扬中:“四重关爱“送给支援武汉医务人员 八项举措“激励关爱防控一线医务人员

  26日上午,扬中市领导看望了湖北省6名需要帮助的医务人员的家属。 他们还带着真正的护理包把他们带到门口。


  这一次,给六名医务人员的礼包又小又重。一本相册,里面有支持湖北省的医务人员的日记和照片;三张休闲运动卡、奥林匹克体育中心健身卡、羽毛球卡和扬中图书馆阅读卡。另外,扬中市教育局、卫生委员会、财政局、住房公积金管理中心、医保局等部门联合定制了四张保健卡,包括:教育保健卡。 湖北省医务人员的直系亲属可以在扬中市内自由选择幼儿园或义务教育小组学校。 扬中市教育局将统筹安排入学,不限年限,一次性使用。自2020年2月21日起三年内,医疗人员协助湖北省在本市购房并符合公积金贷款条件的,将享受一次性个人贷款额度增加50%和契税额度补贴政策。保健卡,帮助湖北医务人员享受免费健康检查;协助湖北省医疗人员的直系亲属享受1000元健康检查补贴。 自2020年2月21日起一年内,湖北省医疗救助人员及其配偶和父母免交二级医疗机构普通门诊咨询费和基层医疗机构普通咨询费。休假护理卡,救助湖北籍医务人员享受两周一次的带薪休假,不计入公休天数。





  福利政策和待遇的实施。对直接接触待调查病例或确诊病例的,对诊断、治疗、护理、医院感染控制、流行病学调查、病例标本采集和病原体检测等相关人员按每人每天300元给予补贴。 参加疫情防控的其他医务人员和防疫人员,按每人每天200元给予补贴。

  整体性能的适当提高。防控任务重、风险高的医疗卫生机构将增加不计入基数的一次性绩效工资总额。本单位内部绩效考核倾向于任务重、风险高、贡献大的一线医务人员。贯彻执行上级有关政策和规定,提高卫生和流行病学水平ic prevention allowance.

  Giving preferential policies to rank promotion.To support Hubei medical personnel and front-line medical personnel who have performed well in epidemic prevention and control, under the same conditions, priority can be given to the promotion of professional and technical titles, and priority can be given to the employment of corresponding professional and technical posts.

  The implementation of industrial injury insurance benefits.During the epidemic prevention and control period and during the implementation of the aid mission to Hubei, frontline medical personnel infected with newly crowned pneumonia due to performing their work duties shall open up a green channel, simplify procedures, quickly handle the work-related injury identification procedures and payment of benefits, and ensure that medical personnel can enjoy relevant work-related injury insurance benefits in a timely manner.Relevant subsidies and pensions shall be given to the personnel who are sick, disabled or sacrificed due to their participation in emergency treatment.Actively cooperate with insurance companies to handle personal accident insurance and major disease insurance for medical personnel assisting Hubei.

  Strengthen the orientation of assessment, commendation and encouragement.For medical personnel assisting Hubei and frontline medical personnel who have performed outstanding in epidemic prevention and control, the 2020 annual assessment will be directly determined as "excellent".For outstanding cadres who have performed well in the front line of epidemic prevention and control and are worthy of heavy responsibilities, they should boldly and exceptionally promote their use. Pay attention to the detection and testing of activists joining the Party on the frontline of epidemic prevention and control, and join the Party in a timely manner to meet the conditions.   (Zihe)