《经济管理学刊》创刊 | 第1期概览











  Promotion Tournaments

  Literature Review and Future Directions

  摘 要 Abstract


  Intensive regional competition for investment attraction and economic development has been one of the most salient features of China’s economic miracle in the past decades. As one of mainstream analytical approaches to analyzing Chinese local governments and bureaucrats, the promotion tournament theory has attracted increasing attention from international and domestic scholars, and greatly enhanced the research frontiers about bureaucratic incentives, government behavior, and the China’s economy. This article provides a comprehensive review of theoretical and empirical studies along this line of research, assesses their contributions to understanding the institutional logic of China’s reforms and opening policies and economic development, and clarifies some common misunderstandings and confusions about this approach. This article also evaluates the limitations and problems of the existing literature and suggests future directions of research.

  关键词 Keywords

  官员晋升锦标赛; 地方政府; 地方竞争; 中国经济; 政治经济学

  Promotion Tournaments; Local Government; Regional Competition; Chinese Economy; Political Economy

  作 者:周黎安 , 经济学博士 , 教授 , 北京大学光华管理学院



  一个基于 “国家整体价值 - 政策空间" 假说的政策框架

  Why Should China Adopt More Proactive Macroeconomic Policies?

  A Policy Framework Based on the Complete Value?Policy Space Hypothesis

  摘 要 Abstract


  Using GDP as a macro?policy objective tends to overstate a nation’s macro leverage ratio and understate its potential to employ countercyclical policies during economic downturns. In this paper, we propose using the complete value (CV) instead of GDP as the objective for macro-policies and construct a policy space variable accordingly. Including the policy space variable in the financial crisis prediction model in Greenwood, Hanson, Shleifer and S?rensen (2022), credit growth and asset price boom lose their predictive power of financial crisis. Moreover, we find that the effect of policy space to prevent financial crisis is more pronounced in economies with higher TFP growth and investment efficiency. Our empirical findings suggest that the Kindleberger?Minsky model of financial crisis is less applicable to countries with sound fundamentals and ample policy space. This paper hence argues that China has sufficient policy space for proactive macro?policies with its CV being above the headline GDP and its long?term steady growth rate being above the public debt interest rate. We propose a macro?policy framework based on the CV and recommend several policy measures to help move the Chinese economy back to a steady growth trajectory.

  关键词 Keywords

  整体价值; 政策空间; 金德尔伯格 - 明斯基假说; 积极宏观政策; 中国经济

  Complete Value; Policy Space; the Kindleberger?Minsky Hypothesis; Proactive Macroeconomic Policies; Chinese Economy

  作 者:刘俏 , 经济学博士 , 教授 , 北京大学光华管理学院; 刘洪林 , 金融学博士 , 博士后研究员,中国信达资产管理股份有限公司



  News Tone and Stock Return in Chinese Market

  摘 要 Abstract


  Using daily news tone data from 2017 to 2020, we examine whether news tone can predict stock returns in the Chinese A?share market. We find that news tone significantly and positively predicts the cross?sectional stock returns over the next day and the next 12 weeks. When the news is separated into online news and paper news, the former exhibits strong predictive power for future returns, while the latter only has marginal predictive power. For this difference, we hypothesize that the online news likely reflects information about firm fundamentals, while the paper news mostly focuses on SOE firms. Our results using earnings surprises and SOE subsample provide supportive evidence for the hypothesis.

  关键词 Keywords

  新闻语调; 股票回报; 文本分析

  News Tone; Stock Returns; Text Analysis

  作 者:张晓燕 , 金融学博士 , 教授 , 清华大学五道口金融学院 ;葛慧敏 , 博士研究生 , 清华大学五道口金融学院




  Party Leadership in Corporate Governance

  Perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility

  摘 要 Abstract


  This paper shows, theoretically and empirically, that the organizations of the Communist Party of China (CPC) play an important role in improving corporate social responsibilities (CSR). In the baseline model, the objective of enterprises is to maximize firm value, while the objective of the CPC is to maximize social welfare. Consequently, the free market system without the CPC’s guidance leads to inefficient CSR commitment, and the leadership of the CPC could help to improve CSR by incorporating social welfare into the firm’s objective function. The baseline model also reveals that the positive effect of the leadership of the CPC on CSR is more pronounced when the firm itself cares less about social welfare initiatively. Then in the extension model, considering the information asymmetry between the Central Committee of Party (CCP) and the enterprise?level committees of the party (ECP), we show that in an economy with the CCP only or the ECP only, the CSR cannot reach the social optimum either. Only when the CCP provides information on overall CSR demand, the ECP provide enterprise?specific guidance according to the CCP’s information, and enterprises manage production activities under the ECP’s guidance, can optimal CSR be achieved. The empirical results among A?share public firms provide support to the theoretical predictions. Overall, our paper highlights the important role played by the CPC in corporate governance.

