



  不过每个人表达习惯不一样,除了我整理的以外,你还可以照着我的模板去搜集你用得顺手的表达。我当时搜罗句型用的是知乎知学堂的免费资料包,有大量经典句型可以挑选,比如雅思写作最实用的88个词组搭配和句型、写作万能模板归纳以及前雅思考官Paul亲自把关的写作材料,绝对的提分利器。点击下方免费领取,现在参加直播就可以找助教老师拿资料。想要写作提分的同学赶紧马起来,加以适当练习,雅思拿6分以上真的是小 case。

  雅思考试写作部分总共 60 分钟,需完成task 1 小作文和task 2 大作文两篇作文的写作要求。小作文会给出一些视觉性的信息,如一个或多个互相关联的图表、图解、表格、机械图、装置图、或流程图,我们需对这些信息或数据进行描述。文章字数不能少于 150 字。题目一般是下面这样的:

  柱状图 bar graph折线图 line graph 注意,虽然类型很多,但80%都是数据统计图表,因此要多积累这个方面的表达。

  The line shows / describe / illustrate / reveal that … It is apparent from the bar graph that …As can be seen from the chart, …增:

  There was a sharp increase in … from 2010 to 2022. - 大幅上升During this period, the rise lasted for 3 months and then began to level off in May. - 持续增长后趋于平缓减:

  In 2020, the price fell steeply. - 急剧下降A very noticable trend was the steady decrease in … - 稳步下降不动:

  The price did not change over this period. - 不变The price was fairly steady over the period. - 保持稳定波动:

  The price rose and fell over the period, but the trend was upwards. - 波动但趋势是上升The price Industry earned less than 10% of GDP in1986, but rose almost to 20% in 1995. - 关于波动的具体描述The price fluctuated slightly over the period. - 轻微波动最高点:

  In 2022, the number reached its top / highest point / peak / plateau at 50%In 2022, the number peaked at 50%.最低点:

  In 2022, the number reached its bottom / lowest point at 50%The price increased 3 times / three-fold from 2015 to 2020. - 2020年的利润是 2015 的三倍They made 3 times the profit in 2020 than in 2015. - 2020年的利润是 2015 的三倍The price decreased 3 times / three-fold from 2015 to 2020. - 2020年的利润是 2015 的三分之一The price that day was only one-third of the usual amount. - 那天的价格只是平时的三分之一The price of … has more than doubled. - 价格增加了一倍多A great number / percentage / proportion of men than women are found in managerial postions. - 男性在管理职位中的占比大于女性The number / percentage / proportion of men who are employed in managerial position is much larger than that of women working in the same occupations. - 男性在管理职位中的占比大于女性In this company, the number of men is twice times as much as women. 这个公司的男性数量是女性的两倍。White is far / much more common than black. - 白色比黑色常见得多White is about twice popular / common as black. - 白色的流行程度大约是黑色的两倍。American had the largest number of enrolled students and Germany the smallest. - 美国的入学人数最多,德国的入学人数最少。The 20% of the population who worked in then service sector produced 60% of the GDP. - 在服务业工作的20%的人口创造了60%的GDP。By 2022, approximately one out of four travellers drove to work. - 到2022年,大约四分之一的人开车上班。此题型一般会给出两个观点,让你选择支持的一个,或者一个观点,让你选择支持还是反对。如果题目中问的是agree or disagree,就要阐明自己赞同或不赞同,不能含糊其辞,必需要表达自己的看法和观点。比如题目可能是,如今广告越来越多。一些人认为广告有消极影响,应该被禁止。你是否同意这种观点?我们的写作结构一般是开头段介绍背景和双方观点、然后表达自己的观点,并分段罗列原因、给出论据,最后结尾。

  1) 开头介绍大背景句型

  Along with the development of society, more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that … - 随着社会的发展,越来越多的问题引起我们的注意,其中一个是…Recently, the phenomenon has aroused wide concern. Some people are in alarm that … - 最近,这个现象引起了广泛的关注。一些人警觉…… is rapidly gaining its popularity all over the world. - …在全世界很快流行开来。As the society advances amazingly, people's demands have become increasingly diversified. - 随着社会惊人地发展,人们的需求变得越来越多样化。With the steady growth in the country's economy as well as people's living standards, … - 随着国家经济和人民生活水平的稳步增长和提高,…Whether … is a highly debatable issue. - 是否…是非常有争议的问题。 With the development of the society, … is increasingly important. - 随着社会的发展,…越来越重要。To agree or disagree with it is a matter of balancing between its pros and cons. - 同意还是反对它,是一个在它的优点和缺点之间取得平衡的问题。2) 开头介绍双方观点句型

