





  国外曾出版过一本经典商务写作指导热门书,叫Powerful Business Writing



  Information or acceptance 提供信息、表示接受

  Sales or persuasion销售、说服对方

  Request 请求


  Rejection 拒绝

  Collection 征收

  Goodwill 示好

  这本书讲,别看有7种,但是不管是写那种商务信函,都遵循 BME三模块

  即: B 开头 (Beginning),M 中间 (Middle),E 结尾 (End)。


  1. Information or acceptance 提供信息、表示接受

  B: 引入话题

  M: 讨论或解释

  E: 表达你希望对方采取的行动

  2. Sales or persuasion 销售、说服对方

  B: 通过提出一个理念或提供一项产品服务来吸引对方注意

  M: 使用一系列事实,晓之以理、动之以情

  E: 呼吁对方

  3. Request 请求

  B: 说明你的需求

  M: 描述你需求的原因

  E: 请求帮助并表示感谢

  4. Complain 抱怨

  B: 说明问题出处

  M: 提供充足的细节,以便对方帮助

  E: 表达你希望对方采取的行动

  5. Rejection 拒绝




  6. Collection 征收

  B: 有礼貌地表达,提供对方未付款的信息

  M: 有礼貌地要求对方及时付款

  E: 表达如果付款不能及时到账时你将采取的行动,并随信附送回信信封

  7. Goodwill 示好

  B: 表达感谢、赞美、祝贺、同情,或者邀请

  M: 提供非正式的较私人的信息

  E: 以热情的方式结尾







  在小编我上学的时候,外教曾说: 外国人看中国人写英文文章,判断这个人写作逻辑是否严谨,关键就是关键词用得是否恰当。


  目的 连接词 补充意思

  Also, and, besides, furthermore, moreover, next, too, as well as,

  in addition, again

  总结 In brief, on the whole, in short, in sum, to sum up 列举 First, second, third, last 阐释 Actually, in other words, clearly 举例 For instance, for example (e.g.), this is (i.e.) 类比 Also, similarly, likewise, as well as 对比 Although, even though, but, however, on the contrary, on the

  other hand, yet, in contrast

  强调 Certainly, most of all, in fact, of course, in any event 条件 If, unless, until, when, even though 因果关系 As a result, so, therefore, consequently, accordingly 结果 As a result, therefore, so, hence 转折 But, yet, on the contrary, regardless, nevertheless 顺序 Formerly, previously, meanwhile, before, after, until now, at the

  same time, later, during


  That brings us to the next step, which is …


  Now that we’ve settled that problem, let’s look at …


  Unfortunately, in this case, we won’t be able to …


  In addition to budget constraints, there’s another matter we have to discuss.


  This relates directly to the question I put to you before…


  That brings me to the end of my presentation. I've talked about…


  Well, that's about it for now. We've covered…


  Perhaps I can rephrase that.


  Put another way, this means…





  在国外,商务写作有一个必须遵循的原则,简称为7C原则。即:Completeness, Conciseness, Correctness, Concreteness, Clarify, Courtesy, Consideration

  #1 Completeness 完整度

  Any business communications should be complete and should convey all the facts needed by a given audience. Complete communication saves costs as no backtracking need occur. It also helps in decision making since the intended audience gets all of the information required.




  #2 Conciseness 简洁度

  Communications should be concise. Needless words can muddy the message, and a concise message is more comprehensible to the audience.



  简洁的反面就是 Wordiness(冗长),一般有三种情况:

  A. Circumlocution(委婉迂回)使用过长的表达

  B. Vague qualifiers(模糊修饰语)使用没有意义形容词和副词

  C. Padding(补白)表达没有意义,只是填补空缺


  1. I have caused enquiries to be made with a view to establishing the reasons for our inability to supply your order.

  2. That is really productive meeting.


  1. I have enquired into the reason why we can’t supply your order.

  2. That is a productive meeting.


  1. 一个词替代词组

  In the near future--soon;

  will you be kind enough to--please

  2. 避免一些which/that 从句

  The receipt that is enclosed documents(V.) your purchase.

  改为:The enclosed receipt documents your purchase.

  3. 同一句话避免使用相同的词汇

  Please quote your best price for your best quality.

  改为:Please quote your lowest price for your best quality.

  4. 避免无意义的表达

  Please be advised that your admission statement was received.

  改为:Your admission statement was received.

  5. 避免不必要的介词短语

  The issue of most relevance is teamwork.

  改为:The most relevant issue is teamwork.

  6. 控制被动语态的使用

  The total balance due(总额) will be found on page 2 of this report.

  改为:The balance due is on page 2 of this report.

  改为:You will see the balance due on page 2.