  关键词 Keywords

  党的领导; 党组织治理; 企业党建; 企业治理; 企业社会责任承担

  the Communist Party of China; Party Leadership; Governance of Party; Corporate Governance; Corporate Social Responsibility

  作 者:刘晓蕾, 金融学博士, 教授, 北京大学光华管理学院;李学楠, 金融学博士, 教授, 长江商学院;李松楠, 金融学博士研究生, 北京大学光华管理学院;冯业倩, 金融学博士研究生, 北京大学光华管理学院



  Social Communication, Information Aggregation,

  and New Investor Participation

  摘 要 Abstract


  This paper proposes a parsimonious approach to estimate the effect of social interaction on stock market participation. Using data publicly available, we construct a sequence of measures of aggregated stock returns that are based on the same stock returns information and embed social interaction increasingly through different weighting functions. We show that the explanatory power over stock market participation is increasing in this sequence of aggregated stock returns measures. The effect is stronger when social interaction is stronger or social communication costs are lower, when the social information is positive and during bull markets. Our approach potentially is applicable to study the effects of social interactions in the aggregate in a wide range of contexts.

  关键词 Keywords

  社会性交流; 信息整合; 股票市场参与

  Social Communication; Information Aggregation; Stock Market Participation

  作 者:刘玉珍 , 博士 , 教授 , 北京大学光华管理学院;孟涓涓 , 博士 , 教授 , 北京大学光华管理学院;尤炜 , 博士 , 助理教授 , 北京大学新结构经济学研究院;赵龙凯 , 博士 , 教授 , 北京大学光华管理学院




  The US Exorbitant Privilege

  How does the US Dollar Exploits the World?

  摘 要 Abstract


  This paper presents a new theory on the US exorbitant privilege that it is service fee paid by the rest of the world to the US in contrast to the conventional view of insurance premium. In good times, the rest of the world buys low yield US treasuries for convenience purposes, while the US buys high yield foreign assets. In crisis times, the implicit fee becomes larger as the global financial institutions demand liquidity offered by the US treasuries. I build a two?country DSGE model to illustrate my service fee mechanism.

  关键词 Keywords

  安全资产; 汇率; 美元特权

  Safe Asset; Exchange Rate; Exorbitant Privilege

  作 者:陈泽丰, 经济学博士, 助理教授 , 北京大学光华管理学院




  From Data Processing to Blockchain Networking

  A Recount and Projection of Information Systems Research

  摘 要 Abstract


  In the past seventy years since the sale of the first mainframe computer by IBM in 1953, the world have become an information society that relies on networked computing systems in all aspects of work and life. Along with the evolution of computing, Information Systems have become an indispensable discipline in business and management that serves the needs of other managerial disciplines and performs its business functions. Further information technology (IT) has become a sine qua non for the survival of a business and a source of much competitive advantage. Without advanced IT systems, an organization cannot survive for long today. In this paper, we recount and evaluate the evolution of Information Systems research since its infancy in the 1980s by empirically analyzing the research that has been published in leading academic journals. We found that research in Information Systems has evolved through several stages. During this evolution the basic disciplines from which researchers have drawn have also shifted considerably. Over this period the underlying technology support for the research has also developed enormously from simple data processing to systems development, client?server networks, electronic commerce, several generations of the Web (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0) and blockchain. Each new technology generation has spawned its own unique set of research issues and in turn influenced the research agenda of the scholars in the IS field in terms of research topics, methods, and theories. History offers a mirror to the past and a lesson for the present, and thus we believe that the results of this study should provide instructional value for new researchers such as doctoral students in Information Systems and other related disciplines.

  关键词 Keywords

  研究方向的演化; 信息系统; 区块链; 元字宙; 非同质化通证; 加密货币; 主题模型; 第三代互联网

  Evolution of Research; Information Systems; Blockchain; Metaverse; NFT; Cryptocurrency; Topic Modeling; Web 3.0

  作 者:范绍坤,博士,副教授,美国俄勒冈州立大学商学院;诺扬?伊尔克(Noyan Ilk) , 博士, 副教授, 美国佛罗里达州立大学商学院;希拉克?库默(Akhil Kumar) , 博士, 教授, 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学斯米尔商学院;徐睿沄, 博士, 国际博士后, 深圳大数据研究院, 香港中文大学(深圳);赵建良, 博士, 校长讲座教授, 香港中文大学(深圳)经管学院




