


  Experts said it is extremely unlikely for seafood like salmon to be the carrier of the novel coronavirus, which was found on cutting boards for imported salmon at Beijing's Xinfadi wholesale market.北京新发地批发市场切三文鱼的案板中检测到了新冠病毒,专家表示,像三文鱼之类的海鲜不太可能成为新冠病毒的载体。



  Fish in their natural habitat cannot catch coronavirus, however, they can be contaminated by workers during capture or transportation.鱼类在其自然栖息地不会带新冠病毒,不过在捕捞或运输过程中可能被工作人员污染。

  Our seafood products are typically stored and transported in cold containers, thus it is possible for the virus to be preserved for a long time and increase the likelihood of infecting people.很多海产品都是冷冻储存,在这样的环境下,病毒能够存活很长时间,传染人的几率也更大。


  The first may be the influx of meat and seafood to the market from all over the country and around the world. Some of it may have been contaminated by infected workers during processing and transportation, then the virus jumped from produce to people.第一种可能,批发市场里被新冠病毒污染的海产品或肉类是源头。批发市场很多海产品、肉类等都是外地输入的,包括海外进口。新冠病毒感染者在处理和运输这些产品时可能会造成污染,从而导致经手处理的员工感染病毒。

  The second possibility is person-to-person transmission. "The infected person who brought the virus into the market might be asymptomatic or have very mild symptoms, and the hustle and bustle of the market led to the cluster of new infections," he said.第二种可能是人传人。他可能是一个从其他疫源地过来的人,被感染之后没有症状或症状很轻,此后对新发地批发市场造成了污染,导致了疫情的集聚。


  Based on preliminary analysis of the two early cases, the coronavirus strain in the latest outbreak is different from the ones found in China, and early data suggest it is a mutated variety from Europe.根据对两个病例样本的初步分析,此次发病的病毒毒株不像是国内流行的类型,初步数据显示,可能是从欧洲方向来的变异类型。

  However, people should take this finding with a grain of salt as more testing is being conducted to confirm the origin of virus.不过,人们对这个结论也不可轻信,确认病毒来源还需进行更多检测。


  All personnel in the Xinfadi market and nearby residents will receive nucleic acid tests and be put under medical observation. Those who have had close contact with workers at the market since May 30 should take the initiative to report to their employers and communities, and go through testing.新发地市场所有工作人员及周边居民都将接受核酸检测及医学观察。5月30日以来与该市场工作人员有过接触的人员应主动向单位和社区报备,并接受核酸检测。

  From 3 am on Saturday, the market has been shut down for probes into its contamination and infection risk, as well as cleaning and disinfection.6月13日凌晨3时起,新发地市场闭市进行病毒感染风险调查以及消杀。

  Eleven residential areas nearby are now closed to nonresidents, and several primary schools and kindergartens near the market are suspended.周边11个居民小区封闭管理,小学和幼儿园停课。

  Five suspended trade fairs have been disinfected and 252 agricultural product markets that are in operation are urged to conduct disinfection on a daily basis.五个休市的交易市场进行消杀,另外252个还在营业的农产品交易市场要求每天进行消毒。

  All hospitals were required to perform nucleic acid and antibody tests, a CT scan and a routine blood test on patients with a fever.要求所有医院对发热病人进行核算检测、抗体检测、CT以及血常规检查。


  Beijing reported 36 new confirmed domestically transmitted COVID-19 cases and six new asymptomatic cases on Sunday, the municipal health commission said Monday.北京市卫健委6月15日表示,6月14日0时至24时,北京市新增本土确诊病例36例,无症状感染者6例。


  医防结合Emphasis is needed on both prevention and treatment

  易感人群susceptible/vulnerable population

  本土病例domestically transmitted COVID-19 cases

  抗体检测antibody test

  发热门诊fever clinic

  批发市场wholesale market

  (中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