  Some / A majority of / Quite a few / A sizable percentage of people assert / argue / insist / claim / believe / advocate / hold the view that …. But / However / On the other hand, there are also some / many / quite a few / a sizable percentage of people who are strongly opposed to their opinion. - 相当比例的人认为…。但也有一些人强烈反对他们的观点。When it comes to the topic that …,a sizable percentage of people tend to contend the view that …. Nevertheless take the view that …. Which you prefer depends on your own experience, life style and emotional concern. - 当说起… 这个话题,大多数人相信…,但是另一些人会考虑…。你更支持哪一个取决于你的经验、生活方式和情感因素。When faced with the decision of … or …, quite a few would claim that …, but others, in contrast, deem … as the premier choice. - 当面对…或…的决定,大多数人认为…,但另一些人却相反,把…作为首选。It is widely held that …. Such people think that … - 大多数人相信…,这些人认为…Quite a few people hold the opinion that … They argue that …. This argument is true to some degree. - 有些人提出…。他们认为…。这个观点在一定程度上是对的。3) 开头表达自己观点句型

  In my opinion, …As far as I am concern, …From my own perspective, … I do strongly support the idea that … - 我强烈支持…这个观点With views of both sides considered, I think that, … - 两方面都考虑之后,我认为…。From my point of view, it is more advisable to choose … than to choose … . - 依我的看法,值得提倡的是选择…,而不是选择…。However, if I have to choose one of these two, I am in favor of the latter opinion that … -但是,如果我必须从两者中选择其一,我倾向于后者,即…。Thinking logically, I can only say that the former one is valid. - 从逻辑上考虑,我只能说后面的观点是正确的。As for me, I can hardly share this point of view. - 在我看来,我不能同意这个观点。I would state my objection to this issue after analyzing the following three reasons. - 在分析下面三个原因后,我会对此问题提出异议。Sound and attractive as their arguments may seem, they cannot bear closer analysis. - 尽管他们的论点似乎是如此的合理和吸引人,但却经不起进一步的分析。I would have to say that, if I were faced with the decision, I would probably … - 我不得不说,如果我面对这个决定,我很可能会…4) 引出下文句型

  The reasons are presented below. - 原因如下。The reasons are chiefly as follows. - 原因主要有以下方面。My arguments for this point are listed as follows. - 我赞成这个观点的论据如下。A number of causes account for my point. - 大量的理由说明了我的观点。There are many reasons that can verify this. - 有很多理由可以证明它。There are numerous reasons why I hold this opinion, and I would explore a few of the most important ones here. - 我之所以持这个观点有很多原因,这里我将给出几个最重要的。5) 第一段的主题句

  The main reason is that … - 主要原因是…First and foremost, … - 第一也是最重要的,…First, we can observe easily that … - 首先,我们能容易地看到…One of the most important things is that … - 最重要的事情之一是…One of the primary causes is that … - 一个主要原因是…First of all, … / Firstly, … / To begin with, … / In the first place, … - 首先,…On the one hand, … - 一方面,…6) 第二段的主题句

  It might also be noted that … - 也可以注意到…What is also worth noticing is that … - 值得注意的另一点是…Another factor that should be taken into consideration is that … - 另一个需要考虑的因素是…Another reason why I agree with the above statement is that I believe … - 我同意上面观点的另一个原因是:我相信…Perhaps another reason lies in the fact that … - 也许另一个原因在于…这一事实。Secondly, … - 第二,…Besides, … - 此外,…Furthermore, … / Moreover, … - 再者,… In addition, … / What is more, … - 而且,…More importantly, … - 更重要的是,…7) 第三段的主题句

  Finally, the incomparable advantage of this view is that … - 最后,这个见解无与伦比的优势是…Last but not least, … - 最后但同样重要,…Finally, … - 最后,…Thirdly, … 第三,…8) 结尾段过渡句

