
  In 2015, there was no shortage of moments that made us grin from ear-to-ear. 2015年的确有不少让我们笑得合不拢嘴的时刻。

  We rounded up some of the year's most feel-good stories that'll make you look back fondly on the past 12 months. From a dog who somehow mastered the public transit system, to a mailman who made one young reader's dreams come true, these stories were so moving, we just couldn't help but crack a smile. 本文摘录了今年最温暖幸福的六个故事,让我们一同怀念这即将过去的一年。从学会乘公交的小萌犬,到帮少年圆读书梦的邮差,每个故事都是如此温情感人,读来让人不禁莞尔。

  Check them out below. 一起来看看吧。

  When This Little Boy Couldn't Keep It Together After Meeting His Heroes 小男孩见到“男神”喜不自禁


  Some things in life are just too good to handle. 生活中幸福有时来得让人措手不及。

  Quincy Kroner had that exact feeling on March 13 when he met his heroes -- the neighborhood garbage men, Mark Davis and Eddie Washington. The Cincinnati 2-year-old has been fascinated by the garbage truck “since about the age he could walk,” the toddler’s father, Ollie Kroner, told The Huffington Post. But this was the first time he met the garbage men in person, and it was all too much for him -- resulting in the adorably priceless photo above. 3月13日,辛辛那提市的2岁小男孩昆西·克罗纳见到偶像时乐坏了。昆西的偶像是住他家隔壁的垃圾工人马克·戴维斯和埃迪·华盛顿。他父亲奥利·克罗纳对赫芬顿邮报记者提及,昆西蹒跚学步时就对垃圾车十分着迷。但这是昆西第一次亲眼见到垃圾工人,可把他高兴坏了,于是拍下了上面这张无比珍贵的可爱照片。

  When This Mailman Got The Internet To Come Together For A Boy Who Loves To Read 邮差脸书助力男孩阅读梦

  Twelve-year-old Mathew Flores loves to read. But until recently, advertisements were the only reading materials available to the boy. 12岁的马修·弗洛雷斯喜欢看书,可是一直以来,广告是他唯一能读到的素材。

  Flores approached his mailman, Ron Lynch, in a Salt Lake City suburb to ask if he could have any junk mail. 在盐湖城市郊,弗洛雷斯找到了邮差罗恩·林奇,问邮差能否给他一些垃圾邮件。

  Instead, Lynch asked his Facebook friends if they could spare some books for Flores. 于是,林奇在脸书(Facebook)上号召网友们把闲置的书籍送给弗洛雷斯。

  People from around the world, including the UK, Australia and India, sent books to Mathew. Lynch told HuffPost hundreds of books have been delivered to the boy"s door. 包括英国、澳大利亚、印度等国在内的世界各地的人们纷纷寄书给马修。林奇告诉赫芬顿邮报记者说,他已经把好几百本书送到了马修家中。

  When This Dog Stunned Everyone With Her Bus-Riding Abilities 萌犬会乘公交,惊倒众人

  Seattle's public transit system has had a ruff go of things lately, and that has riders smiling. 西雅图市公交车上近期出现了一位“不速之客”, 博得了乘客一笑。

  You see, of the 120 million riders who used the system last year, at least one of them is a dog. 要知道,去年乘坐公交车的1.2亿名乘客中,至少有一名“乘客”是只狗。

  Seattle's KOMO-TV reports the 2-year-old black Labrador mix, named Eclipse, has become a regular fixture on the city's D-Line after she figured out how to ride the bus alone to the dog park. 西雅图KOMO-TV(注:美国广播电视台第四频道)报道称,自从两岁大的黑色混血拉布拉多犬艾克莉普丝懂得如何独自搭公交去狗狗公园后,人们就经常能在城市D线公交车上找到她的身影。

  When This Orphan Kangaroo Stole Hearts Everywhere With His Teddy Bear 去哪儿都抱着泰迪熊的袋鼠孤儿俘获了全世界的心


  We"re just as in love with this little kangaroo as he is with his stuffed teddy bear. 一看到这只抱着泰迪熊毛绒玩具的小袋鼠,我们就立马爱上了它。

  Timothy Beshara, who lives in Tasmania, shared a photo on Twitter this past Tuesday of an orphaned eastern grey kangaroo named "Doodlebug" -- yes, DOODLEBUG! -- clutching his stuffed teddy bear in New South Wales, Australia. 住在澳洲塔斯纳尼亚岛上的蒂莫西·贝莎拉今年七月初在推特(Twitter)上分享了一张拍摄于新南威尔士州的照片,照片上一只父母双亡的澳洲东部灰袋鼠正抱着它的泰迪熊玩偶。这只袋鼠名唤“蚁蛉”(注:一部英国悬疑电影名字)。

  When This Man Tugged At Our Heartstrings With His Train For Rescue Dogs 老人的流浪狗列车拨动人们的心弦

  Everyone deserves a little fun in life, even stray dogs. 每个人的生活都需要一点乐趣,流浪狗亦是如此。

  Eugene Bostick, an 80-year-old retiree and his brother decided to take abandoned dogs in, giving them shelter and food. He also wanted to take them on trips outside the farm. 八十岁的退休老人尤金·博斯蒂克和弟弟决定收留流浪狗,为它们提供狗窝和狗粮,同时,他还计划带它们到农场外边去溜达溜达。

  So he put together a makeshift train to take the dogs through the streets, to a nearby forest or creek. 于是他组装了一辆临时列车,载着这些流浪狗,穿街越巷,去附近的小树林或小溪边游玩。

  "Whenever they hear me hooking the tractor up to it, man, they get so excited," Bostick told The Dodo. "They all come running and jump in on their own. They're ready to go." 博斯蒂克对The Dodo(一个网络社交平台)的记者说:“伙计,你知道吗,一听到发动牵引机的声音,它们就变得特别兴奋,奔跑着冲过来,自己跳上车,就准备好出发了。”

  When This Teen Made All 1,076 Girls At His School Feel Like A Million Bucks 少年为全校1076个女生准备惊喜

  Wanting every girl at his high school to feel loved on Valentine’s Day, one big-hearted Oklahoma teen decided to surprise all of them with cards and candy this year -- a total of 1,076 girls. 在美国俄克拉荷马州,一个慷慨善良的少年想要在情人节那天让学校里的所有女生都感受到爱意,于是他决定给所有女生送上卡片和糖果作为惊喜。他们学校总共可有1076个女生!

  According to KFOR, Dan Williams, a student at Edmond High School in Edmond, Oklahoma, had to work all summer to raise enough money for the surprise gifts. “To know that someone cares about them, that's the best feeling in the world I think,” he told the news outlet. 据KFOR新闻报道,在美国俄克拉荷马州艾德蒙市的艾德蒙高中,有位名叫丹?威廉姆斯的学生整个暑假都在打工赚钱,为了给女生准备惊喜。他告诉媒体说:“知道有人在关心自己,这种感觉是最棒的。”

  英文来源:赫芬顿邮报 译者:孙慧 审校&编辑:丹妮