

  Unit 7 How much are these socks?


  ① how much 多少钱 ② seven dollars 七美元

  ③ white bag 白色的包 ④ clothes store 服装店

  ⑤at very good prices 以很低的价格 ⑥ for boys 对于男孩子

  ⑦ skirts in red 红色的裙子 ⑧ twenty-eight dollars 28美元

  ⑨ Big Sale! 大降价! ⑩ here you are 给你

  ⑾ a pair of black shoes 一双黑色的鞋子


  —How much is the hat? 这顶帽子多少钱?

  —It’s five dollars. 5美元。

  —How much are these socks? 这双短袜多少钱?

  —They’re two dollars. 两美元。

  —Can I help you? 我能帮您吗?

  —Yes, please. 好的。

  Here you are. 给你。

  I’ll take it. 我买了。

  —Thank you.谢谢。 —You’re welcome. 不用谢。


  1. 基数词,表示数目或者数量的多少。

  one 到twelve,拼写和读音没有什么相似之处,无规律可言,应逐一进行记忆。

  thirteen到nineteen,表示“十几”,在个位数后加后缀-teen,读作/ti:n/。其中要注意thirteen, fifteen和eighteen的拼写。

  twenty到ninety,表示“几十”,以-ty结尾,但需注意下面几个词的拼写:twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, eighty。

  21~29直到91~99,表示“几十几”,用整十位加个位数表示,中间用连字符“-”把十位 数与个位数连接起来。21 twenty-one 35 thirty-five

  one hundred意为“一百”,表示一百还可以用 a hundred . 要表示200~900,用“具体数字+hundred”。 200 two hundred 900 nine hundred

  one thousand 意为:一千。英语中用一个单词单独表示的数有:百,千,百万 十亿

  那么 万,十万 该怎么表达呢?请看下面的表格

  注意:101~999 之间的数的表达法:百位数+and+末(两)位数, 如:208:two handred and eight .921 :nine hundred and twenty-one .1001~9999 之间的数的表达; 千位+(and)+百位 +(and)+ 末尾两位,其中的零用and 代替 ,如:

  1005 one thousand and five

  1028 one thousand and twenty-eight .

  1206 one thousand two hundred and six.

  1680 one thousand six huandred and eighty

  1567 one thousand five huandred and sixty-seven

  2.数字+hundred/thousand 与hundreds/thousands+of的区别

  表达具体的几百几百的时候,hundred/thousand 不能+s,后也不能+of

  Five hundred cars 五百辆车

  A hundred boys 一百个男孩子

  表达笼统的数以百计/成百上千的时候,hundred/thousand 要加s ,且要用of 连接后边的名词。如:

  Hundreds of cars 数百辆汽车

  Thousand of books 数千本书/成千上万本书


  表示年龄,基数词放在years old之前。He is twenty years old.

  用来表示人或物的数量,放在名词前。 I have three balls.

  表示顺序、编号等,放在名词之前。I’m in Class three.

  用来计算。 Two and six is eight.

  3.how much的用法:

  用以询问物品的价格,后接be动词,其形式要与后面的主语保持一致,即主语是可数名词单数或不可数名词时,用is;若主语是可数名词复数时,则用are. What is the price of+主语,也是询问物品的价格,常在同义句转化中与how much句型互换,但是要注意,此句型中,无论主语是可数名词单复数还是不可数名词,其be动词都是is。

  另外,how much与how many的区别:how much与how many都可以用来询问物体的数量,区别在于how much后接不可数名词,而how many后接可数名词复数形式。


  help做动词,意为“帮忙,帮助”,常用结构为help sb to do sth 帮助某人做某事。 help sb with sth. 帮助某人做某事。

  My teacher helps me with my homework 我的老师帮我辅导家庭作业。

  Tom often helps his father (to) clean the garden. 汤姆经常帮他爸爸打扫花园。

  其他用法:① help! “救命” ②help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事。 Lisa often help me with my English. 丽萨经常帮我学习英语。 ③help oneself (to) “自便,随便(吃/喝……)

  Come on, boys. Help yourselves to some juice. 来,孩子们,随便喝些果汁。④can’t help doing sth. “忍不住做……” Kate couldn’t help crying when she won the match. 凯特赢得了比赛后,忍不住哭了。⑤作名词,意为“帮助”是不可数名词。Tony needs some help. 托尼需要一些帮助。⑥ 商店服务员常用语:Can I help you?/May I help you?/What can I do for you ?/Is there anthing I can do for you ?

  5.big small short long的区别


  He has a big house.他有一座大房子

  How big is it?它有多大?


  The room is small.这个房间小。

  It's a small car.这是一辆小汽车。


  The skirt is too long. I want a short one.


  Your ruler is short.你的尺子短。


  Jenny is tall, but Mary is short.珍妮很高,但是玛丽很矮。


  It's a long river.这是条长河。

  She has long hair.她留着长发。

  It's a long time.那是很长一段时间。


  ①need做实义动词,有人称和数的变化,意为“需要”,后接名词、代词或动词不定式做宾语,注意need doing sth意为“需要被做……”是主动形式表示被动的含义。

  They don’t need our help. 他们不需要我们帮助。

  Jim’s bike is broken. He needs to buy a new one. 吉姆的自行车坏了,他需要买辆新的。

  ②need做情态动词时长用于否定句和疑问句中,意为“需要,必要”,后接动词原形,此时need无人称和数的变化,可以直接加not构成否定句,也可直接提到句首变为一般疑问句。You needn’t worry about that. 你不必为此担心。 Need we finish the work before Saturday?我们有必要周六前完成工作吗?

  7.Two dollars for one pair and three dollars fortwo pairs.两美元一双,3美元两双。


  It's ten yuan for the pen.这支 钢笔10元。

  How much is it for three?买三个多少钱?



  a pair of trousers 一条 裤子

  two pairs of socks 两双短袜

  pair(s)of后接名词作主语时,谓语动词的形式应根据pair的单复数来确定…①“a pair of+复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数。

  A pair of shoes in this store is 50 yuan.


  ②“pairs of+复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数。

  These two pairs of shoes are $ 100.


  8.Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!我们在大甩卖,快来买衣服吧!

  (1)Come and...意为“来(做某事)”。其中and连接两个动词表示动作的一先一后。

  Come and have dinner with us,please.



  常用短语:buy sb.sth.=buy sth.for sb.,意为“给某人买某物”。

  My mother buys me a new bike.=My mother buys a new bike for me.



  sell sb sth = sell sth to sb 意为“卖某物给某人”

  They are going to sell me their books.=They are going to sell their books to me.

