
  1: 靠人靠天不如靠自己,寄希望于他人身上,不一定能得到你想要的,靠自己才能走自己想走的路,不管结局如何,都会问心无愧。

  Relying on the sky is better than relying on their own, hope on others, not necessarily can get what you want, rely on their own to walk the road they want to go, no matter what the outcome, will be clear-hearted.

  2: 心态决定状态,消极的人,总认为自己不行,他们会习惯性放弃,自信的人,即使不行也会努力做到行。

  Mentality determines the state, negative people, always think they can't, they will habitually give up, confident people, even if they can't will try to do it.

  3: 什么时候实现梦想,取决于你什么时候付出行动,付出怎样的行动,会坚持多久。时间不会辜负你的付出,你尽管 努力,上天自有安排。

  When you realize your dream depends on when you give your action, what action you give, and how long you will last. Time will not fail to live up to your efforts, you despite the efforts, God's own arrangements.

  4: 你的委屈要自己消化。你的故事不用逢人就讲起,真正理解你的没有几个,大多人只会站在他们自己的立场偷看你的笑话。你能做的就是把秘密藏起来,然后一步一步变得越来越强大。

  Your grievances have to be digested by yourself. Your story doesn't have to be told by people, there are few people who really understand you, and most people will only take their own stand and peek at your jokes. All you can do is hide the secret and get stronger and stronger step by step.

  5: 哪有什么一战成名,无非都是百炼成钢;哪有什么常胜将军,无非都是越挫越勇;只有输得起的人,才配赢;用心甘情愿的态度,全力以赴去做每一件事,结果自然会让你意外惊喜!

  What is a war to become famous, nothing but a hundred steel, what is always winning generals, nothing but the more frustrated and brave, only those who can afford to lose, only deserve to win, willing attitude, go all out to do everything, the result will naturally surprise you!


  Life should be easy-go and not easy-moving, tolerant and not tolerant. Don't regret what you missed. Give yourself a smile every day and tell yourself to be happy, because being healthy and living healthy is a pleasure in itself compared to those who struggle on the line of death.


  The first thing we age is not our looks, but our desperate drive. Sometimes, to dare to carry more than you expected, after really hard work, you will find yourself much better than you think.


  This world, you and I are the same, there is stubborn and hot and depressed, but also have different persistence. Even if no one applauds you, remember to move forward gracefully and thank yourself for giving without regret.


  Whose life is not a thorn forward, when you fall, when you are annoyed, when you taste tears, please do not give up lightly, because there has never been a kind of persistence will be failed. Please believe that your persistence, will eventually be beautiful.


  The car has oil, the cell phone has electricity, the card has money! That's security! Expecting others to be nonsense! The co-pilot of another cow might as well hold the steering wheel himself!


  Don't always complain that life is not lucky enough, you owe life a hard work, every time you hate the present, there is a not hard enough once, the future is not beautiful, depending on you now can not spell.

