1、"iP".'fner".rs".rymme”c”;”.".",",":*:, “. :*r-.;,*”:“' s ”.,.":,.=,:;“-"."siia":"'.,.:,. n "”"."*"-,:":*“ "sna dec.m:u.Fu to-.:3 onngeaan."',""!:.,- .cm","yTo-"
2、;,.“-.,”.", “;,;>“"":、:=:.”a,buvd ninuina .uoe”xd.2fteoui”gfQy,a.":a"eres-:;”,"-"CsT .“.1*。*:-” on“*:*.;”"":=:.>"""'srmod” yuw "”:.:1. .c.dadyp;l.s""eam*a F.sa"*;:.*”":.*-“."”“.-,ry".up.g:.,.iino
3、poru".H.dm -“.,prob -s to .a.". s.i -,. ay.g a frUrth.crr. J- a. B to m-. Lh.g. Forc. C .through .salshd r. .liai. wa .3 .d ._ . ca su.vs . ., ad o. a i.Stdd S d. .mo dWi. f . o.- hgrspay of m- i. . pa. c -I-iti. sa.d 1r_ sac t. . r_r "c . u, .soldi! o. .liat o. r.sl. . o.gy cr.c. d .
4、r "a.Ci a.-L crr:0. "our W ."a.- o. m» S d. of -L- s. w ok -一 mor. |o - rl U. a -mp- y. Third, - m u. co类别:上海市卫生和计划生育委员会科研课题申请书(2015 版)课题编号课题名称起止日期-工作单位通讯地址联系电话邮政编码课题负责人手机电子邮箱填表日期:tog-a.t a .d im |rov.d iv.ioo. huo.g ol CiyL-"a.w . carry oU ”.t hrf acii- a .a 1-t h-".lc
5、a.ducaio. im|ora ' id.-at |atormt o. ol-rk- t Hi. |r o.Ca. ad Cd.di-ol-. ado".a.ig. car.d oU "-.c |.moig", t. ju,Ct |U "t-wbar. a ".ch. C cl- a. l=U , a im| . .tato., |U -d oU "w .a . a .".tai. a."- C.C ".tai. _ |ay w ok -aUat o. ol im|ora.j.t.t, - a
6、im|ortat ” C ol muUa -l -I.,. la- lr .a diglod. .a. -d ' ad- t. IrIdma._ ol |ay m l.r. ad cdat t th.ma. .Cal- .a" d|r- . i . .bhg I. la. ol Cal. ."a .w.ciCd. . .i|ay cmmit- ti .y g.ral- Ci.a. how to r. ay .aa.d cad. .gQi .g Q ar -tlo.alol.alwk o. "w"t. udyth. . - tol. .ol|ay
7、ru. . w l m. -I.a ua”.-. d I ada .- a.dr_t .l Ur.Ha.t, zai.a ad t_m.t ol |.a it. - .o |U -.- oU "tw bar. a .".a.ig .u d io. w itdo r.orm-|m.t -I. t h. wk cmli . u. a .d -i-y.o C. . work a .ay adjolcmli.d u|, ad giara.t.-im|.- 第1 页tThheirpda,rtthye's"frienfeorsmty"leffortse,fo
8、crarerxyafmoprlwea,rbdetsureto hetraditional Chinesechviartnugee into.Lears,prnainctgictio teang thcehESodcuicaalitsiotcorne ivnaolure dertoss,olvvigeotrheouslyprocabrlreymf,oirfwitadrdoethe spirits not solvethoefJpiraooblYeumlu,itHwoinllgfqoirCm,agoenalspirit andsstphirroituogfhptehresimstoetions.n
9、ce, hoTnoessttryeingthen pnotlhiteiccso,nscstirictsotautsensemsasno,fsptricokbtleomtsahensdpiirnitsuisatled ohneigphtrosbolefmth-eorCieonmtemunists.d,Foprurtooblem -solvidnegvloetairni on,ansg,edoducaptliaoynaforrolteraiction,ntrquulyalidfeyep iing.Official nvCesotmigmatuioninsitndtuoty.To fulcfihll
10、atnhege,modificationp.aArtcy'hsepcukerpose,mai dswnitanign. fLoeratrhening epedouplceattihoenmpsroelgvreasm,ameforparntdy dedi cation-,bdueivldi notgioinn,omuarinctiatyinactupiaollnyeepr,ropipoonseeerid to focunsg andeontnesrolutipriosningoffuszpziyriitd,aeal ctivesaatntdhebewliell efswa-voefrf,
11、ecxotrnascpiractice,omuaskneecsosn,tpriubrputoisoens.Tofthe partyhewienackesnetivnesef,uhnocntiestyaon of party nordgsaenlif-di scizpaltiionnesaawtaarlleleneveslssisshnooutlsdtrgiovnegfull,depreplsasyetoda,dsvixaissnuceedmsoodfeelthi s,ecasltamisbcliosnhdaucretstupdryesentcatoivnte,enatdsvsape nccei
12、ficdprand toygpricaamlmesfoorfatlhlepatirmtyesm,eambers and gui dethenbdroleaaddinmgascseadrsesofapabrtoyvemtemhbeercsotuonetymlevelshalulate. lfocIunshoonnfourrther reoffitnheem9e5 a nniversarnyttooftfhoeundpirnogblaems.Spescifainctoppo eovrteurnyitpyatrtoyamweamrdbier an recognnitdioenveofrya ncua
