本科毕业也变难 多所高校严查本科生论文
5月6日,西南交通大学峨眉校区教务处(分数线、专业设置)下发《关于做好2019年毕业设计(论文)复件检查工作的通知》。 这表明今年的毕业设计(论文)复试将增加大学生论文(包括今年的)的比较数据库。 如果发现同系同校的学生相互抄袭,教务处将启动调查程序,并严格处理真实情况。
其中,预辩护测试是对学生的免费测试,其结果供学生和指导教师参考。 考试成绩“合格”的学生可以参加毕业论文答辩。如果测试结果为“不合格”,学生可在修改后申请复试。 如果复试结果为“合格”,学生可以参加毕业论文答辩。 如果复试结果为“不合格”,该学生本学期的毕业论文答辩资格将被取消。
学院将根据情况处理那些未能通过两次在线测试或专家抽查的学生。 对学术造假行为按《兰州大学本科教学事故认定和处理办法》和《兰州大学<学位论文作假行为处理办法>实施细则》等有关规定,并将处理意见报送教务处。与此同时,学院将要求教师对没有通过第二次考试的试卷负责。
同年,教育部发布了《关于加强新时期高校贯彻落实全国本科教育工作会议精神的通知》,再次强调高校要全面清理和落实“三个代表”重要思想he teaching contents of various courses, eliminate "water courses", create "golden courses", strictly control the export of graduates, and resolutely cancel the "clear examination" system.
In addition, at the end of last month, the Ministry of Education held a press conference to introduce the "Six Excellence and One Excellence" program 2.About 0.The implementation of the "six excellence and one excellence" plan 2.0 is a strategic action to implement the Implementation Plan for Accelerating the Modernization of Education (2018-2022) and further improve the quality of personnel training and the ability to serve economic and social development in colleges and universities. It is a strategic move, a key move and an innovative move to comprehensively revitalize undergraduate education and create a "quality China" in education in the new era. It is a "quality revolution" in China's higher education.
Previously, it was recalled that the management of postgraduate training was also stricter.
This year, the General Office of the Ministry of Education issued the "Notice on Further Standardizing and Strengthening the Management of Postgraduate Training", which respectively put forward a series of stricter normative requirements for postgraduate examination enrollment and training management.
The "Circular" requires that the management of degree theses and degree awards be vigorously promoted.
According to the circular, training institutions should cherish and make good use of their autonomy in running schools, strengthen self-discipline, scientifically and rationally set training requirements and degree awarding conditions, focus on key links such as thesis opening, mid-term assessment, evaluation, defense and degree evaluation, strictly implement all-round full-process management of degree awarding, and further strengthen the responsibilities of graduate tutors, thesis defense committees and academic degree evaluation committee.
Training units should highlight the examination and control of academic integrity, step up the investigation and punishment of academic misconduct and falsification of academic papers, draw inferences from one instance and draw inferences from another, prevent the former, compact the responsibilities at different levels, and strengthen daily supervision.一旦发现学术不端行为,我们将坚决进行调查,调查到底,承担责任,绝不姑息。 我们将贯彻“零容忍”原则,严格按照法律法规及时查处学术不端行为。视情节给予当事人纪律处分和学术处分。违反法律法规的,应及时移送有关部门进行调查。我们将探索建立开放的图书馆和学校学术论文和学位论文共享系统,以提高学术透明度,接受社会监督。
过去,有人说,“没有不能毕业的硕士学位”。 现在,一些学院和大学已经放弃了一些研究生。
72名研究生没有在学校规定的最长学习时间内完成学业(博士7年,硕士5年,下同)。 学校决定为这72名研究生退学。