  The Competitive Implications of Behavior?Based Service Prioritization

  摘 要 Abstract

  基于顾客行为的服务策略(BBS) 是指管理实践中常见的以服务优先权奖励忠诚顾客的服务策略。本文使用一个双寡头理论模型来研究企业采用BBS策略对竞争的影响。BBS策略具有双重外部性:为高级别顾客提供优先服务和提升服务质量(正外部性)势必会降低为低级别顾客提供的服务质量(负外部性),反之亦然。当两个平台同时采用BBS策略时,顾客会期待未来从正外部性中获得预期收益,因此当下可能会支付超过产品本身价值的“身份溢价”。在这类“寻求身份”均衡的情境下,两家公司都能获益。然而,在低级别顾客的负外部性很强的市场,顾客可能会忽视BBS策略。在这类“忽视身份”均衡的情境下,忠诚顾客事实上不会从高级别地位中获益。当两家企业采取相反的BBS策略时,不使用BBS策略的企业所获得的利润可能会高于其竞争对手,因为新顾客只会从使用BBS策略的企业体验到负外部性。这些结果揭示了考虑由BBS策略带来双重外部性的重要性。

  This paper uses a stylized duopoly model to study the competitive effects of Behavior? Based Servicing (BBS), a common practice that rewards loyal customers with service priority. BBS entails dual externalities: improved service quality to high?priority customers (positive externality) leads to reduced service quality to low?priority customers (negative externality), and vice versa. When both firms adopt BBS, their customers may pay a status premium above their natural product valuation in anticipation of future value from the positive externality. Both firms gain profits in such a status?seeking equilibrium. However, consumers can become apathetic to BBS in a market with a strong negative externality for low?priority customers; in such an equilibrium, loyal customers do not benefit from their high?priority status. When competing firms pursue opposite BBS strategies, the firm which does not use BBS can earn a higher profit than its competitor because new customers will experience the negative externality only from the firm that uses BBS. These results underscore the importance of examining both sides of externalities engendered by BBS.

  关键词 Keywords

  基于顾客行为的服务策略(BBS); 博弈论; 客户关系管理; 双重外部性

  Behavior?Based Servicing; Game Theory; Consumer Relationship Management; Dual Externalities

  作 者:彼得?兰德里 (Peter Landry) , 博士 , 副教授 , 多伦多大学;石孟泽,博士,陈玉树商学教授,香港科技大学



  Credit Risk and Business Cycles

  摘 要 Abstract

  本文构建了一个包含可违约的长期公司债券和信用风险的动态随机一般均衡模型。在该模型中,信用风险会放大总技术冲击的作用。债务资本比率作为新的状态变量,其内生变动提供了冲击的传播机制。该模型不仅能匹配数据中观察到的产出增长的持续性和波动性,还能较好地匹配数据中的平均股权溢价和平均无风险利率。对该模型的分析表明,信用利差是逆周期的, 其能通过托宾Q影响企业投资决策,进而预测未来经济状况。另外,信用利差还可以通过风险的市场价格的变动来预测未来股票回报。最后,该模型表明信贷市场的金融冲击可以通过托宾Q 传导到实体经济。

  The text incorporates long?term defaultable corporate bonds and credit risk in a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium business cycle model. Credit risk amplifies aggregate technology shocks. The debt?capital ratio is a new state variable and its endogenous movements provide a propagation mechanism. The model can match the persistence and volatility of output growth as well as the mean equity premium and the mean risk?free rate as in the data. The model implied credit spreads are countercyclical and forecast future economic activities because they affect firm investment through Tobin’s Q. They also forecast future stock returns through changes in the market price of risk. Finally, The model shows that financial shocks to the credit markets are transmitted to the real economy through Tobin’s Q.

  关键词 Keywords

  信用风险; 信用利差; 动态资本结构; 股权溢价; 经济周期; 投资; Q理论

  Credit Risk; Credit Spreads; Dynamic Capital Structure; Equity Premium; Business Cycles; Investment; Q?Theory

  作 者:苗建军, 经济学博士, 教授, 美国波士顿大学经济系;王鹏飞, 经济学博士, 教授, 北京大学汇丰商学院


  交易披露、 学习与交易协同

  Disclosure, Learning, and Coordination

  摘 要 Abstract


  We analyze how informed investors can learn from each other through disclosed trades. We show that disclosure always increases market efficiency but its effect on informed investors’ profits is ambiguous. When informed investors have highly complementary signals, disclosure makes them coordinate their trades, so their expected profits are higher. Moreover, an informed investor with very imprecise information prefers competition in the presence of disclosure as they learns more from the other informed investors than the market and makes more profits than they would obtain if they is the only informed investors. There could exist herding when information acquisition is endogenous.

  关键词 Keywords


  Strategic Trading; Trading Disclosure; Herd Effect

  作 者:曹辉宁 , 博士 , 金融学教授 , 长江商学院 ; 马援 , 博士 , 加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院;叶冬艳 , 博士 , 金融学研究学者 , 长江商学院








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