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  Today, the editor brings the "Research on Linguistic Group Decision-Making Method Based on Reference- Dependent Hyperbolic Absolute Utility Function".

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  Today, I will bring you the "Research on Linguistic Group Decision-Making Method Based on Reference- Dependent Hyperbolic Absolute Utility Function", Research object and Definition of Keyword from three aspect:Mind mapping,Intensive reading and Knowledge supplement.

  思维导图 Mind mapping


  精读内容 Intensive reading

  1. 研究对象 Research object

  语言型多属性群决策 Linguistic multiple attribute group decision-making


  In many fields such as economy, society, and military, when making decisions on complex issues, due to the complexity of objective things and the fuzziness of human thinking, decision-makers find it difficult to make accurate and quantitative judgments when evaluating plans such as knowledge management performance and venture capital projects. However, using natural language forms such as "excellent", "good", "medium", and "poor" to make judgments is often more intuitive and convenient. The characteristic of this type of decision-making problem is that the attribute values of the scheme are given in natural language form and require the participation of group experts. This type of decision-making problem is called a linguistic multi-attribute group decision-making problem.

  2. 关键词定义 Definition of keyword

  2.1 参考点效应、参考点依赖 Reference point effect、Reference dependent


  Suppose you are faced with a choice: you spent 100 yuan on two stocks at the same time, X stock is now up 50%, Y stock is down 50%, and now you need to sell one stock. Your choice is:



  A. sell X stock

  B. sell Y stock


  The experimental result is that most people chose the former.


  The choice for ordinary people may be X shares, because their reference point is the money spent on buying stocks, and selling B shares would result in a loss. But the reference points of Homo economicus are different. They refer not to the price of the stock at the time of purchase, but to the current price of the stock. They choose which stock to sell according to the market situation and future trend of the stock. Therefore, different reference points lead to different choices.


  The reference point effect refers to any choice that is not based on absolute levels, but rather on relative levels. The prospect theory believes that utility does not depend on the feeling brought about by the absolute value of wealth, but rather on the position of the reference point compared to whom.

  2.2 效用函数 Utility function


  In the Victorian era, 'Utility' was used to measure a person's overall happiness index, and utility was considered a numerical measure of whether a person was happy or not. However, Utility is different from other numerical indicators and cannot be measured numerically. Therefore, economists have used consumer preferences to customize the expression of consumer behavior, while utility is only one way to describe these preferences.The expression of the utility function is u (x1, x2). The definition of utility function is to assume that f is a preference relationship defined on the consumption set X. If and only if u (x) ≥ u (y) for any x, y, xfy in X, then the function u: X → R is the utility function representing the preference relationship f. The only important property of the utility allocation value is how it orders bundles of goods. The size of the utility function is only important for sorting different consumption bundles, and the specific utility difference between two consumption bundles is not important. Because of these properties, this type of utility is called ordinal utility.


  2.3 多属性决策 Multiple attribute decision-making


  Multiple attribute decision-making, also known as finite scheme multi-objective decision-making, refers to the decision-making problem of selecting the optimal alternative solution or ranking solutions considering multiple attributes. It is an important component of modern decision-making science. The commonly used methods include AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process), etc.


  知识补充 Knowledge supplement

  1. 基数效用 Cardinal utility


  The ordinal utility is mentioned above. Let's understand the Cardinal utility, which is exactly the opposite of the ordinal utility. Cardinal utility theory is a theory that studies consumer behavior. The utility that can be measured in the sense of cardinality, such as an individual's weight or height. The basic viewpoint is that utility can be measured and summed up.

  2. 常用的语言术语集 Common linguistic terminology







  That's all for today's sharing.

  If you have a unique idea about the article,

  please leave us a message,

  and let us meet tomorrow.

  I wish you a nice day!



  [1]丁勇. 语言型多属性群决策方法及其应用研究[D].合肥.合肥工业大学,2011.

  [2]郭奉佳. 参考点相依双曲绝对效用函数下语言型群决策方法研究[D].北京.华北电力大学(北京),2022.