13、mdrbee,raolfsorequioruetsstaandciongmbpianrattyiomneomfbaectrs'uaadlvaanndcecdongtrraoslls-red,focouostes pdaartnydorergaallnyizpauttiyour ons, oustesltfainn,ding papretyopwlesee thinorgkesr,s,seaned put, twhieth theirowpioneenrtsrpeeecsi.ficprobl emsto learnConstituti on Partyrules,seri es,addr
14、ess,sopreci siontofindtheproblem,laying a solidfoundation for furthercorre ctiveaction.Bto makechange.Forche ckput ofproblem, throughestablishedre ctification Taiwan account,a ndtake spe cialsupervision,and on accountPIN,approach,insi sted dosidelearn side modified,a ndthat knowthatmodified, whilefo
15、cuse don put "two learna do" learningeducation rectificati on wit h grasppartyofmass lineeducation practi ce activitie s and"threestrict threereal" topic education problemrectification combi ned up, consolidati on e xpande d has made ofrectification results, stronglycorrecte d&qu
16、ot;forofficernotfor",and Chiandendless corre cted "fourwi nd", andregulation masses side ofabuse s,ensurew ork advance more powerf ul,and problemsolution morecompletel y.Third,we m ust consolidate our a chieveme nts. Formorepublic,some partymembers whofocuson theoutsta ndi ng issues,c
17、ombi ning conce ntrated填表说明一、 本课题申请书系上海市卫生和计划生育委员会为所组织的科研课题研究而设计。二、本课题申请书编写请使用 A4普通纸张打印填报,各栏空格不够时,请自行加页。左侧装订成册(不要采用胶圈、文件夹等带有突出棱边的装订方式)。三、 本课题申请书各项内容要实事求是,逐条认真填写,外来语同时用原文和中文表达。四、研究起始年月日统一规定为申请年度的次年1 月 1 日。五、 所属学科及代码要求尽可能填写到三级学科,在没有三级学科情况下填写二级学科。六、单位名称填写必须与所盖公章一致,否则无效。七、本课题申请书提交一份。ectificationand stre
18、ngtheningthemanageme ntofdailye ducation,the spiritofreformshortofthecomplete system,paycloseattentiontosystem implementation, readucati on a nd stri ctmanagementd, be sure to promoteefficie ncy. "Two" educati on, notoneducationeducational,notw orkingwit hthe Centretwo, must stickaround th
19、e Cente r,servi ng theoverall situation, coor dinate,tr uly result -orie ntedand pr omoteefficiency. Curre ntand future aperiod, to tightlyaround coorditoguarantees a nd im proved livel ihood,construction morehigh ecologi calvitalityha ppi ness ofcity. Lastyear,w e carryout "three-three" a
20、ctivities a s a "three-t hree" speciale ducation importa nt,finde ducatimain economi cand social development.Atpresent,the overallsmoothe conomic operati onin our city, butdownwar d pressure i s stillhig h,faceda numberofchallenge sand tests.Mea nwhile,coincide s witht hecity, Countya ndto
21、w nshippartycommittees thion ofwork.Referencet hisagood practices,pr ovincial, andmunicipaldecided in "twolear n ado"learning e ducationinthe carrie d out "five check fivepromsyeargeneralele ction year, howto re allychoose l oyal,cl eana nd serve sas agood cadre, ir on di sci pline of
22、GeneralFe ng Qi ng Qi ,Qi, QiShun, swappedoting", theCounty Districtunitst o insi sted put "twolearnaona nd "fiveche ckfive promoti ng" organi cfusion,a nd common audythe effectofe ducati on inspecti on,ifthetr ueseriesofparty ruledvance,doone pla n layout , and one organizationi
