警车返岗护送 服务流动人口 注重人性执法—— 河南警方出台举措服务保障经济社会发



  做好科学调查控制和疏导工作。认真贯彻全国视频电话会议精神,恢复交通运输秩序,在不同地区、不同层次实施差异化交通管制措施,充分保障路网畅通,有效打通“大动脉”,疏通“微循环”。实施“网上、自助、延期”的汽车驾驶管理措施,最大限度降低疫情传播风险。过度拥挤、酒后驾驶、疲劳驾驶等严重违规行为。 要严格查处,创造一个畅通、有序、安全的道路交通环境,有序恢复工作和生产,维护正常的经济秩序。加强应急运输,继续做好应急运输AB通行证安全工作,开辟防疫专用绿色通道,确保车辆快速通行;我们将进一步做好职工返乡安全护送工作。 我们将继续开展专项活动,通过警车全程护送和交警同行护送的方式,护送农民工返回工作岗位。 我们将配合“点对点”的特殊公交车接送工作人员上下班,确保护送的安全和效率。

  尽一切努力在城市和农村社区建立预防和控制的坚实屏障。积极配合卫生等部门,配合基层组织、网格化工作者、志愿者等各方继续做好疫情防控工作。加强流动人口服务管理,引导和督促复工复产单位和房屋出租单位及时向当地公安机关报送租户和返乡农民工就业信息,倡导网上申报和自助申报。 经有关部门核实的暂住信息和全国各地防疫平台收集登记的流动人口信息可直接纳入暂住登记,并可连续计算停留时间,为全面复工复产创造条件。加强科技信息手段的应用,构建“社会防控识别圈”,实现非接触、准确、高效的查询和防控;加快实施立体化、信息化的社会治安防控体系,努力提高防控精细化和治理精细化水平,为安全建设奠定坚实基础。


  全面维护医疗隔离秩序。严格落实安全工作责任,对全省所有定点医院、发热门诊、集中隔离观察点,落实“一院(点)一专一班”和“三包一保”工作措施,逐一明确,落实公安机关负责领导、责任民警和安全机构负责人的安全责任。加强重点部位巡逻,全面提升发热门诊、隔离区、拘留点、急救和治疗区等重点部位服务水平,开展高频率、高密度巡逻防范。 定点医院所在地的县级公安机关应当安排民警24小时值班,及时接受报警和帮助,迅速处理医疗等各种突发事件,充分维护良好的医疗和隔离秩序。

  我们会尽力而为est to prevent and control the epidemic situation in the prison.We will conduct a blanket investigation of all regulatory sites in the province, further tighten safety management responsibilities, tighten safety prevention and control measures, resolutely eliminate potential safety hazards, focus on building a safety and epidemic prevention wall in the prison, and firmly block viruses from the prison wall.Strict implementation of the "public security surveillance epidemic prevention and control during the law enforcement guidelines" and other work procedures, and actively implement the remote video interrogation meeting, as far as possible to reduce personnel in and out and face-to-face contact, it is necessary to face-to-face work, to take the most stringent protective measures to ensure that there is no contact infection.Scientifically arrange and adjust the service mode, and refine and perfect all kinds of emergency response plans of the prison.

  We will fully implement the concept of strictly regulating, just and civilized law enforcement.Reasonable handling measures shall be taken in accordance with the law, and factors such as social harmfulness, harmfulness of illegal and criminal activities, and circumstances of illegal and criminal activities shall be taken into consideration comprehensively. Detention measures and administrative detention shall be used sparingly in accordance with the law.Education guides the police to consciously use the rule of law thinking and the rule of law to carry out epidemic prevention and control and maintain safety and stability, pay more attention to humanized law enforcement, flexible law enforcement, reasoning law enforcement, and strive to achieve the organic unity of legal effect, political effect and social effect.

  岳丹杰 Source: Henan Provincial Public Security Bureau

  Responsible editor: yue danjie _HN010