir(发酵乳饮品), on the other hand, have in the last year increased by over 38%. This is comparison with a drop of just under 1% in the total yogurt and kefir market, according to natural and organic market research company SPINS. Joseph’s top priority became getting his hands on enough grass-fed milk to keep customers satisfied,since his own 64-cow herd wasn’t going to suffice. 约瑟夫想检验这个理论。2009年,他和妻子劳拉在纽约北部创办了一家有机全草酸奶公司Maple Hill Creamery。他很快了解到市场的表现:目前对草饲料产品的需求超过了供应。草食牛肉的年增长率为25-30%。另一方面,草食酸奶和开菲尔的销售额去年增长了38%以上。根据自然和有机市场研究公司SPINS的数据,相比之下,酸奶和开菲尔酸奶的总销量下降了不到1%。约瑟夫的首要任务是获得足够的草食牛奶来满足顾客的需求,因为他自己的64头牛群不够用。

  [C] His first partnership was with Paul and Phyllis Amburgh, owners of the Dharma Lea farm in New York. The Amburghs, too, were true believers in grass-fed. In addition to supplying milk from their own 85-head herd, they began to help other farmers in the area convert from conventional to certified organic and grass-fed in order to enter the Maple Hill supply chain. Since 2010, the couple has helped 125 small dairy farms convert to grass-fed, with more than 80% of those farms coming on board during the last two years. 他的第一个合作伙伴是保罗和菲利斯安伯格,他们是纽约达摩利亚农场的老板。安伯格一家也是真正的草食信徒。除了从自己的85头牛群中供应牛奶外,他们还开始帮助该地区的其他农民从传统的有机饲料和草饲料转变为合格的有机饲料,以便进入枫山供应链。自2010年以来,这对夫妇已经帮助125个小奶牛场改用草料饲养,其中80%以上的农场在过去的两年里都投入了生产。

  [D] All this conversion has helped Maple Hill grow 40-50% every year since it began, with no end in sight, Jospeh has learned that a farmer has to have a certain mindset to successfully convert. But convincing open-minded dairy people is actually not that hard, when you look at the economics. Grass-fed milk can fetch up to 2.5 times the price of conventional milk. Another factor is the squeeze that conventional dairy farmers have felt as the price of grain they feed their cows has gone up, tightening their profit margins. By replacing expensive grain feed with regenerative management practices, grass-fed farmers are insulated from jumps in the price of feed. These practices include grazing animals on grasses grown from the pastureland’s natural seed bank, and fertilized by the cows’ own fertilizer. 所有这些转变都帮助枫山从一开始就以每年40-50%的速度增长,而且看不到尽头,Jospeh已经认识到农民必须有一定的心态才能成功地转变。但是,从经济学的角度来看,说服思想开放的奶制品行业人士其实并不难。草食牛奶的价格是传统牛奶的2.5倍。另一个因素是传统奶农感到的压力,因为他们饲养奶牛的谷物价格上涨,使他们的利润率收紧。通过用再生管理方法取代昂贵的谷物饲料,草食农民免受饲料价格上涨的影响。这些做法包括在牧场的天然种子库种植的草上放牧,并用奶牛自己的肥料施肥。

  [E] Champions of this type of regenerative grazing also point to its animal welfare, climate and health benefits: Grass-fed animals live longer out of confinement, Grazing herds stimulate microbial(微生物的)activity in the soil, helping to capture water and separate carbon. And grass-fed dairy and meat have been shown to be higher in certain nutrients and healthy fats. 这种再生放牧的拥护者也指出了它对动物的福利、气候和健康的好处:草食动物在禁闭状态下活得更长,放牧群刺激土壤中的微生物活动,帮助捕获水分和分离碳。而草食奶制品和肉类在某些营养素和健康脂肪中含量更高。

  [F] In the grass-fed system, farmers are also not subject to the wildly fluctuating milk prices of the international commodity market. The unpredictability of global demand and the lag-time it takes to add more cows to a herd to meet demand can result in events like the recent cheese surplus. Going grass-fed is a safe refuge, a way for family-scale farms to stay viable. Usually a farmer will get to the point where financially, what they’re doing is not working. That’s when they call Maple Hill. If the farm is well managed and has enough land, and the desire to convert is sincere, a relationship can begin. Through regular regional educational meetings, a large annual meeting, individual farm visits and thousands of phone calls, the Amburghs pass on the principles of pasture management. Maple Hill signs a contract pledging to buy the farmer’s milk at a guaranteed base price, plus quality premiums and incentives for higher protein, butter-fat and other solids. 在草食体系中,农民也不受国际商品市场剧烈波动的牛奶价格的影响。全球需求的不可预测性以及为满足需求而向牛群中添加更多奶牛所需的滞后时间,可能导致近期奶酪过剩等事件。吃草是一个安全的避难所,是家庭规模农场维持生存的一种方式。通常一个农民会达到这样一个地步:在经济上,他们所做的是不工作的。那时候他们叫枫山。如果农场管理得好,土地充足,而且皈依的愿望是真诚的,那么一段关系就可以开始了。通过定期的区域教育会议、大型年会、个别农场参观和数千通电话,安伯格人传递了牧场管理的原则。枫山签署了一份合同,承诺以有保证的基本价格购买农民的牛奶,外加质量溢价和高蛋白、黄油脂肪和其他固体物质的奖励。