23、mplementation,puts and Constituti onspeaksw ella nd truly become aqualifiedparty membengfull built societythi s ace ntraland work overallcarried out "two lear na do" situation, and"fivecheck five promotiout learning educati ona spromote dwork of importantopportunities and powerful pow
24、e r,gui deGeneralmem bers cadreconomi cdevel opme nt new normal, consci ously practi ce linefive big develdestructural reform,r, nat urallyweca n dealwit hadva ncea nd retreatleft turn treatment,ng" situationaspartyworkevaluati on ofimportantContent, asan important aspect ofmutual eval uation o
25、n partymembers,testi ngasan important baproper organi zationalarrangements and sele ction, propertreatmentofpersonal interests.oput carried out "two learna do"lear ning e ducatisisforlea ding bodie sand leadi ng cadres'performance andguidethe broad massesof party members and cadre stos
26、tudy educati on ope ns up totheonw ith doreform developmentstablet he work combi ned up,a nd seriouslydoCe nterwork,a nd daily andjob combine dup, andguarante es improve dlivelihood,a nd promote social harmonycombine dup,andcompletedthetask combine3- value s,',sy carry- J-jHngq'Ca Opessen-e
27、一, sr - heg o' Ofc- "mu” -y T, 3the p-S purp,. m-it- them.elesand - L-ai.n,::,- .-.":"$.;-*:-prii :g op- cog-izewe“alelvef -a .blsare 'ebr,. p-y membe-u -.95 annier . in o uswa+s -. .'" L" *:."-.",""-":”3-:,乂3工g pa” can. it. I- t, -,- n,t
28、 sl-ethe”'in"”ecn ins ,re s-ng a .W"-. .igri-5e-puru-pr,m.wn . sluin, h,ne- -d 2 pie a-waee _ s,t er , - is-”ehi cl sal,e ,n .her. pelic ' evey-y membe -d e-e. e ,as re quie s a and“',"g”=" ;nr.eo.My.-y .ri,pep:e sag-wspe".:-Fr "3 a bl- e cicaln、 n a_ut a nd
29、 t-e seca ,pe-s cut PN, -pr,a c, in-e.d, e lean s de middle-d - k . ,w th- mldii-, wile f lean a d," lea nig educai ,nha - e ,l eclli-in _uls ”n”cre - fr” n,tf",-d"i-d - sl cm pleey. lid, - muscnsl -e,uracments c, sme p-y membesw h, scm igc-版本 号:上海市卫生和计划生育委员会科研课题申请书2015一、简表课 题 负 责 人姓名
30、性别出生日期学历学位职称职务工作单位部门从事专业研究课题课题名称类别:基础研究口应用研究 口开发研究 其它()所属学科代码相关学科1代码相关学科2代码相关学科3代码申请金额(万元)研究内容和预期成果摘要(限400字).i-inand sengtei duca ,l .l te cmpee :_, p.y.-a" .-in, ea . ma. - educasrct Fnah, t he _be n.'w-. mus s'-, arud teCeeer -eal-in, c,rdi-e tr uy . ent -d uue a pei,d, t Khty arud c,
31、r.naln.-ane、u alur.-y-yu、wining -andid ,utlea nig euc-t,n - p.- andp,“ p, r ” de Gene-l m_bescdes i*i_d devis ac-e addaed eeve nL-,cnsiu- prrct- ie lie bg as,ppysi de sucu- re,rm,"'""canddmcavde=ment,,Hnsucin mnt,eheg.-l"" cC-” a , pp.-t.,i. ' t-1标-:-:-"d"t
32、 1" i S "-,£ da. usaerrch.egLses-nd esucMeamp,rn:,ciciiedes*t,nh-c".Un'.eaPl-r3.w-eihebc,.-m.-ts, 13* -in's+: t , . ' "ay ”, sef r amu,'a lndde-e.aeg.d i-Ca-ei n a X.-liege . l £“'n' h M " gQ, ,",.-:.-.".utP.'Weilgthe Csuu - .r
33、l."1一3u-we-; - l w.dOne*-t,se-i-.thheael;t.ee-e-caiep ,0* 1 se.,ir,-tr"u:;d cm N .d-nd+nnsnei-, nsp"'"e-ad *e y ' r "eCnimaU.p"; H, e -c-,,-uuneT. d-WsuaUad-ierr.-.ftu. "" t n g"pO.e,r : ,-yw-"-:". n t n . : imd r 丫"". . p etea
34、lenlp.-.s-'imutsts-':*"O.Ua X: . es"n a-"ga-an-nng-u:a i , n " d,raef.i.gbbevelpme : a,-n,, r e h eSw.ef.,m a i e-d*,: e b : d-i一y-O.:-,erw-.y ar n dd-jd-d cVeie".: ."adg-nte ' e.nis P.t.te d- imbie 第 3 页the party's fine -l e, carry frwad the trad.oa CCi
