
  芬兰赫尔辛基大学Vladislav V. Verkhusha团队发现,单结构域近红外蛋白可为抗原依赖性荧光纳米抗体提供支架。相关论文于2022年5月23日在线发表在《自然—方法学》杂志上。

  研究人员开发了一种17kDa的近红外(NIR)荧光蛋白(FP),称为miRFP670nano3,它在哺乳动物细胞中发出明亮的荧光,并能进行深脑成像。通过探索miRFP670nano3作为内部标签,研究人员设计了32 kDa的近红外荧光纳米抗体,称为NIR-Fbs,其稳定性和荧光强烈依赖于特定细胞内抗原的存在。NIR-Fbs能够对内源性蛋白质进行无背景的可视化,检测病毒抗原,标记表达目标分子的细胞,并通过针对两种抗原的双特异性NIR-Fbs来识别双阳性细胞群。


  据悉,小型NIR FP非常需要作为成像应用的蛋白质标签。


  Title: Single-domain near-infrared protein provides a scaffold for antigen-dependent fluorescent nanobodies

  Author: Oliinyk, Olena S., Baloban, Mikhail, Clark, Charles L., Carey, Erin, Pletnev, Sergei, Nimmerjahn, Axel, Verkhusha, Vladislav V.

  Issue&Volume: 2022-05-23

  Abstract: Small near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent proteins (FPs) are much needed as protein tags for imaging applications. We developed a 17kDa NIR FP, called miRFP670nano3, which brightly fluoresces in mammalian cells and enables deep-brain imaging. By exploring miRFP670nano3 as an internal tag, we engineered 32kDa NIR fluorescent nanobodies, termed NIR-Fbs, whose stability and fluorescence strongly depend on the presence of specific intracellular antigens. NIR-Fbs allowed background-free visualization of endogenous proteins, detection of viral antigens, labeling of cells expressing target molecules and identification of double-positive cell populations with bispecific NIR-Fbs against two antigens. Applying NIR-Fbs as destabilizing fusion partners, we developed molecular tools for directed degradation of targeted proteins, controllable protein expression and modulation of enzymatic activities. Altogether, NIR-Fbs enable the detection and manipulation of a variety of cellular processes based on the intracellular protein profile.

  DOI: 10.1038/s41592-022-01467-6

  Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-022-01467-6