  From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that … - 根据上面所讨论的,我们最后会得出结论:…Now, after close examination, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that … - 现在,在仔细考虑后,不难得出这个结论:…Based on the above discussion and analysis, we can see that … - 基于上述讨论和分析,我们可以看到… All in all, I should say that … - 总之,我必须说…From what has been mentioned above, we can clearly see that … - 根据上面我们所谈到的,我们能很清楚地看到…Consequently, I strongly commit to the notion that … - 因此,我强烈主张…To sum up, it is sagacious to support the statement that … - 总之,支持…这个观点是明智的。Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that … - 考虑到所有的因素,我们可以合理地得出结论:…All the above reasons suggest that we can come to the simple conclusion that … - 上面所有的理由使我们得到一个简单的结论…这类型题目是让我们讨论双方的观点,并给出自己的意见。在讨论双方观点的时候先不要进行反驳,在给出自己意见的时候再批判性地写自己的看法。比如题目可能是,网络的优点和缺点有哪些?写作结构一般会分为四个大段,开头段、第一段描述正方观点、第二段描述反方观点、结尾段。

  1) 开头介绍大背景句型

  The discussion as to whether the … is a blessing or a curse arouses most people's interest. - 关于…是一件好事还是一件坏事的讨论引起了大多数人的兴趣。There is a public debate today about the problem of … - 今天,关于…的问题有一个公开的辩论。There is much discussion nowadays as to the problem of … - 如今,关于…的问题有着很多的讨论。Everything has a good side and a bad side, and … is no exception. - 任何事情都有好的和坏的方面,…也不例外。It becomes so widespread that people cannot help asking: … - 它变得那么普遍,人们不禁要问:…Whether … is a controversial issue. - 是否…是一个有争议的问题。There is no denying that everything has more than one face and … is no exception. - 不可否认任何事物都有多面性,…也不例外。It has long been regarded as a beneficial practice to … . However, in recent years, some people have been raising doubts about this practice. - 一直被认为是一个好办法。然而近年来,一些人一直在怀疑这种做法。We have embarked upon the information era. - 我们已经进入了信息时代。Sometimes we find ourselves involved in dilemmas. - 有时我们发现自己处于进退两难的局面。2) 开头介绍双方观点句型

  Many / Most / A majority of / Quite a few / A sizable percentage of people content / argue / insist / maintain / think / proclaim / advocate / hold the opinion / are confident / are of the opinion / have the idea / point out / take the view that … But / Nevertheless, there are also some people who are strongly opposed to their opinion. - 相当比例的人认为…。但也有一些人强烈反对他们的观点。… was viewed as the prime argument. But people are taking a fresh look at it. - 以前,…被视为主流的观点。但是,人们正在对它有新的认识。3) 引出下文句型

  Admittedly, there are merits to both sides of the argument. - 必须承认,这个问题的两面都有道理。As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes. - 然而,关于它是一个好事还是一个坏事,人们持不同的态度。This issue is so controversial that people can hardly reach an absolute consensus. - 这个问题非常有争议,人们很难达成绝对的一致。Both sides are supported by good reasons. - 两方面都有很好的理由来支持。4) 第一主段的主题句

  People who support that … give some of the following reasons. - 支持…的人给出以下原因。Those people who strongly believe that … have cogent reasons for it. - 强烈认为…的人有强有力的理由There are some major reasons why … - 有一些主要原因说明为什么…There are several reasons which suggest that … - 有几个原因说明…5) 第二主段的主题句

  To this issue, some other people hold a different attitude, arguing that … - 对于这个问题,另外一些人持有不同的看法,他们认为…However, there are a large number of people who hold a different view concerning this case. They believe that… - 然而,关于这件事,有很多人持有一个不同的观点。他们认为…There is no denying that there is some truth in the above point of view. However, to some people's mind, … - 毫无疑问,上述观点有些道理。但一些人认为…On the other hand, some other people strongly despise the above attitude. In their view, … - 另一方面,一些人强烈反对上述看法。他们认为,…6) 结尾段表达立场句

