在中央政府的协调下,并与中国驻日本大使馆、外交部驻香港办事处和香港特别行政区政府有关部门密切协调,香港特别行政区政府将派包机将中国乘客疏散到香港。据中央电视台消息,当地时间2月20日上午,第一架包机已经将第一批中国乘客送回香港。 第二架包机预计将于当地时间2月21日下午6点从东京羽田机场起飞,也可能于2月22日凌晨1点起飞。
在北海道新确诊的3例病例中,有2例是住在北海道中村镇的未成年兄弟。 他们都是小学生,年龄分别在10岁以下和10岁以上。 另一个是住在北海道千岁市的40岁妇女,她以前在新千岁机场当过检疫官。
北海道官员称,这两兄弟分别于2月15日和2月18日发烧,现已住院,病情正在好转。另一名受感染的妇女在2月16日出现轻微发烧,第二天体温继续上升。 她于2月18日去了一家诊所,从那以后一直在家休养。
2月20日,也就是前一天,日本从北到南的不同地区新增10例冠状病毒感染病例。据日本媒体综合报道,这些患者包括:札幌市一名40岁的公司员工;一位80岁的住院病人,来自襄樊市;一名个人信息未在横滨市公布的感染者;福冈市一对60多岁的夫妇是日本九州的第一个病例。 一位80岁的男性农民独自生活在冲绳县;一名来自千叶县的70岁妇女在发烧后曾在日本旅行。 1名古屋市,80岁男性。另外两名隶属于日本内阁办公室和卫生、福利和劳工部的官员证实了感染。 他们俩都登上了钻石公主号去参加紧急工作。
由于日本的疫情不断恶化,且感染途径不明的病例不断发生,日本当局已将流行病学的重点转移到mic prevention from the earlier "border blockade" to "prevention of severe infection in the country".In Japan, where nearly 30% of the population are over 65 years old, how to protect this vulnerable group has become an increasingly prominent challenge.
At present, Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has issued a question and answer on the new crown virus in official website, calling on the public to avoid blind visits to multiple medical institutions when they suspect that they are infected, and to call 536 "Returnees and Contact Counseling Centers" nationwide for help to prevent centralized and cross-infection.If the consultation center believes there is a suspicion of infection, it will introduce 726 returnee and contact clinics across Japan.According to the Japan Economic News, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare will also strive to expand the number of outpatient clinics for suspected infected persons to 800, the same as in 2009 when the H1N1 flu hit. In addition, it will speed up ensuring beds for the critically ill to cope with the surge in infected persons.
At the same time, the Japanese government has asked organizers of events at all levels to "re-examine" the need to hold large-scale events, and many events have been affected by the epidemic: the Tokyo Marathon Organizing Committee and the Nagoya Women's Marathon organizers have all announced the cancellation of events for mass athletes, leaving only professional athletes to participate; Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party has decided to postpone the party congress scheduled for March 8. The planned Japanese Emperor's birthday celebration on February 23 will also be cancelled.
However, according to Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga's briefing on February 21, the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics will still be held in Japan this summer as scheduled and will not be cancelled or rescheduled due to the epidemic.
在“钻石公主”号乘客于2月21日下船后,预计等待政府包机的外国乘客将继续在船上等候。日本卫生、劳动和福利部表示,下船的乘客将能够开始正常生活。 然而,日本政府将通过电话追踪乘客,并在未来几天内确认他们的身体状况。日本将通过邮轮公司协调对留在船上的外国船员的反应。
此外,2月18日登上“钻石公主号”并随后披露船上检疫混乱的日本神户大学传染病教授严天健太郎(Taro YanTian Jian)于2月20日举行了一次新闻发布会,以回应他在游轮上和日本对疫情的后续披露和看法。
关于那些被允许带着阴性测试下船的乘客是否可能携带病毒,岩田分享了他的观察,他说根据日本国家传染病研究所发布的数据,乘客中二次感染的风险比他之前担心的要低得多。 然而,仍然有一些船员和检疫人员可能在2月5日之后被感染两次(第一个病例由游轮确认),因此他们可能在诊断之前导致病毒的传播。
考虑到潜伏期,岩田认为在日本上岸的乘客造成二次感染的风险是不可忽视的。因此,他建议上岸的乘客应接受14天的医疗观察, during which time they should avoid contact with others, or be isolated at home to guard against potential morbidity.
Regarding the epidemic situation in Japan, Iwata pointed out that there have been many new coronavirus infections in Japan, but these cases are still isolated and confined to certain areas, such as Wakayama, Tokyo and Hokkaido. Such as Kobe, saga, Aomori, there is no case of infection.Therefore, he believes that Japan is still in the stage of small-scale cluster infection, and the next step should be to contain the spread of the virus and prevent further spread of the infection.
Iwata said that the Japanese government had "done very well in almost all aspects" including monitoring the domestic epidemic situation, tracking contacts, preparing laboratories and medical care facilities, in addition to dealing with the cruise epidemic inappropriately.
Apart from the cruise problem, he is currently most concerned about the risk of nosocomial infection in Wakayama hospitals. However, he also admitted frankly that there is still insufficient information on how the infection occurred in hospitals in Wakayama, how many people were tracked, and whether medical personnel who have close contact with the infected were isolated.
Do you think you played the role of "whistle blower" in revealing the quarantine of cruise ships?Iwata responded, "I don't know if I played the role of whistle blower.But traditionally, I think the Japanese don't like any kind of' whistleblower'."
Iwata also agreed with the World Health Organization's request that people should not overreact in the face of the epidemic.However, he also warned that while avoiding panic, he should always be vigilant and be prepared accordingly. Because it is difficult for people to prevent the infection from deteriorating from mild to severe, but they can try their best to reduce the occurrence of more cases, thus reducing the number of severe patients.He believes that at least in Japan, there is no need to take measures such as restricting activities, commuting and going out at present.
In Iwata's view, the fundamental epidemic prevention loophole in Japan at present is that the centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) that exist in most countries have not yet been established in the government system.他认为,只有建立这样一个由传染病专业人员组成的独立系统,并赋予他们充分的自主权和决策权,才能在面对传染病时做出科学判断,避免错误的、感情上的或政治上的决定。这种科学决策也将有助于防止流行病中的偏见和不必要的歧视。
如需更多报告,请参考以下内容: 【专题】新皇冠肺炎防疫记录(实时更新)