  [G] While Maple Hill’s conversion program is unusually hands-on and comprehensive, it’s just one of a growing number of businesses committed to slowly changing the way America farms. Joseph calls sharing his knowledge network through peer-to-peer learning a core piece of the company’s culture. Last summer, Massachusetts grass-fed beef advocate John Smith launched Big Picture Beef, a network of small grass-fed beef farms in New England and New York that is projected to bring to market 2,500 head of cattle from 125 producers this year. Early indications are that Smith will have no shortage of farm members. Since he began to informally announce the network at farming conferences and on social media, he’s received a steady stream of inquiries from interested farmers. 虽然枫山公司的转化项目非常实用和全面,但它只是越来越多致力于慢慢改变美国农业方式的企业之一。约瑟夫称通过点对点学习来分享他的知识网络是公司文化的核心部分。去年夏天,马萨诸塞州草食牛肉倡导者约翰史密斯(John Smith)在新英格兰和纽约建立了一个小型草食牛肉农场网络Big Picture beef,预计今年将有125家生产商的2500头牛投放市场。早期迹象表明,史密斯将不乏农场成员。自从他开始在农业会议和社交媒体上非正式地宣布这一网络以来,他不断收到感兴趣的农民的询问。

  [H] Smith says he’ll provide services ranging from formal seminars to on-farm workshops on holistic(整体的) management, to one-on-one hand-holding and an almost 24/7 phone hotline for farmers who are converting. In exchange, he guarantees an above-market price for each animal and a calf-to-customer electronic ear tag ID system like that used in the European Union. 史密斯说,他将提供各种服务,从正式的研讨会到关于整体管理的农场研讨会,再到一对一的手控和几乎24/7电话热线,为正在转变的农民提供服务。作为交换,他保证每只动物的价格都高于市场价格,并为客户提供一个像欧盟那样的电子耳牌识别系统。

  [I] Though advocates portray grass-fed products as a win-win situation for all, they do have downsides. Price, for one, is an issue. Joseph says his products are priced 10-20% above organic versions, but depending on the product chosen, compared to non-organic conventional yogurt, consumers could pay a premium of 30-50% or more for grass-fed. As for the meat, Smith says his grass-fed hamburger will be priced 20-25% over the conventional alternative. But a look at the prices on online grocer Fresh Direct suggests a grass-fed premium of anywhere from 35-60%. 虽然倡导者把草食产品描绘成所有人的双赢局面,但他们确实有缺点。首先,价格是个问题。约瑟夫说,他的产品价格比有机酸奶高出10-20%,但根据所选产品的不同,与非有机的传统酸奶相比,消费者可以为草食酸奶支付30-50%或更多的溢价。至于肉,史密斯说他的草食汉堡包的价格将比传统汉堡高出20-25%。但看看网上杂货店FreshDirect的价格,就可以看出草饲料的溢价在35-60%之间。

  [J] And not every farmer has the option of going grass-fed. For both beef and dairy production, it requires, at least in the beginning, more pastureland. Grass-fed beef production tends to be more labor-intensive as well. But Smith counters that if you factor in the hidden cost of government corn subsidies, environment degradation, and decreased human health and animal welfare, grass-fed is the more cost-effective model. "The sun provides the lowest cost of production and the cheapest meat," he says. 并不是每个农民都可以选择吃草。对于牛肉和奶制品生产来说,至少在一开始,它需要更多的牧场。草食牛肉生产往往也更劳动密集。但史密斯反驳说,如果将政府玉米补贴、环境恶化、人类健康和动物福利下降等隐性成本考虑在内,草料喂养才是更具成本效益的模式。”太阳提供了最低的生产成本和最便宜的肉类,”他说。