  With views of both sides considered, I think that … - 考虑双方的观点后,我认为…Both sides above make sense, and consequently it is hard to come to an absolute conclusion. In my opinion, … - 上面双方的观点都有道理,因此很难得出绝对的结论。我的意见是:…Admitedly, both sides are reasonable. But they are one-sided. In my opinion, … - 无可否认,双方都有道理,但都很片面。我的意见是:…Taking into account both sides of argument, I think … - 考虑到双方的论点,我认为…From my own perspective, … - 在我看来,…此类型会描述一个现象,让你说明原因或给出解决方案。比如题目可能是,目前,家人之间的关系不像以往那么亲密是一个广泛的认知,给出可能的原因和你的建议。写作的结构一般是开头段、原因段和解决方法段。

  1) 开头引出下文句型

  What factors lead to this phenomenon and what we can do to solve the problem have become a concern to many people. In my opinion, the following reasons should be taken into consideration. - 什么因素导致了这个现象,以及我们如何来解决这个问题已经受到很多人的关注。在我看来,应该考虑以下原因。It is crucial that we analyse the causes of this disturbing issue and explore the effective solutions. From my own perspective, the causes are multiple. - 我们要分析这个令人烦恼的问题的原因并且找到有效的解决办法,这是很重要的。在我看来,原因是多方面的。The causes may be inner and outer influence. - 原因可能是内部的和外部的影响。There are several reasons for this problem. - 这个问题的产生有几个原因。2) 分析原因段的主题句

  The first reason that can be seen by every person is that … - 每个人都能看到的第一个原因是…Perhaps this is because of the simple fact that … - 也许这是因为这个简单的事实:… Beyond enormous obvious reasons, there lies a more in-depth cause. - 除了许多显而易见的原因,还有一个深层次的原因。We may look into every possible reason; however, the foremost reason for this is that … - 我们可以研究每一个可能的原因。但是,首要原因是…What is also worth noticing is that … - 值得注意的另一点是…It might also be noted that … - 也可以注意到…A further reason is that … - 一个更进一步的原因是…Perhaps another reason lies in the fact that … - 也许另一个原因在于…The third and very essential reason is that … - 第三个也是非常重要的原因是…From my own perspective, the causes of this phenomenon are manifold. First of all, … Next,… Furthermore, … - 在我看来,这个现象的原因是多方面的。第一,…第二,…第三,…3) 解决方法段的主题句

  Regarding these reasons, I think there are some ways to deal with the problem. To begin with, … Next, … Last but not least, … - 考虑到这些原因,我认为有些方法去解决这个问题。第一,…第二,…最后但同样重要,…I strongly suggest that effective steps be taken as soon as possible to address the problem. First of all, … Secondly, … Finally, … - 我强烈建议尽快采取有效步骤去解决这个问题。第一,…第二,…最后,…It is crucial that we take vigorous measures to tackle these problems. First of all, …Second, … Last but not least, … - 我们应该采取有力的措施来解决这些问题,这很关键。第一,…第二,…最后但同样重要, …In order to solve the problem, people set forth different solutions and here I would explore only two key ways. In the first place, …. In the second place, … - 为了解决这个问题,人们提出不同的解决方法,在这里我将探讨两种主要的方式。第一,…。第二,…。In short, this disturbing problem is attributed to many factors and I believe with the joint efforts from us, it can be eventually resolved. - 总之,这个令人烦恼的问题根源于很多因素。我认为,通过我们的共同努力,它最终会被解决。




  雅思想考 6.5 分以上,8000 左右的词汇量是要的。话题分类积累词汇是最方便而高效的方法,尤其对口语和写作有帮助。经典句型+高级词汇=提分王炸。

  有多少人一提到背单词,脑海中浮现的第一个词就是 Abandon。按首字母排列的背单词方式真的该淘汰了啊!完全违背了人的记忆方法。我们的记忆就像是一个墨点,从中心晕开来。所以其实针对写作会出现的高频话题,去想象使用的场景,延伸出相关的生词进行记忆,才能更高效地拓展词汇量。这就是我一直在用的话题分类法。

  比如说雅思常见的 hobbies&interests 的话题,相关的单词有:


  如果你还离 8000 词汇量有一定差距,那必须要赶紧提高词汇量了。如果你还不确定有哪些话题和词汇是雅思高频出现的,就去听一个免费的训练营课程,其中有根据话题来分类的词汇表,我把链接放在下面大家可以自取。












