

  国家税务总局要求各级税务机关进一步把重点放在落实税收优惠政策、“非接触式”税收管理和疫病防控上。 要严格执行新出台的支持疫病防控的税收优惠政策和国家实施的大规模减免税政策,积极拓展“非接触式”税收征管和收费服务,严格防控税务服务大厅内的疫病,努力营造安全、高效、便捷的税收征管和收费环境,进一步支持疫病防控和企业复工生产。

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  国家税务总局相关负责人表示,非接触式网上纳税清单涵盖了日常高频涉税事项,如发票的开具和开具、减免税申报、纳税申报和支付、跨地区涉税事项申报等。 各地将引导纳税人和纳税人通过非接触渠道处理清单所列事项,最大限度地减少人员在纳税服务场所的集中,降低疫情传播风险。


  例如,在疫情期间,如果纳税人办理了发票领用业务,可以登录电子税务局,选择“我要办理税务”进入“发票领用”申请发票。 税务机关完成审批后,可以收取发票。

  根据上述操作指南,记者登录网站,根据现有企业纳税信息,在申请增值税专用发票后,在线完成一般纳税人资格登记、验票、发票申请等手续,整个过程不到5分钟。 对于纳税人来说,非接触式税务处理大大降低了纳税人的时间成本。

  对此,当地税务系统官员表示,在2月份延长纳税申报期后,基层税务机关正在向纳税人推广“尽可能网上办事”的原则,以减少纳税服务人员的集中ice establishments.

  "Compared with the same period last year, the proportion of personnel handling tax on site this year has dropped by 90%. Apart from some very complicated tax issues that need to be handled in person, taxpayers and payers have adopted non-contact tax handling."The local tax officials said.

  At the same time, the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation and other departments have also issued a series of fiscal and tax support policies to support epidemic prevention and control, which have played a direct role in easing the cash flow difficulties of production enterprises.For example, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation issued Announcement No.8 (Announcement No.8) of 2020, which provides a monthly policy of applying for full refund of VAT incremental allowance for production enterprises of key epidemic prevention and control materials.

  In response, Malone, managing partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers China Tax Policy Service, suggested that in order to ensure that enterprises really enjoy these policies, enterprises need to review the completeness of their financial accounting and the compliance of tax declaration.

  For example, if an enterprise wants to obtain policy support, on the one hand, it needs to prepare materials to prove that it meets the qualification of "epidemic prevention and control key material production enterprise". On the other hand, it needs to pay attention to the accounting accuracy of input sales, including the accuracy of taxable income recognition and the rationality of historical taxable income amount, so as to accurately calculate the amount of tax refund. At the same time, it needs to communicate tax refund matters with the tax authorities as soon as possible.

  Speed up Electronic Collection and Management

  With the extensive use of electronic tax bureaus by taxpayers for filing tax returns and other businesses, the computerization of tax collection and management is also subverting the traditional enterprise tax management mode.

  An accountant from an accounting firm told reporters that from their service cases, although the tax bureau has upgraded the gold tax system, the traditional thinking of tax management for enterprises still exists, and such enterprises account for a small proportion."Compared with electronic supervision, traditional enterprise tax management mainly relies on enterprise financial statements for data comparison and analysis, and enterprise tax matters also rely mainly on manual operation, with heavy workload and inability to report tax-related information in real time, which to a certain extent increases the tax-related risks of enterprises."

  The source said that at present these enterprises are mainly in the field of traditional manufacturing. 从企业内外的数据控制需求来看,这些企业未来需要提高税务机关的电子控制能力。



  普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers)中国间接税服务公司的管理合伙人李俊在接受采访时指出,金税体系的不断升级意味着手工操作时代的终结,尤其是中国与地方税收合并后金税三个阶段的整合。 其内容主要包括国家税务总局、国家税务总局与地方各级税务机关及其他政府部门之间的网络互联。 同时,对收集管理流程和岗位责任制进行梳理和配置。 中国税收征管的电子化时代即将到来。



  普华永道中国间接税合伙人卢云路建议,为了更好地适应电子征管模式,企业需要在内部系统层面建立一个税务数据池。 从交易数据源头开始,涉税数据、发票、输入、销售、申报等所有环节数据都应整合到系统框架中进行集中管理。


  一些财税官员预测,随着疫情的爆发,税务机关将探索非接触式税收管理渠道,进一步提高网上税收管理能力。 未来,随着金税三个阶段的巩固和升级,税收执法过程的随意性将会降低。(来源:中国商业网)
