





  假定你是李华,你校计划举办介绍中国传统文化的主题班会,并在英语网站上展示, 请你给外国朋友Chris写封信,向他了解哪些中国传统文化更吸引外国朋友,内容如下:





  Dear Chris,


  I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you because my school is planning to hold a themed class meeting to introduce Chinese traditional culture. As a foreign friend who is interested in Chinese culture, I want to seek your advice on which aspects of Chinese traditional culture would be most attractive to foreigners.


  In recent years, there has been a growing trend toward globalization, and many countries have started to focus on their cultural heritage. As such, I believe it is important for us to introduce our cultural traditions to others. Through this meeting, we hope to share with you the unique beauty and significance of Chinese traditional culture.


  In my opinion, some of the most attractive aspects of Chinese traditional culture include calligraphy, painting, music, and martial arts. These art forms have a deep spiritual and philosophical significance, and they are also beautiful in their own right. I believe that these aspects of Chinese culture would be particularly appealing to foreigners who are interested in art and culture.


  Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I hope that you can provide us with some valuable advice on how to introduce Chinese traditional culture to foreigners.


  Best regards,


  Li Hua


  你校将举办英语演讲比赛,请你以Besmartonlinelearners题写一篇发言稿参赛, 内容包括:




  1、词数100 左右;


  Be smart online learners: advantages and disadvantages


  Dear judges and fellow competitors,


  I am excited to share my thoughts on "Be smart online learners: advantages and disadvantages." In today's digital age, online learning has become an increasingly popular option for students around the world. While online learning has its benefits, it also comes with its share of challenges.


  One of the main advantages of online learning is that it allows students to learn at their own pace and in their own time. This can be particularly beneficial for students who have busy schedules or who live in areas where there are no traditional educational resources. Online learning also allows students to collaborate with classmates and teachers from all over the world, which can provide a unique and diverse learning experience.


  However, online learning also has its disadvantages. One major issue is that online learning can lead to a lack of face-to-face interaction and socialization, which can be challenging for some students. Additionally, online learning can be difficult to evaluate, as teachers and mentors may not have the same level of access to student progress and performance.


  To overcome these challenges, I recommend that students take advantage of all the resources that online learning platforms offer, such as feedback loops, interactive exercises, and online discussions. Additionally, students should try to integrate face-to-face interactions with teachers and classmates as often as possible, as this can help to enhance their learning experience.


  In conclusion, while online learning has its advantages and disadvantages, it can be a powerful tool for students to gain valuable knowledge and skills. By taking advantage of all the resources available and incorporating face-to-face interactions where possible, students can achieve their educational goals and succeed in the classroom.


  Thank you for listening.







  As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the launch of the school's English newspaper, Youth, I would like to share my personal experience of reading it.


  Back in high school, I used to spend countless hours reading Youth, enjoying every single article and column. I particularly loved the "Writers' Room" column, where students could share their creative works, and the "Newsroom" column, where we could read about the latest developments at the school.


  These days, as I continue to read Youth Online, I am struck by how much the publication has changed and evolved over the past decade. Youth has become a trusted source of information and inspiration for many students, and I am proud to be part of its community.


  As Youth celebrates its 10th anniversary, I would like to express my gratitude to the publication's team for their hard work and dedication over the past decade. Thank you for providing us with such an enjoyable and informative read.


  In conclusion, I would like to express my expectations and blessing for Youth's future. I hope that the publication will continue to offer high-quality content and that students will continue to enjoy and benefit from it. May Youth continue to be a source of inspiration and education for many years to come.


  假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你和英国好友Jim定本周末一起外出,你因故不 能赴约。请你用英文给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:



  Dear Jim,


  I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to apologize for not being able to join you this weekend. I had promised to go out with you, but something urgent has come up and I cannot make it.


  I understand that this may be disappointing, and I want to explain the reason behind it. My parents have decided to move to a new house, and I have to assist them with the move. It is a huge undertaking and I cannot afford to miss any school days to help them.


  I hope you can understand my situation and that you won't hold it against me. I am sorry about missing our plans, but I promise to make it up to you soon.


  Take care, and I will see you when I get back.


  Best regards,


  Li Hua






  1.词数 100 左右;


  Dear friends,


  On June 8th, we celebrate World Oceans Day. It is a great opportunity to reflect on the importance of our oceans and the critical role they play in our lives.


  Our oceans are the largest ecosystem on earth, and they are home to an incredible array of marine life. They regulate our climate, provide food and resources, and support millions of jobs around the world.


  However, our oceans are facing numerous threats, including pollution, overfishing, and climate change. To protect our oceans, we must take action.


  Here are a few simple things we can all do to protect our oceans:


  1. Reduce our use of single-use plastics and try to recycle or reuse them whenever possible.


  2. Support sustainable fishing practices and avoid buying products from endangered species.

  2. 支持可持续的捕鱼方式,避免购买濒危物种的产品。

  3. Promote ocean conservation by writing to our governments and businesses to demand action.


  4. Take a stand against ocean pollution by reducing our use of sunscreen and other products that contain harmful chemicals.


  Let us all work together to protect our oceans and their rich biodiversity. By taking small actions, we can make a big difference in preserving our planet's health.




