




  2019第31届SFE上海国际连锁加盟展将于2019-11-12在上海新国际博览中心举办,期待您的光临!SFE上海国际连锁加盟展览会创办于2005 年,由上海市商务委员会(SMCC)主管,上海连锁经营协会(SCEA)、上海伊比逊会展有限公司、上海博华国际展览有限公司联合主办,中国百货商业协会(CCAGM)倾力支持的综合业态连锁加盟专业展会,是推动连锁加盟行业发展和信息交互的重要平台。迄今SFE已累积成功举办30届、服务**过6000余个连锁品牌、接待海内外加盟投资者**过120万名、成功拓展门店数**过6万多家。以华东地区上海母展为原点,开启上海-北京-成都-上海,全年四站巡回展出,实现跨地域连锁商业联动和贸易配对,携手参展品牌矗立全国经济发展枢纽中心,结合不同区域市场特色,全方位满足品牌方与专业投资者之间的不同需求。

  2019 the 31st session of the SFE Shanghai International Franchise exhibition will be held in 2019-11-12 in Shanghai New International Expo Center, look forward to your visit! SFE Shanghai International Chain Franchise Exhibition was founded in 2005, by the Shanghai Municipal Commerce Commission (SMCC) director, Shanghai Chain Management Association (SCEA), Shanghai Ibiza Exhibition Co., Ltd., Shanghai Bohua International Exhibition Co., Ltd. jointly sponsored, China Department Store Business Association (CCAGM) supports the comprehensive business chain to join the professional exhibition, is to promote the chain franchise industry development and information interaction of an important platform. So far, SFE has accumulated successfully held 30, more than 6,000 chain brands, reception at home and abroad to join investors more than 1.2 million, successfully expand the number of stores more than 60,000. With the Shanghai Mother exhibition in east China as the original point, open Shanghai-Beijing-Chengdu-Shanghai, the year-round four-station roving exhibition, to achieve cross-regional chain business linkage and trade matching, together with the Exhibitor brand stands the National economic development hub, combined with different regional market characteristics, all-round to meet the different needs of the brand and professional investors.