35、ese vtues, practc ng Ie Slc_kt core vaues, vgorou- cay fwad the sp.of Jia YUU, Hngq Ca nal spii and spii of pessenc, honesty i n p-.s, stc saesma, sik t tI e s” - l heght of Ie Ccmmunss Flu toievl on, as, do pay a re i n-y ig Olical CcmmunSt dUy To UH IeThid Ie "refrm- efors Ifr e-plebesuetoCan
36、ge ito. LLar I ing to CEduato n i or rto sove the p.b ,i it doe s not sove the prob-itwCr., gestrougthe moios.To ste ngghe n te cnsCoisniss of prblms and ine d on p.bo-nte sling eari nge - cainfr tacin.tuy depin、a>nito Cange, modi- sto ean CcnsiUt on Pa" rUes sei , * so prrcisintfid t he pro
37、bem, layng a sld foLndaton fr urhecreCt - adn. B to mike chage ForCe ck pU of problm, throogh esalshd reiUcaton Ta wa accunt a nd ale se Ca suevs I n, ad ona_ount PIN, approac, isstd dsde .sde modf , and tha kow that modifieparys pupooe, ma ntano te pepe thm , a nd ded cain,dev otin, manai I g ad en
38、telr_ng s* a ctve a te wel off eXta paCic, make contiLtons Tin. A chhcced sw ng LLar ning e ducainprgrmme o pary-buld ng i ou cy ac, prpooe d t fcs on souly ds and bel es ve, cnsi ouses, pupooe of te |d Wie Iou- d on put "wlar n a d" rig ed - atoneidtWt hgrsp pay of ma- lie e ducaton pact
39、ce aCivties and "trre stiC te e rel" tpic e duato on combi nnday organi zains at al l e soudgve fulpl. to adva nced mode s, a bis are prse ntatv* adva nce d and tyial of te limes a nd gui de the broa d m s of pay m - bes t emulae I 95a nnivesay of funing a s aru td i necgitonof a nnmbe ofn
40、d -ldsJilne awaennss s not srong , depresed, sX sses of ehica mscnduC s_y cntets speCUCpr ogrmmes for al pary m - bes and ea digcadis abo<et he cuy l sa l focus on urhe reiement t theprroems. Spedc toy pary m- ber and evey cde, a su, cnsoldai on e xaned ha s made of eCtiat on esut, st ongy creCe
41、d fr ofke not for", ad Chi adedles creCed "our w nd", ad rrguat on mlsss s de of au- s ennure wok idvace moepo r u, ad problm sut on moe cmpete y. T hid, m us cons, our a CevmeI utsadig pary m - bes ' Id ccd gas rI os pary orgaizai on* outsadig pay workes ad pu te pionee treseques
42、 a cm bnatinof aC ua and cnlrlId, foou- d ad r_ly pu yu sef i, peple - e tigs se , wt tei ow nspciCns. For more pulc sme lay m - bes wo fcus on teousa nd ng isuus, combi nig cnce ntatd二、立题依据lveiood a nd promoe socia hamony combine d up, ad cmpletd t5版本号:上海市卫生和计划生育委员会科研课题申请书2015三、课题研究的总目标和特色、创新点,主要研究
43、内容及所需要解决的技术难点- 第5 页. - in- sengthei.ye si fthecmp.cb- ,ain, -. make FnOh, t he -be .、-. or-g mus. theCeer, stuain,-or .aetr uy C-entad uue apei o- to”.-, codnOn.- ce、- a - egyayut, Wnning wkcar- outl nig -alon a promote a and p.-ru p.- r _i de Geneal m_bes. is-.iseve -,cnsiu- pr-I- iefve big - .pp.s
44、i.es .m,版本号:上海市卫生和计划生育委员会科研课题申请书2015四、课题完成形式和考核指标第6页版本号:上海市卫生和计划生育委员会科研课题申请书2015五、课题年度计划及年度目标eciiain and Srengl-i.ye du -si-tig-ant-s a nd im priv- ihiid h-l. -I". if."LSt.a.w - -,iU 1-t “ecmppy , ain, -aman.seal-.Apr-a" dprrsihr-" -Jiiis a sa 1 t h-" s-Ca - du - inmpi.a &qu
45、ot; fid - -al slhg -ifcal- b-anw.i- s nsippay . ti-be - n,"Tw-. - in. . ir-g muS.“ud”,-. .in,-r dia- tr Uy - .-nt ad UU- ap-i i- ”."-. rdin ifwrkR- t I is ivnCa,ad Cd-d in"-i l-a n a di" -aning - d iU "v- C-k ”.,- g-alCin.a, hi- ti - ay -aand F-ng Qi ng Q iig"-CUy i-.t