  Li Hua


  假如你是校广播站英语节目“talk and talk”的负责人李华,请给外教Caroline写邮件邀请她做一次访谈,内容包括:

  1. 节目介绍;

  2. 访谈的时间和话题。


  1. 写作词数应为80左右;

  2. 请按如下格式作答。

  Dear Caroline,


  I hope this email finds you well. My name is Li Hua and I am the producer of the English program "Talk and Talk" at our school radio station. I am writing to invite you to be a guest on our show.

  我希望这封邮件能找到你。我的名字是李华,我是我们学校广播电台英语节目“Talk and Talk”的制作人。我写信是想邀请你成为我们节目的嘉宾。

  Our program "Talk and Talk" is a platform for discussing a variety of topics related to the English language and culture. We have a diverse audience of students and teachers who are interested in improving their English skills and learning about different cultures.

  我们的节目“Talk and Talk”是一个讨论与英语语言和文化有关的各种话题的平台。我们有各种各样的学生和老师,他们对提高英语技能和了解不同的文化感兴趣。

  We would be honored if you could join us for an interview on March 1st at 2:00 pm. The topic of our conversation would be your experiences living in China and your perspectives on Chinese culture. We would also love to hear your insights on language teaching and learning, as well as your recommendations for our listeners who are studying English.


  Thank you for considering our invitation. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.


  Best regards,


  Li Hua




  1. 续写词数应为150左右;

  2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

  Dear David, I have been following your progress and I am proud of the hard work and dedication you have shown in your efforts to improve your physical fitness.


  I understand that you are feeling self-conscious about your fear of failure and the potential for ridicule. However, I want you to know that you are worth it and that you are capable of achieving great things. You have already shown that you have the physical strength and dedication to improve your fitness, and with a little more confidence and courage, you can achieve your goals.


  I believe in you, and I know that you have what it takes to succeed. Please don't hesitate to pursue your passions and aspirations. Life is too short to hold back or to be afraid of failure. The most important thing is to give it your all and pursue your goals with determination and perseverance.


  I am here to support you and to encourage you to push yourself beyond your limits. Remember that every step you take, even if it is slow and hesitant, is a step forward. Whether you win or lose, the most important thing is to participate and to your all into it.


  I believe in you, David. Don't let fear of failure or the potential for ridicule keep you from pursuing your dreams. Go out there and give it your all, and know that you are worth it.



  1. 邀请大家加入社团;

  2. 介绍一下社团活动(如英语演讲比赛,观看英语电影等);

  3. 谈谈你加入社团以后的收获,可适当添加细节。

  Hello, everyone. I am Li Jin, a member of the Spoken English club of high school. Today I am very glad to introduce our club to you and invite you to join us.


  Our club mainly aims at improving oral English ability, through a series of activities and training to help students better grasp oral English. Our activities are very colorful, including English speech contests, watching English movies, and so on.


  Among them, the English speech contest is one of our important activities. Through this activity, you can practice your oral expression ability but also can learn a lot from other students' excellent performance and experience in the competition. Watching English movies is a good way to learn English, which can make people better understand English expressions and language habits.


  I have gained a lot by joining this club. In the club training, I learned a lot of oral English skills and methods, but also made a lot of like-minded friends. And in the English speech contest, I also made great progress, not only improveimprovingl English ability but also improving my confidence and expression ability.


  So, I recommend you to join our club. Whether you want to improve your spoken English or make more friends with the same interests, our club is a good choice. Thank you very much.


  假定你是李华,你校图书馆新设了小组学习室,请你给留学生Michael写邮件,邀请他同去体 验。 内容包括:






  Dear Michael,


  I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to invite you to try out the new study room that our school library has recently installed. The study room is located on the second floor of the library and is open from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. every day.


  The room features comfortable furniture, a large monitor for each student, and plenty of lighting to ensure a comfortable and productive study experience. In addition, the room is equipped with audio-visual equipment that can be used to present materials or discuss topics with classmates.


  I think it would be a great idea for us to try out this new room and experience it for ourselves. It will be a great opportunity for us to collaborate and work together on projects. I'm sure it will also be a great place for us to study and get ahead on our assignments.


  Let me know if you're interested in joining me and if there's anything, in particular, you'd like to work on. I'm excited to experience this new space and see what it has to offer.


  Looking forward to hearing from you soon!


  Best regards,


  Li Hua


  在学校的英语角中,你被作为代表上台演讲,要求分享你的学习英语方式,内容包括:课外学习英语的方式:看英语书和浏览英语学习网网页的人占小部分;看英语电影,听英文歌的人占大部分。 要求:

  1. 现象阐述;

  2. 自己的看法;

  3. 提出建议。


  1. 词数 100 左右。

  In today's world, English has become a global language, and learning it has become increasingly important. As a student at a Chinese university, I have found that there are various ways to learn English outside of class.


  Firstly, reading English books and browsing English language learning websites are a small percentage of students' learning methods. I believe that this method is not conducive to improving English skills. Books are often difficult to read and require a high level of English proficiency, while websites may contain outdated information or require a high level of attention and focus.


  Secondly, watching English movies and listening to English songs is a popular method for many students. I agree that this method can be effective in improving listening and speaking skills. However, it is important to note that watching English movies and listening to English songs alone is not a comprehensive approach to learning English.


  Finally, I believe that the most effective method for learning English is to practice speaking and writing skills in a language environment. This can be achieved through participation in English Corner, speaking with native English speakers, or even setting up an English conversation group with classmates.


  In conclusion, there are various methods for learning English, but the most effective approach is to combine various methods and focus on speaking and writing skills. By doing so, students can improve their English skills more effectively.