  #3 Correctness 正确性

  Correctness means the message has been crafted using proper punctuation, spelling and grammar. A letter with incorrect usage puts you in an obviously bad light.



  1. Well chosen words are likely to be short and natural words.

  2. The principals of effective letters and memorandums are similiar.

  3. An efficient and concerned personal department builds employee morale.

  4. The box, together with the baskets, were sent to the shipping room.

  5. Jim and Paul are good friends of Mary and I.

  6. In countries where two or more languages co-exist confusion often arises.


  1. Well-chosenwords are likely to be short and natural words.

  2. The principlesof effective letters and memorandums are similar.

  3. An efficient and concerned PersonnelDepartment builds employee morale.

  4. The box, together with the baskets, wassent to the shipping room.

  5. Jim and Paul are good friends of Mary and me.

  6. In countries where two or more languages co-exist ,confusion often arises.

  # 4 Concreteness 具体性

  Lack of concreteness is perhaps the biggest mistake business communicators make. Communication that is particular rather than general strengthens confidence in the audience. Concrete communication is supported with facts and figures, and the message is typically not misinterpreted.





  #5 Clarify 清晰度

  Clarity puts the emphasis on a specific message rather than on too many messages at once. This lets the audience assimilate information without having to decipher a garbled message. Clarity is especially useful in instructing employees about complicated new processes or procedures.



  1 使用短小、熟悉并且在会话中经常使用的词汇,然后将其有效地组句成段。

  2 一句话不要讲述过多的思想,一句话最多讲一个点。

  3 每句话不超过17-20个词。

  4 如果情况允许,可以使用一些直观辅助,像举个例子、做个图表等等。



  #6 Courtesy 礼貌性

  Courtesy in an interchange means both the sender and receiver of the message are polite at all costs and the viewpoints and feelings of both are taken into consideration. Business people need to be courteous even in the face of disagreements, as disagreements will not be resolved in a contentious atmosphere.



  及时回信 避免使用冒犯的语言(例如带有歧视的语言) 脾气温和 多为对方考虑 体现对方能获得的益处 强调积极怡人的信息 诚实完整 #7 Consideration 体贴

  Consideration means respecting your business audience and putting yourself in their shoes. A message delivered in an empathetic fashion will usually stimulate a positive response. Talking down to subordinates shows a lack of consideration.




  The purpose of this report is to.https://www.sohu.com/The report aims to... As regards to.https://www.sohu.com/The key findings are summerised bellow... I recommend to.https://www.sohu.com/It was concluded that... It can be seen from the chart that significantly...-er...than... According to the graph, we see a different trend emerging. The number of... increased/dropped by %. The graph shows the percentage of... We can see that... swell during the... hours, peaking at... 第一部分:邮件开头

  1. 商务邮件开头如何写?(Opening line mentioning the last contact between you)

  Thank you for your email (yesterday/ of 12 May) about…

  Thanks for your email this morning/ earlier/ yesterday/ on Monday/ last week/…

  Thanks for your quick replyhttps://www.sohu.com/a/ Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

  Thanks for your phone call this morning/ the information about/ your interest in/ your help with/ your hospitality in…/…

  Thanks for sending me/ for contacting me about/ for attending/ asking us about/ informing us/ giving us feedback on/ inviting me to/ talking to me about…

  It was great/ so nice to see you again on Monday.

  (I) just read your email about/ (I) just got your message about/ (I) just got your request for…

  It was a pleasure/ my great pleasure to meet you last week.

  Sorry for my late reply/ Sorry it took me so long to get back to you/ Sorry not to reply sooner (but/ but I had to…).

  Thank you for finding the time to meet me/ talk to me/ attend…

  Sorry it’s been so long since I was last in touch/ since my last email.

  2. 带有主题的开头邮件如何写?(Opening line with the subject of the email)

  I’m writing to you about your latest model/ about the meeting next week/ about your presentation yesterday/ about…

  I am writing to you in connection with/ with regards to/ regarding/ concerning…

  I’m writing (in order) to ask/ to enquire/ to confirm/ to check/ to inform you/ to follow up on/ to let you know/ to tell you/ to thank you/ to invite you to/ to update you on/ to announce that/ to ask for a favour/ to…

  (This is) just a quick note to say…

  As promised/ As we discussed, I’m writing to send you/ to…

  I’m writing (to you) because I have just found out that/ because I thought you’d like to know that/ because I need/ because…

  Sorry to write out of the blue, but…

  Sorry to write again so quickly, but/ Sorry to bother again so soon, but…

  Sorry, in my last email I forgot to…

  3. 社交性的开头怎么写?(Social opening line/ Friendly opening line)

  (I) hope you had a good weekend/ a good evening/ a good trip (to...)/ a good time/ a good holiday/ a good break/ a good…

  How’s it going?/ How are things?/ How’s life?/ How are you doing?