46、pU " t- - an-al k 2ch- . in ""is-yth- - - tif- a n la,U , a-imp - - ntalin, pUng wka.s pals- b-cm- a ca- iU "- -a n a ."slain, a."i-.-iutl-a nig alin a p-mi- aUni- and pi-JU pi- r _i d- G-n-al m-b-s . i.i-d is .»- a-d - noma,.nsiu- pr- i-fi- bg .pp.sid-SU.-a r-irm,
47、“a Ua-.d-a -inn- and r_t -I Urlram-t,ng" slain _ pay - ik -aU. in if bpir-.nt-t, - a mpi.at -p- . if mUUa -al zaina a.a.- i-am-t if p-sna it-ss ba fr -a dig bid- sand -. ' ad-i- l- br. . mas- if pay m b-rs ad i pU - iU " rn a ." -a ning -U - i in - . r-irm-pm-t -b- t h- k .mbi n-
48、U, a nd i-y.i .- n-r -irk a nd day a. jib.mbi-d Up, ad glaant- -imp- d年度课题的年度计划及年度目标(按季度划分工作节点,要求明确关键 的、必须实现的节点目标)本课题应于前进行验收- 第7 页the party's fine «1e, ry frwad t he tradtoa C,i vtues, practc ng Ie Sic_kt core vaues, vgo. cay forward the spatof Jia Yuu, Hn*q Ca nal spirit and «" o
49、 pessenc, hoesy i n .->1* stc , t tI e spi. - i 'eg't of Ie Ccmmuss Fou to-vlon, as, dopay a re i n _a*y ig Olicai Ccmmust .Uy To u» Iepartys pupose, mantato Ie people them , a nd dedc<ain,devoo, mat” i g ad enter irbsng sp* a clve a Ie wel of exta pace, make cmtiilmiL The ice - U
50、nci ay ogani zaos at al leves SiudgJVe fulplay to a a need m.e s, esaba re pese ntalve a a nc d and yiai o the .mes, a nd guide the Iria d masse s o party members temulae I 95a nnivesay of fudig as artu toawad i n ecggKn ofa numle ofi utsadig,aay members ' advanced gas ri os paly irggaiai os, ou
51、tsa - g pay wo * ad pU Ie pioee trees.Thid Ie "refrm- efors Ifr exmple Ie sue tocange ito. LLar I ig to Ia cEduai n i or der to so'ethe p.I ,i i doe s not sohe the proIlm, it wlfrm, gesIroug the moios.To ste nghe n Ie cnscousniss of plilms and insise d on p.Ilm o-nte slingea>i nge - cain
52、 fr Iacin,tuy ddep invesgain itocange, modlcain. A chicled swngLLar ning e ducain pr.mefr pary-buld ng i ou cya c,- p.pooe d I fcs on souly del s and beles ve,cnnsious,pupooe of Ie pay -k - nsehon,andleld s11 ne awae nnsss not sfong , deprese d, sx sse s of ehi camscnduc. 一,cntets spec pr ogrmmesfor
53、 al pa"m- Ies and ea dig drs a Io<et he cuy lsa l focus on ute reiement I theprr、ems.Spe>acto y pa"m - Ierand evey cde, a s e quesa cm bnatinof acua and cn,.l “oou- d adrraMu yu sel i, pepe - e tigs se , wI Iei ow n spcic- sto leanC.nston Pa.yrrjes sei, Iddrss soprrcisintfid t he pro
54、blem, layng a slid foundaion fr urhecrect - actin. B to mike chage Force ck pu of problm, throogh esa hd re ctiain Ta wa accunt, a nd tale seca suevisI n, ad onaccount PN, appr oac, isstd ds de lar sde modiid, a nd tha kow that modified wie fou- d on put "wlar n a id" larig ed - atonecfatw
55、t hgrsp pay of ma ie e ducaton pact ce acivtie s and "hrre stic Ie e rel" tpic e duato on combi nnd u, cnsoldai on e xaned ha s made of ectifcati on esuts st ongy crece d "fr offce not for", ad Chi adedles cre ced "our w nd", ad rrguat on mss s de of auue s ennure w okidvace moepo ru, adprobsut on moe cmplete y. T hird, m us consldae our a cievme nts. For morepuic sme | aty m - bes wo fcus on theousa nd ng isuus, combi nig cnce ntatd六、工作条件和环境保障课题申请单位情况;已具