


  不定式是由to和动词原形构成的一种非谓语动词形式,它可以在句子中作主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语等成分。例如:To learn English well is my goal. (不定式作主语)I want to see a movie tonight. (不定式作宾语)My dream is to travel around the world. (不定式作表语)He has a lot of books to read. (不定式作定语)He went to the library to borrow some books. (不定式作状语)


  不过,在一些特殊的情况下,不定式的to可以被省略,只保留动词原形。这样做的目的是为了避免重复或简化句子结构。下面我们来看看不定式省略to的九种情况:一、使役动词后省略to的情况在let, make, have等使役动词后用作宾语补足语的不定式必须省略to。如:My mother wouldn’t let me go to the film. (我妈妈不会让我去看电影的。)I don’t like milk, but my father makes me drink it every day. (我不喜欢牛奶,但是我父亲每天都让我喝。)He had his car repaired yesterday. (他昨天让人修了他的车。)


  注意:当这些使役动词用于被动语态时,后面的不定式要恢复to。如:I was made to do the homework by my teacher. (我被老师逼着做作业。)The car was had to be repaired by him yesterday. (他昨天不得不让人修车。)二、感官动词后省略to的情况在see, hear, feel, notice, observe, watch等表示感觉或观察的动词后用作宾语补足语的不定式也要省略to。如:I saw him cross the street. (我看见他过了马路。)We heard her sing a song in the next room. (我们听见她在隔壁房间唱歌。)She felt something touch her shoulder. (她感觉到有东西碰了她的肩膀。)


  注意:当这些感官动词用于被动语态时,后面的不定式也要恢复to。如:He was seen to cross the street by me. (他被我看见过了马路。)She was heard to sing a song in the next room by us. (她被我们听见在隔壁房间唱歌。)Something was felt to touch her shoulder by her. (有东西被她感觉到碰了她的肩膀。)


  三、help后省略to的情况在help后用作宾语补足语的不定式可以省略to,也可以保留to,意义没有区别。如:He helped me (to) carry the suitcase. (他帮我拎箱子。)Can you help (to) clean the room? (你能帮忙打扫房间吗?)


  四、并列不定式省略to的情况在两个或两个以上的并列不定式中,如果第一个不定式带有to,那么后面的不定式可以省略to,也可以保留to,意义没有区别。如:She likes to sing and (to) dance. (她喜欢唱歌和跳舞。)He tried to open the door and (to) get out. (他试着打开门并且出去。)


  五、避免重复省略to的情况在某些动词(如hope, want, wish, expect等)后用作宾语的不定式,如果与主语的意愿一致,那么可以省略to,只保留动词原形。如:I hope to pass the exam and so do you. (我希望通过考试,你也是。)He wants to buy a new car and so does she. (他想买一辆新车,她也是。)在tell, order, ask等动词后用作宾补的不定式,如果与主语的意愿相反,那么可以省略to,只保留动词原形。如:He told me not to smoke in the room. (他告诉我不要在房间里抽烟。)She ordered him not to leave the office. (她命令他不要离开办公室。)


  六、had better, would rather, can’t but等后省略to的情况在had better, would rather, can’t but等表示建议、偏好或无奈的词或短语后直接跟动词原形,实际上是接省to的不定式。如:You had better tell me the truth. (你最好告诉我真相。)I would rather stay at home than go out. (我宁愿呆在家里也不愿出去。)He can’t but accept the fact. (他只能接受这个事实。)


  七、why not后省略to的情况在why not后直接跟动词原形,表示建议或疑问,实际上是接省to的不定式。如:Why not go and ask the teacher for help? (为什么不去向老师求助呢?)Why not take a break? (为什么不休息一下呢?)


  八、介词but, except后省略to的情况在介词but, except后(注意此时这两个词是介词,表达除了…之外的意思),如果其前有动词do的某种形式,其后不定式一般不带to,反之则必须带to。如:I can do nothing but wait for him to wake up. (除了等他醒来,我什么也做不了。)I have no choice but to accept the fact. (除了接受这个事实,我没有任何选择。)


  九、主语中包含do的形式时省略to的情况当主语中包含do的形式时,此时作表语的不定式的to要省略。如:The only thing you can do is wait and see. (你唯一能做的事就是等待和观望了。)The best thing you should do is look for a job. (你应该做的最好的事就是找一份工作。)What I will do is tell the truth. (我将要做的事就是说实话。)