










  云贵高原(the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau)大部分位于云南,贵州省境内,总面积约50万平方公里,平均海拔2000-4000



  The Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, located mostly in Yunan Prov-ince and Guizhou

  Province, is the fourth largest plateau in China which covers a total area of

  0.5 million square kilome-tres and rises 2,000-4,000 metres above the sea level

  on average. The plateau slopes from the west to the east with many rivers

  flowing through, gradually forming a lot of steep canyons where there are

  fertile lands which benefit the growth of many crops.

  The unique natural environment of the plateau contributes to great

  biological and cultural diversity. It is well recog-nized as both an area rich

  in forest and mineral resources and an important human cradle. It is also the

  region with the most minority peoples in China, where their colourful cultural

  traditions are well preserved.


  In an era of information explosion, there is a heated debate over whether

  we need to develop criticality and make rational judgement. Some prefer

  following suit, whereas others have the idea that thinking critically is of

  great necessity. As for me, the latter is more reasonable.

  There are a range of reasons accountable for my point of view. Firstly,

  college students showing more critique usually make better decisions. They learn

  to differentiate useful information from various sources rather than accepting

  all without consid-eration. Therefore, they can draw a relatively comprehensive

  conclusion and make the best choice based on the information as well as their

  condition. Moreover, when they graduate and enter the workplace, the ability to

  think critically can help them assess if the position is suitable for

  themselves. A suit-able job, rather than a position simply with high salary, is

  a channel for an employee to realize the potential. Besides, in their daily

  life, critical thinking enables them to select better friends and expand social


  In sum, thinking critically is of great necessity for college stu-dents. It

  not only helps them to gain advantages in the compe-tition with peer groups, but

  also allows them to select an ap-propriate start of the career and establish

  more positive friendship with others.
