

  2月24日,记者在江西省新型冠状病毒疫情防控新闻发布会上了解到,自新一轮冠状病毒疫情爆发以来,江西省广大医务人员积极响应党中央号召,在抗击疫情的第一线英勇奋战,以实际行动完成了“一切为了人民健康”的初步任务。 省委应对新一轮皇冠肺炎疫情领导小组已做出安排,对参与疫情防控的医务人员进行护理。 省委书记刘淇、省委省长易连红多次前往当地相关医疗机构,亲自看望防控一线医务人员。江西省民政厅副厅长、党组成员龚建辉告诉记者,省卫生厅、省人民社会工作厅等有关单位和全省其他单位认真做好了对医务人员的关心和照顾。


  一是在支持和保障方面,省卫生委下发了《关于全面保障一线医务人员及其家属安全的通知》,从生命、心理、人文、安全等方面做了具体安排,确保医务人员全力投入疫情防控工作。 例如,明确要求医疗材料优先保证一线医务人员;科学安排医务人员的频率,确保必要的休息和休养;尽量不要安排有两名员工的医务人员同时在第一线工作。 组织志愿者或专业人员帮助医务人员家属;等等。从实施情况来看,各地各单位都做了大量的工作,取得了积极的成效。

  例如,省卫生委会同省地方金融监督局,组织并指导了PICC财产保险、中国人寿、国手财产保险、PICC健康保险、太平人寿、太平洋财产保险、迪达财产保险、恒邦财产保险等8家保险机构开发免费保险产品。 到目前为止,参加全省防疫工作的14280名医务人员和1238名湖北省医疗队队员获得了免费团体疾病保险。 同时,中国银行、中国工商银行、建设银行等机构将协商给予专属团体疾病保险,以援助湖北医疗队成员。

  省人民医院通过科学合理安排医院班次、组建国家(江西)紧急医疗救援队支援小组等十项保障措施,保护和关心一线医务人员及其家属的身心健康。 南昌大学第一附属医院成立了“慰问服务队”,及时走访医院医疗救助队成员在湖北的142户家庭,开展网上慈善志愿者辅导活动,为一线医务人员有需要的子女提供“一对一”的网上教学服务。南昌大学第二附属医院每天组织专人给医院救助湖北医疗队158名成员的家属打电话,提供“一对一”的护理服务,每周2-3次上门送生活必需品。南昌大学第四附属医院的每位领导负责联系1-2名湖北医疗队成员,与他们的家人建立一对一的配对关系。

  宜春市出台了“每户1万元慰问金,帮助湖北省一线医务人员家属”等18项暖心措施,关爱医务人员及其家属。 萍乡市向武汉、随州和湖北省指定救援医院的87名一线医务人员的家属捐赠了一个“爱心大礼袋”,以保证家属的日常生活必需品,缓解医务人员的后顾之忧。

  第二,在政策激励方面,出台了一系列政策和措施urage front-line medical staff to move forward bravely and take on responsibilities.For example, the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Affairs and the Provincial Health and Health Committee jointly issued the "Notice on Doing a Good Job of Professional and Technical Personnel Management and Service for the Current and Future Periods in Response to the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic" to establish an incentive mechanism for job title evaluation and appointment. For health professional and technical personnel participating in the frontline work of epidemic prevention and control, when applying for and evaluating job titles, employers will give priority to recommendation under the same conditions. Health professionals and technicians who participate in the frontline work of epidemic prevention and control and have made outstanding contributions are not restricted by the proportion of post structure in the unit, and priority is given to applying for the title of evaluation. For non-staff medical and epidemic prevention personnel assisting Hubei Province and non-staff medical personnel undertaking first-line treatment in designated hospitals in the province, targeted recruitment can be adopted to select the best.

  The Provincial Department of Finance and the Provincial Health and Health Committee jointly issued the "Notice on Financial Guarantee Policy for Prevention and Control of Infected Pneumonia in novel coronavirus", which clearly proposes that, according to the first-class subsidy standard, the relevant personnel who are directly contacted with the cases to be investigated or confirmed cases, such as diagnosis, treatment, nursing, hospital infection control, case specimen collection and pathogen detection, shall be subsidized by 300 yuan per person per day, and other medical personnel and epidemic prevention workers who participate in the prevention and control of the epidemic shall be subsidized by 200 yuan per person per day.The Provincial Department of People's and Social Affairs issued the Notice on Timely Recognition of novel coronavirus Epidemic Prevention and Control Work, clearly proposing to carry out timely recognition in multiple batches.

  In addition, Ganzhou City has given the collective first prize to the Fifth People's Hospital of Ganzhou City and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Ganzhou City, which have made outstanding contributions to the epidemic prevention and control work, respectively, with 2 million yuan each. Nanchang, Xinyu, Jingdezhen, Jiujiang and other cities have all given commendations, awards or rewards to a group of medical personnel or staff members of government agencies and institutions who have made outstanding achievements in epidemic prevention and control work in the city.

  (China Daily Jiangxi Reporters Station Wang Jian)

  Source: China Daily