我国将尽快出台生物安全法 筑牢生物安全法律保障














  中国法学会环境与资源法研究所副所长、中国政法大学环境与资源法研究所所长于文轩认为,狭义的生物安全是指现代生物技术研发和应用活动不侵犯和损害人类生命和健康、生物正常生存以及生态系统正常结构和功能的状态。 广义而言,生物安全是指生态系统的正常状态、生物体的正常存在以及人类生命和健康不受致病和有害生物体、外来入侵生物体以及现代生物技术及其应用损害的状态。总的来说,新皇冠肺炎的爆发与生物安全密切相关。


  在文选看来,现代生物技术具有显著的“双刃剑”特征。 它的蓬勃发展和广泛应用一方面给人类带来了巨大的利益,另一方面也引发了日益严重的生物安全问题。特别是在这种流行病的背景下,迫切需要加快生物安全立法进程,为生物安全管理提供更有力的法律支持。

  正因为如此,国际社会非常重视保护生物安全。1992年,联合国环境与发展会议通过了全面的条约,包括生物安全、里约热内卢环境与发展宣言、21世纪议程和特别条约《生物多样性公约》。后来,为了执行《生物多样性公约》,其成员国制定了《生物多样性公约卡塔赫纳生物安全议定书》和《生物多样性公约遗传资源获取及利用遗传资源所产生惠益公平公正分享名古屋议定书》。作为一个拥有商业智能的大国ological resources and a member of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the State Council made a decision on April 27, 2005 to approve the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity.

  According to Chang Jiwen, deputy director of the Institute of Resources and Environmental Policy of the Development Research Center of the State Council, as a party to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity, it is necessary for China to translate its provisions and requirements into domestic laws or regulations or provisions of domestic laws and regulations according to its own legislative procedures, so as to better exercise international legal rights and fulfill international legal obligations.

  Gao Lihong introduced the three meanings of biosafety legislation to the reporter of Legal Daily.

  First, it is conducive to the modernization of the country's governance system and capability in biosafety, the construction of a systematic biosafety management system and mechanism, and the further enhancement of the country's ability to solve security issues, especially biosafety issues.

  Second, it is conducive to filling the vacancy in the basic law of the state in the field of biosafety, promoting the standardization, rationality and effectiveness of the state in preventing and resolving biosafety risks, bringing the control of national biosafety into the orbit of rule of law, and realizing the unification of national biosafety laws.

  Third, it is conducive to further standardize the rational use of biotechnology, promote the accelerated research of biological science and the safe research and development of biological products, improve the construction of China's bio-safety infrastructure and the improvement of basic equipment, and enhance China's safety assurance capability in bio-technology services.

  The draft covers eight major areas

  Risk prevention is crucial

  On February 14, the 12th meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensive and Deepening Reform made it clear that biosafety should be integrated into the national security system from the perspective of protecting people's health, ensuring national security and maintaining long-term stability of the country. 系统规划国家生物安全风险防控和治理体系建设,全面提升国家生物安全治理能力。应尽快推进生物安全法律的出台,加快国家生物安全法律法规体系和制度保障体系的建设。





  据高丽虹介绍,目前的生物安全法草案有广泛的规范和调整,分为八类:第一,预防和控制重大新发传染病和动植物疫情;第二,生物技术的研究、开发和应用;第三是确保实验室的生物安全。 四是确保中国生物资源和人类遗传资源的安全。 五是防止外来物种入侵,保护生物多样性;六是应对微生物耐药性;七是防止生物恐怖袭击;八是抵御生物武器的威胁。相关立法领域还包括两用物品和技术的控制、动植物检疫、出入境检查和检疫以及意外安全事件。

  “未来的生物安保法应该是生物安保基本法,它具有根本的指导作用,是中国生物安保立法以往经验的总结。“高丽虹认为,预防风险应该是生物安全法的首要原则,因为生物危害的发生是严重、巨大和不可逆转的。 如果不从源头开始预防,一旦发生生物危害,将会造成无法估量的损失,而且无法挽回。







  首先,我们应该d give full consideration to all aspects of biosafety legislation, scientifically, reasonably and timely allocate legislative resources and legislative efforts, and make overall arrangements for all aspects of biosafety legislation so as to achieve internal coordination and coherence.For example, the legislation on animal and plant quarantine and food safety should be arranged, and the legislation on laboratory biosafety and ethical management should be unified.

  Secondly, legislation should be further strengthened in key areas related to animal management and protection, prevention and control of infectious diseases, etc.In the legislative process, the key, urgent and urgent problems should be solved with emphasis, while the interests of the people should be protected.

  Finally, keep the legislation forward-looking, fully implement the principle of risk prevention, and make important predictions to resolve the national biosafety.

  "In short, the construction of the national biosafety law and regulation system needs to implement the important principle of risk prevention, and major biological risks need to be predicted and prevented in the legislative process.”高丽虹说。

  Chang Jiwen suggested to strengthen the unified regulation of regular matters and the special regulation of personalized matters according to the scope of suitable matters, "in combination with the experience and lessons of the previous practical problems in our country, such as the bird flu incident, the SARS incident in 2003, the new crown pneumonia epidemic at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, to solve the main problems and contradictions of biosafety protection in a targeted manner".

  In addition, Gao Lihong also mentioned that the protection of wild animals, which is of more concern at present, belongs to the protection of biological resources. Studies have shown that two thirds of zoonotic diseases come from animals, and good management of wild animals is an important method to prevent zoonotic diseases.

  "The wildlife protection law needs to be further improved in terms of legislative concepts, scope of protection, legal responsibilities, etc.The legal principle of wildlife protection in China is to give priority to the protection, standardize the utilization and strictly supervise. 具体来说,一般来说,这是为了禁止使用列入清单的重点保护野生动物,但可以通过许可证制度使用。下一步,全面禁止野生动物已经成为大趋势。 《野生动物保护法》的修订已经开始,预计将加强对生物安全的考虑。”高丽虹告诉《法制日报》的记者。




  “保护生物安全和解决风险不仅存在于日常生物疾病的预防中,也存在于生物技术的开发和利用中。 因此,国家必须完善相关法律法规,严格依法管理,防患于未然,防止生物技术的滥用。高丽虹表示,科技部近日发布了《关于加强新皇冠病毒高级病毒微生物实验室生物安全管理的指导意见》和《关于加强新皇冠肺炎科技攻关相关管理的通知》,对技术研发和生物成果提出了严格要求。


  根据高丽虹的介绍,1983年,世界卫生组织根据实验室处理的生物危险物质的风险等级,将生物实验室分为一级至四级。生物安全三级实验室是世界病原研究的主流实验室。 它能操作多种病原微生物,包括动物烈性传染病、人畜共患病和人类传染病,也是生物安全事故最多的实验室。目前,我国已经建立了50多个生物安全三级实验室,相关立法已经启动很长时间。 2002年,根据国际标准起草了《微生物学和生物医学实验室生物安全一般准则》,并于2017年进行了修订。2004年,国务院颁布了《病原微生物实验室生物安全管理条例》,对病原微生物的采集、运输和储存的全过程管理提出了严格要求。

  “但总的来说,实验室生物安全管理体系还比较粗糙,实验室动物管理比较混乱,实验室废弃物处理存在隐患,监管存在很多漏洞。"Gao Lihong said.

