
  [前 言]



  Thousands of Faces ——

  Conversation Between East and West: Chinese Ink Figurative Art.

  We are so used to expressing our thoughtsthrough texts but are gradually becoming unfamiliar with Imagery. This factleads us to paintings, which enables our ability to observe, express, andcontemplate everything.

  The way of expressing oneself is unique inChinese ink painting. The writing brush used by Chinese is one of the mostexpressive and softest methods, of which the irregularity, humidity, and asense of rhythm make artworks full of motions and layouts. Moreover, the veryheart of the Chinese ink paintings is between similarity and dissimilarity,which requires the capture of spirits of objects. This pursuit to revealeventually leads to the expression of imagery rather than the direct depictionof the outer world. This exhibition of Chinese ink figurative paintingsconsists of artists from different cultural backgrounds, which aims to presentthe interactions between people, nature, and oneself, in terms of differentspaces and times.

  艺术嘉宾Rafael Katz



  在布朗大学三年级时,卡茨有机会在台湾度过一年,在那里他开始学习中国书法。 40年后,他对中国艺术产生了热情。 从布朗大学毕业后,卡茨搬到纽约市,在那里他学习艺术学生联盟的人物绘画,并在耶鲁大学研究生院之前做零工。在耶鲁大学获得硕士学位后, 卡茨搬回了纽约市,在那里他发展了他的艺术,并开始在东村以及城市周围的其他场所展示他的绘画作品。卡茨定期出版插图和书籍封面。搬到俄勒冈州波特兰后,他最终被黑鱼画廊代表,黑鱼画廊是美国西北太平洋地区最重要的画廊之一。他的作品已在美国和国际上广泛展出。在巴拉克?奥巴马(Barack Obama)首次就职期间,他的一幅画被刊登在华盛顿特区国会大厦的艺术展上。 卡茨 的画作收藏在公共和私人收藏中,包括西雅图艺术博物馆。

  Rafael Katzwas born ina medieval stone house on the `heal of the boot’ of Southern Italy in the smallSouthern coastal town of Lecce. He grewup on mostly on the east coast of the United States. Katz spent a portion ofhis childhood living `off the grid’ at a commune in upstate New York. Thefamily spent their summers in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia where many New Yorkartists had formed a community.

  During hisjunior year at Brown, Katz had an opportunity to spend a year abroad in Taiwanwhere he began to learn Chinese calligraphy. He developed a passion for Chinese art which continues 40 years later. After graduating from Brown, Katz moved toNew York City where he studied figure drawing at the Art Students League anddid odd jobs before he went to graduate school at Yale. After earning his MA degree at Yale, Katzmoved back to New York City where he developed his art and started show to hispaintings in the East Village as well as other venues around the city. Katz regularly published illustrations andbook covers. After moving to PortlandOregon, he was eventually represented by the Blackfish Gallery, one of the premiergalleries in the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. His work has been exhibited widely in the U.S. and internationally. One of his paintings was featured in an artexhibition at the Capitol Building of Washington DC during Barack Obama’s firstinauguration. Katz’ paintings are inpublic and private collections, including the Seattle Art Museum.

  代表作品 /Representative work


  Birds as Bee, Ink and Water Color on Xuan Paper,

  2019, 20x30 cm


  Nature is not Kind, Ink and Water Color on Xuan Paper,

  2020, 66x136 cm


  艺术嘉宾 许子智


  许子智 职业画家








  Zizhi Xu graduated from the Xiamen Academy of Arts and Design. Based on the rigorous academic training in Chinese traditional ink art, Zizhi attempts to invoke its spiritual power to cope with the issues the cotemporaries are faced with. Xu Zizhi's paintings are in public and private collections, such as Copelouzos Art Museum (Greece).

  代表作品 /Representative work代表作品 /Representative work


  2017花肥伊人瘦 59X78cm


  2020 躲猫猫之一 59X89cm

  艺术嘉宾 谢济斌








  Jibin graduated from the College of Art,Xiamen University. His early career is related to product design andprofessional comics, and he has been worked on Chinese ink art for decades.Jibin is a member of the Fujian Artists Association and director of the FujianCartoonist Association. Hisrecent artwork was collected by National Museum Scotland.

  代表作品 /Representative work





  【活 动 流 程】




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