  [K] Another grass-fed booster spurring farmers to convert is EPIC, which makes meat-based protein bars. Founders Taylor Collins and his wife, Katie Forrest, used to be endurance athletes; now they’re advocates of grass-fed meat. Soon after launching EPIC’s most successful product-the Bison Bacon Cranberry Bar-Collins and Forrest found they’d exhausted their sources for bison(北美野牛) raised exclusively on pasture. When they started researching the supply chain, they learned that only 2-3% of all bison is actually grass-fed. The rest is feed-lot confined and fed grain and corn. 另一种促进农民转化的草饲料是EPIC,它生产肉类蛋白质棒。创始人泰勒·柯林斯(Taylor Collins)和他的妻子凯蒂·福雷斯特(Katie Forrest)曾经是耐力运动员;现在他们是草食肉的拥护者。在推出EPIC最成功的产品——野牛培根蔓越莓酒吧(Bison Bacon Cranberry Bar Collins and Forrest)后不久,他们发现他们已经耗尽了全部资源,只在牧场上饲养野牛。当他们开始研究供应链时,他们了解到只有2-3%的野牛实际上是草食动物。剩下的是圈养的饲料场,用来喂养谷物和玉米。

  [L] But after General Mills bought EPIC in 2016, Collins and Forrest suddenly had the resources they needed to expand their supply chain. So the company teamed up with Wisconsin-based rancher Northstar Bison. EPIC fronted the money for the purchase of $2.5 million worth of young bison that will be raised according to its grass-fed protocols, with a guaranteed purchase price. The message to young people who might not otherwise be able to afford to break into the business is, “You can purchase this $3 million piece of land here, because I’m guaranteeing you today you’ll have 1,000 bison on it.’ We’re bringing new blood into the old, conventional farming ecosystem, which is really cool to see," Collins explains. 但是在2016年通用磨坊收购了EPIC之后,柯林斯和福利斯突然拥有了扩展供应链所需的资源。所以公司与威斯康星州的牧场主北星野牛合作。EPIC为购买价值250万美元的年轻野牛提供了资金,这些野牛将根据其草食协议筹集资金,购买价格有保障。柯林斯解释道,对于那些可能无力涉足该行业的年轻人来说,要传达的信息是:“你可以在这里购买这片价值300万美元的土地,因为我保证今天你将拥有1000头野牛。我们正在为古老的传统农业生态系统注入新的血液,这真的很酷。”。

  36. Farmers going grass-fed are not affected by the ever-changing milk prices of the global market.


  【关键词】:are not affected ; ever-changing milk prices

  【定位】: In the grass-fed system, farmers are also not subject to the wildly fluctuating milk prices of the international commodity market.

  37. Over the years, Tim Joseph’s partners have helped many dairy farmers to switch to grass-fed.


  【关键词】:switch to grass-fed.

  【定位】:they began to help other farmers in the area convert from conventional to certified organic and grass-fed in order to enter the Maple Hill supply chain.

  38.One advocate believes that many other benefits should be taken into consideration when we assess the cost-effectiveness of grass-fed farming.


  【关键词】:many other benefits; the cost-effectiveness

  【定位】:But Smith counters that if you factor in the hidden cost of government corn subsidies, environment degradation, and decreased human health and animal welfare, grass-fed is the more cost-effective model.

  39. Many dairy farmers were persuaded to switch to grass-fed when they saw its advantage in terms of profits.


  【关键词】:its advantage, persuaded to switch to grass-fed

  【定位】:But convincing open-minded dairy people is actually not that hard, when you look at the economics.

  40. Tim Joseph’s grass-fed program is only one example of how American farming practice is changing.


  【关键词】:only one example; American

  【定位】:it’s just one of a growing number of businesses committed to slowly changing the way America farms.

  41. Tim Joseph was fascinated by the notion that sunlight brings energy and wealth to mankind.


  【关键词】:sunlight; energy and wealth

  【定位】:He thought the shorter the distance between the sun and the end product, the higher the profit to the farmer.

  42. One problem with grass-fed products is that they are usually more expensive than conventional ones.


  【关键词】:more expensive

  【定位】:Joseph says his products are priced 10-20% above organic versions

  43. Grass-fed products have proved to be healthier and more nutritious.


  【关键词】:healthier and more nutritious.

  【定位】:Champions of this type of regenerative grazing also point to its animal welfare, climate and health benefits

  44. When Tim Joseph started his business, he found grass-fed products fell short of demand.


  【关键词】:started his business; short of demand.

  【定位】:he and his wife Laura launched Maple Hill Creamery; Demand for grass-fed products currently exceeds supply.

  45. A snack bar producer discovered that the supply of purely grass-fed bison meat was scarce.


  【关键词】:A snack bar producer; grass-fed bison meat

  【定位】: Soon after launching EPIC’s most successful product-the Bison Bacon Cranberry Bar-Collins and Forrest found they’d exhausted their sources for bison(北美野牛) raised exclusively on pasture.



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