


  原文标题:The Guardian view on the ethics of AI: it’s about Dr Frankenstein, not his monster

  本文来自2018年6月12日 《卫报》的 一篇文章。本文主要针对事件“Google将AI应用于军事领域,引发员工强烈抗议”,探讨AI伦理道德问题,指出其本质在于创造、使用AI的人。



  PART 1


  I ①Frankenstein’s monster *haunts discussions of the ethics of artificial intelligence: the fear is that scientists will create something that has purposes and even desires of its own and which will carry them out at the expense of human beings. ②This is a misleading picture because it suggests that there will be a moment at which the monster comes alive: the switch is thrown, the program run, and after that its human creators can do nothing more. ③In real life there will be no such *singularity. ④Construction of AI and its *deployment will be continuous processes, with humans involved and to some extent responsible at every step.

  II ①This is what makes Google’s declarations of ethical principles for its use of AI so significant, because it seems to be the result of a *revolt among the company’s programmers. ②The senior management at Google saw the supply of AI to the Pentagon as a goldmine, if only it could be kept from public knowledge. ③'Avoid at all costs any mention or implication of AI,' wrote Google Cloud's chief scientist for AI in a *memo. ④'I don't know what would happen if the media starts picking up a theme that Google is secretly building AI weapons or AI technologies to enable weapons for the Defense industry.'

  III ①That, of course, is exactly what the company had been doing. ②Google had been subcontracting for the Pentagon on Project Maven, which was meant to bring the benefits of AI to war-fighting. ③Then the media found out and more than 3,000 of its own employees protested. ④Only two things frighten the tech giants: one is the stock market; the other is an organised workforce. ⑤The employees’ agitation led to Google announcing six principles of ethical AI, among them that it will not make weapons systems, or technologies whose purpose, or use in *surveillance, violates international principles of human rights. ⑥This still leaves a huge intentional exception: profiting from “*non-lethal” defence technology.

  IV ①Obviously we cannot expect all companies, still less all programmers, to show this kind of ethical *fine-tuning. ②Other companies will bid for Pentagon business in the US: Google had to beat IBM, Amazon and Microsoft to gain the Maven contract. ③But in all these cases, the companies involved – which means the people who work for them – will be actively involved in maintaining, *tweaking and improving the work. ④This opens an opportunity for consistent ethical pressure and for the attribution of responsibility to human beings and not to *inanimate objects. ⑤Questions about the ethics of artificial intelligence are questions about the ethics of the people who make it and the purposes they put it to. ⑥It is not the monster, but the good Dr Frankenstein we need to worry about most.

  PART 2


  1.*haunt [h?:nt] v. 常出现于;(长期)困扰

  2.ethics ['eθ?ks] n. 伦理学;伦理观;道德标准

  3.artificial intelligence 人工智能(简称AI)

  4.at the expense of 以……为代价

  5.misleading [m?s'li:d??] a. 令人误解的

  6.*singularity [s??gj?'l?r?t?] n. 稀有;异常,奇怪

  7.*deployment [di:'pl??m?nt] n. 调度,部署

  8.*revolt [r?'v??lt] n. 反抗;叛乱

  9.goldmine ['g?uldmain] n. 金矿;大财源;宝库

  10.implication [?mpl?'ke??(?)n] n. 暗示

  11.*memo ['mem??] n. 备忘录

  12.subcontract [s?bk?n'tr?kt] v. 转包,分包

  13.workforce ['w?:kf?:s] n. 全体员工

  14.agitation [?d??'te???n] n. 鼓动、煽动

  15.*surveillance [s?'ve?l?ns] n. 监督;监视

  16.*lethal ['li:θ?l] a. 致命的,致死的 

  17.*non-lethal a. 非致死的

  18.*fine-tuning ['fain'tju:ni?] n. 调整

  19.bid for 投标,出价

  20.*tweak [twi:k] v. 稍稍调整(机器、系统等)

  21.attribution [,?tr?'bju:??n] n. 归属

  22.*inanimate [?n'?n?m?t] a. 无生命的,无生气的


  PART 3


  I ①Frankenstein’s monster *haunts discussions of the ethics of artificial intelligence: the fear is that scientists will create something that has purposes and even desires of its own and which will carry them out at the expense of human beings. ②This is a misleading picture because it suggests that there will be a moment at which the monster comes alive: the switch is thrown, the program run, and after that its human creators can do nothing more. ③In real life there will be no such *singularity. ④Construction of AI and its *deployment will be continuous processes, with humans involved and to some extent responsible at every step.



  II ①This is what makes Google’s declarations of ethical principles for its use of AI so significant, because it seems to be the result of a *revolt among the company’s programmers. ②The senior management at Google saw the supply of AI to the Pentagon as a goldmine, if only it could be kept from public knowledge. ③'Avoid at all costs any mention or implication of AI,' wrote Google Cloud's chief scientist for AI in a *memo. ④'I don't know what would happen if the media starts picking up a theme that Google is secretly building AI weapons or AI technologies to enable weapons for the Defense industry.'



  III ①That, of course, is exactly what the company had been doing. ②Google had been subcontracting for the Pentagon on Project Maven, which was meant to bring the benefits of AI to war-fighting. ③Then the media found out and more than 3,000 of its own employees protested. ④Only two things frighten the tech giants: one is the stock market; the other is an organised workforce. ⑤The employees’ agitation led to Google announcing six principles of ethical AI, among them that it will not make weapons systems, or technologies whose purpose, or use in *surveillance, violates international principles of human rights. ⑥This still leaves a huge intentional exception: profiting from “*non-lethal” defence technology.



  IV ①Obviously we cannot expect all companies, still less all programmers, to show this kind of ethical *fine-tuning. ②Other companies will bid for Pentagon business in the US: Google had to beat IBM, Amazon and Microsoft to gain the Maven contract. ③But in all these cases, the companies involved – which means the people who work for them – will be actively involved in maintaining, *tweaking and improving the work. ④This opens an opportunity for consistent ethical pressure and for the attribution of responsibility to human beings and not to *inanimate objects. ⑤Questions about the ethics of artificial intelligence are questions about the ethics of the people who make it and the purposes they put it to. ⑥It is not the monster, but the good Dr Frankenstein we need to worry about most.