  I hope you (and your family) are (all) well.


  1. 如何结尾,表达你需要对方回复?(Closing line when you need a reply)

  I look forward to hearing from you (soon)https://www.sohu.com/a/ (I’m) looking forward to hearing from you (soon).

  Please let me know if that’s okay/ if that is acceptable with you/ if that sounds okay/ if you can/ if you can help/ if you need an extension/ if you need to reschedule/ if…

  2. 如何结尾,表达需要和对方再次交流?(Closing line offering more communication if needed)

  (In the meantime) if you need any more information,…/ If you require any further information (about/ in order to/ before you/ to help you…/…)/ If you need any more info/ Need more info,…

  If you have any (more) questions (about…),…/ Any more Qs,…

  … please do not hesitate to contact mehttps://www.sohu.com/a/… please contact mehttps://www.sohu.com/a/ … please feel free to contact mehttps://www.sohu.com/a/ please get in touchhttps://www.sohu.com/a/ … just let me knowhttps://www.sohu.com/a/ … just drop me a line (at any time).

  3. 如何结尾,提出请求?(Closing lines for (big) requests)

  Thanks/ Thank you (in advance).


  Any help (at all/ you can offer me)/ Any feedback you can give me (on this)/ Any assistance (you could give me in this matter) would be greatly appreciated/ would be highly appreciated/ would be much appreciated/ would be gratefully accepted.

  4. 申诉抱怨邮件,如何结尾?(Closing lines with apologies/ Closing lines when responding to complaints)

  I hope that is acceptable with youhttps://www.sohu.com/a/ (I) hope that is okay (with you).

  Once again, please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused/ for the inconvenience caused/ for the delay/ for…

  Thanks for your patiencehttps://www.sohu.com/a/ Thank you for your patience.

  Thanks for your understandinghttps://www.sohu.com/a/ Thank you for your understanding.


  1. 如何提附件?(Mentioning attachments etc/ Mentioning information elsewhere)

  (For your reference,) please find the information/ the document/ some data/… attached.

  Please see (the information/ the website/ the diagram/ the…) below (for more details/ for…).

  If you look at the first line/ bullet point/ paragraph/ section/ page of… (below), you will see that…

  The parts in bold/ in red/ in green/… are my comments/ are my boss’s feedback/ are the changes in the second draft/ are…

  I’ve pasted in…. belowhttps://www.sohu.com/a/ I’ve copied in…. belowhttps://www.sohu.com/a/ I’ve put a copy of… below.

  I’ve attached…/ ... is attached.

  Here’s the… (that I promised/ that you asked for/ that I mentioned/ that…)

  More information on this is available at http://.https://www.sohu.com/ on the intranet/ in pg.. of our catalogue/…

  2. 如何提要求?(Requests)

  Could you (possibly)…?

  Would you mind sending me/ …ing…?

  I was wondering if you could/ if you would be able to…

  I’d be very grateful if you could take action in the next few days/ if you could…

  I’d really appreciate (some help with)…

  3. 问询(Enquiries/ Asking for information)

  Could you (possibly) tell me…?

  (First of all) I’d like to know…

  My (first/ second/ third/ next/ last/ final) question is about…

  I (also) have a question about…

  (If possible) I (also) need to know…

  My three (main) questions are belowhttps://www.sohu.com/a/ Please find my three (main) questions below.

  4. 回答问题 (Answering questions/ Giving information)

  You (also) asked us about…

  The answers to your question are belowhttps://www.sohu.com/a/ Please find my answers below.

  In answer to your first/ second/ third/ last question…

  To answer your question about…

  5. 改变行程(Making arrangements/ Changing arrangements/ (Re) scheduling)

  I’d like to meet on… if you are available/ free then.

  I’m available on… , if that is convenient/ okay with you.

  I’m afraid I can’t make… (because…) How about…?

  (Due to…) I’m afraid we need to put forward/ delay/ postpone/ put back/ cancel/ call off/ reschedule/ move/ rearrange…

  6. 如何申诉、抱怨?(Making complaints)

  I’m afraid I was not (very) happy with…

  Unfortunately, … was not (really) what I expected.

  I’m afraid I was not (completely/ fully) satisfied with…

  7. 道歉(Apologising/ Replying to complaints)

  I was sorry to hear about…

  (First of all) I would like to apologise for…

  Please accept our (sincerest) apologies for the inconvenience caused/ for any inconvenience caused/ for…

  8. 命令(Instructions/ Commands/ Demanding action)

  Just a (quick/ brief/ friendly) reminder that…

  (In future/ From now on/ From next week) please make sure that you…/ Please ensure that you…

  9. 发布信息 (Making announcements)

  I/ We would like to inform you that…
