
  UNIT 5 “Exercise is good for you .”“Exercise is good for you .”VOCABULARY BUILDERSHOWTIMEREADINGCHATTIMEUNIT 5CONTENTSWRITINGGRAMMARMY STORYRead and complete the questionnaire about your exercise habits. Listen and repeat.AComplete the sentences with words from Exercise A.vitaminsBcaloriescardiostretchweightsworkoutroutinetreadmillmusclesyogaComplete the sentences with words from Exercise A.Bvitamin: 维生素,是维持人体生命活动必需的一类有机物质。维生素A能够维持眼睛在黑暗情况下的视力,缺乏易导致夜盲症。维生素C能够改善人体对铁、钙和叶酸的吸收,缺乏易导致坏血病。维生素D能够促进骨骼钙化,缺乏易导致佝偻病。 LANGUAGE NOTECULTURAL NOTEyoga: 瑜伽,源于印度,是一种让身体、心灵与精神达到和谐统一的运动方式。2012年,一位93岁的美国老太太被吉尼斯世界纪录认证为全球最年长的瑜伽教练。 Listen and complete the conversation.Cexercisecoupletreadmillcardioweights参考译文参考译文女: 除了玩电子游戏和看电影,你还有其他爱好吗?男: 有时间的话我会做运动。女: 你在哪里运动?男: 几个月前我加入了Bodyfit健身馆。女: 我知道那里。它在格里尔大街的银行旁边。你在那里做什么运 动?男: 通常我会先在跑步机上做30分钟的有氧运动,接着做30分钟的 举重训练。女: 你多久去一次?男: 我想一周去四次,但是我太懒了。上周我只去了两次。女: 那也比我强。我从不去健身房。Look at the pictures of the sports equipment, and match each picture to the sportyou use it for. DWORDS & EXPRESSIONScalorie cardio muscleroutine stretch treadmillvitaminweightworkout yoga calorie n. 卡(路里)(食物的热量单位) E.g. A glass of wine does have quite a lot of calories.? 一杯葡萄酒的热量确实不低。words and expressionscardio n. 心脏强化锻炼 E.g. My workout usually includes 15 to 20 minutes of cardio.? 我的健身运动通常包括15-20分钟的有氧运动。words and expressionsmuscle n. 肌肉E.g. He is suffering from a trained thigh muscle. 他的大腿肌肉拉伤了,疼得很。words and expressionsroutine n. 惯例;常规 E.g. Make exercise a part of your daily routine. 让锻炼成为你日常生活的一部分。words and expressionsstretch v. 伸展(肢体) E.g. Try stretching your legs and pulling your toes upwards. 试着双腿伸直并且向上拉伸脚趾。words and expressionstreadmill n. 跑步机 E.g. In the basement of his home, he exercised on a treadmill and a rowing machine. 在他家的地下室,他在跑步机和划船机上锻炼。words and expressionsvitamin n. 维生素E.g. Try to eat foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. 尽量吃富含维生素和矿物质的食物。words and expressionsweight n. 哑铃;杠铃片 E.g. She lifts weights as part of her training. 举杠铃是她锻炼的一部分。words and expression