个人陈述(Personal Statement)怎么写?








  A desirable career should be the one where people lay their passions and interests, and meanwhile this career should be able to widen their visions, enrich their lives and ultimately fulfill their aspirations to realize life values. The legal profession, I reckon, is the ideal career in line with all my life pursuit. Currently, with my undergraduate study approaching the end, I would like to apply for further study in your LL.M. program to enrich my knowledge base and build up my critical thinking skills to prepare myself to launch a successful legal career.

  开头部分,作者阐述了他个人定义的最值得追求的事业,并说出学习就是他认为的最有价值的事业,刻画了一个大概的有着强烈求知欲的形象。然后也很明确的在开篇用一句话表明自己想进入所谓的LL.M. Program,说明不是随便申请的,而是一直关注着专业领域的项目的,这是给招生官留下好印象的方法之一。


  PS 的开头可以多种多样,但忌讳简历式开头,即我是谁,年龄,毕业于什么大学,所学专业是什么等等这些已经写在简历上的东西。这种开头不仅没有新意,而且浪费了PS的篇幅,占据了该体现本人特色优势的描述。一篇能够吸引眼球的开头可以适当的选用合适的名言警句来增加文章的文学性,在选用名句时不要选择那种过于常见的名言警句,否则会有落入俗套之嫌。具体可以参考下面的开头部分范例:

  It is my conviction that the meaning of life does not dwell in the length of time that one can live or the material abundance that one can acquire, but in the richness and the wonderfulness of life itself. With the increase of my age, many things in my life have changed. But one thing remains constant, that is, I will consistently insist on doing what I like to do and hope that my endeavors can be valuable to the life of others. I see this as the only way whereby I can realize the value of my life.


  My name is **,Graduated from **university. From a young age I have always been interested in education, so I choose education as my major and want have a further study on this field. Your school stands front of other universities in the field of education, is always my dream school.



  My undergraduate study in Minzu University of China has proved to be fruitful and colorful. As a self-motivated student, I have spared no pains to equip myself with specialist knowledge and practical skills. Thanks to my unremitting efforts, I have built a firm academic grounding about jurisprudence, criminal law, civil law, commercial law and etc, and scored an exemplary average score of 89.5%, ranking me the first in the whole grade comprised of about 100 students.

  Moreover, by frequently attending the moot courts and drafting a range of legal documents, I significantly harnessed my verbal and writing skills, and gradually sharpened my insight into China’s judicial system. Furthermore, I have double majored in English, and thereby greatly improved my English proficiency, which enabled me to effectively acquire the knowledge pertaining to international economic law, international law, international private law, and so forth, and thereby consolidated my resolution to pursue further study in a programme which is delivered in English.



  Besides my endeavors to solidify academic knowledge, I have thrown myself into a stream of research projects. Among those examples I could cite would be my experience in carrying out the national-level undergraduate innovation training programme titled Fire Protection Regulations of Villages of the Miao Nationality-a Case Study about Xijiang Village Leishan County Guizhou Province. Starting from conducting investigations and interviewing residents in that village, our team collected plentiful data, and studied the pros and cons of current regulations. After consulting professional literatures and seeking advices from scholars& experts, we proposed our suggestions about improving current regulations to better protect villagers' lives and properties. In recognition of the practical value of our research, our project was awarded as the Excellent Project, and our research paper will soon be published in the 2nd Issue of Journal of Original Ecological National Culture. By undertaking those researches, for one thing, I have largely broadened my intellectual horizon; for another, I enhanced my skills in data collection, analysis and interpretation of results to conduct productive researches, which, in my opinion, will pave the way for my following postgraduate study.





  With a view to gaining valuable job skills, I once served as an assistant in the Legal Service Center of university, and assisted to provide voluntary legal aid to social vulnerable groups covering the issues like questions answering, legal instruments writing, lawsuits agency, and etc. More than that, I have managed to work in Liangshan Intermediate People’s Court. During the process, I involved myself in legal instruments management, court records keeping and execution of cases. By doing so, I got a glimpse of the overall process in handling China’s legal disputes from organization appellate records to initiate prosecutions, and through to the execution of cases. Valuable practical experiences not only enhanced my logical& analytical thinking skills, but granted me personal experience about tackling economic and civil disputes. More importantly, I was allowed to closely contact with high-caliber legal professionals, and their impressive professionalism, enthusiasm and dedication moved me deeply, which reinforced my determination to pursue a career in the legal profession as my lifelong commitment, and inspired me to work harder and harder to grow into a capable legal practitioner just like them.







  My desire to study Law stems from a growing fascination with World events, as well as with the minutiae of our day-to-day existence. The event of Sino-American special protectionist tariffs once again unveils the crucial and indispensable status of law in the global context. A complete set of regulation should be needed to standardize every country’s behavior and to coordinate the contradictions among different nations. Stimulated by the prominent controversies in the world, I am firm with my choice to pursue jurisprudence in this realm. As Helena Kennedy QC states 'The Law is the bedrock of a nation; it tells us who we are, what we value, who has power, and who hasn't. Almost nothing has more impact on our lives.' ('Just Law', 2004) That’s, law is not only the weapon of counterattacking criminals but also the disseminator of human nature, and lawyers can be an important source of protein. I am convinced that studying in a brand-new condition with strong and mature atmosphere of law learning will pave my way to my dream soon. I promise that I will make greater accomplishment if offered the valuable opportunity to study at your university.



  As a top law school with time-honored reputation for nurturing first-class legal practitioners, the School of Transnational Law, Peking University has been appealing to me ever since. With courses delivered by highly qualified academics rich in research and applied experience, your school will provide a well-balanced, highly informed and supportive environment to endow me with seasoned knowledge and intellectual base necessary for working at the forefront of the judicial circles. Furthermore, your esteemed university enjoys a robust global network of alumni, and will enable me to interact with like-minded peers hailing from around the world to appreciate various thinking modes and establish my stimulating business networks, which, I think, will be a major plus for my future career development. In the future, armed with solid academic foundations about China’s legal system and international law as well as an international perspective, I expect to grow into an eligible lawyer and devote myself to settling disputes for clients from across the globe. Further study in your university will add wings to the realization of my career goal, and I sincerely look forward to commencing the next stage of my educational journey in your superior and inspiring environment.




  个人陈述的结尾其实也是挺重要的,千万不要觉得结尾就是对之前写的东西的总结,所以在尾段千万不要出现to sum up之类的短语,不然就会使你的文章覆盖上一层浓浓的高考作文气息。


  I am highly aware of the superb reputation of your school, and my conversations with several of your alumni have served to deepen my interest in attending. I know that, in addition to your excellent faculty, your computer facilities are among the best in the state. I hope you will give me the privilege of continuing my studies at your fine institution.


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