Pininfarina推出无墨钢笔 可书写100年(图)

  Pininfarina推出无墨钢笔 可书写100年(图)

  新华网2月8日电 据科技博客网站Gizmodo报道,以设计豪车注明的宾尼法利纳近日设计了一款可以永久书写的特殊的笔。

  宾尼法利纳(Pininfarina)历来以艺术设计法拉利及其他豪车著称,所以我们大可做出这样的猜想,宾尼法利纳最新推出的4.Ever Cambiano 书写设备上市时肯定价格不菲。这支高端的笔不用任何墨水,因此笔身没有笔芯设计,据说能够使用一个世纪之久。




  Pininfarina is known for turning Ferraris and other exotic cars into even more impressive works of art, so it's a safe assumption that its new 4.EVER Pininfarina Cambiano writing instrument is going to cost a small fortune when available. But with an inkless design that never needs a new cartridge, it could eventually pay for itself—after a century of use. Where you'd normally find a ballpoint tip, on the Cambiano there's what's called an ethergraph tip which is a special metal alloy that leaves behind a trail on paper not unlike a graphite pencil. Except that this writing instrument never needs sharpening. It will supposedly write forever, or at the least will keep on going until you're done paying it off.

  (原标题:Pininfarina推出无墨钢笔 可书写100年(图))