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  Those that make the best use of their time have none to spare.

  — [Britain] Thomas Fuller能充分利用时间的人不会有多余的时间。






  Baccalaureate Address, Yale College Class of 2022


  On Intellectual Humility


  Peter Salovey, President of Yale University


  May 22, 2022


  Graduates of the Class of 2022, family members, friends, and colleagues. 


  Before I get started, I want to mention that this is the last baccalaureate at least in his present role for your Dean, Marvin Chun, before he returns to the faculty. And I’m wondering if we could all show him just a little bit of gratitude for his service these last five years. He’s not going far away.


  So it is a special pleasure to be here with you today, a day made doubly meaningful by our ability to celebrate our graduates in person. And I am delighted to welcome you to Yale’s first on-campus Baccalaureate ceremony since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.


  And after a three-year hiatus, there is a wonderful Yale tradition that I would like to reinstitute:


  May I ask all the families and friends here today to rise and recognize the outstanding – and graduating – members of the Class of 2022?


  Thank you! And now, may I ask the Class of 2022 to consider all those who have supported your arrival at this milestone, and to please rise and recognize them?


  Thank you!


  Our excitement today is tempered by global turbulence. We can see the perils of conflict and crisis around the world. And yet, as I look out onto this courtyard, I can also see the promise of those well prepared to better our collective future. Old Campus is filled anew with the boundless potential of graduates who offer cause for hope.


  Throughout the country on this weekend and those weekends surrounding it, presidents of colleges and universities are inspiring their graduating seniors by telling them that they have received the very best education possible, and that as educated adults, they are now ready to go out and make the world a better place. This is, of course, true in many respects, and I have certainly spoken on other Commencement weekends of the importance of improving the world for this and future generations.


  But I would like you, graduating seniors from Yale College, to depart from this place with a somewhat different mindset. I am going to urge you to recognize that your excellent education allows you to listen to others carefully, consider what they have to say, and sometimes come to a new point of view. I am suggesting today – a day filled with the pride of accomplishment – to recognize, at the same time, the value of intellectual humility. Today, I wish to focus on the courage to acknowledge all we do not know, to admit when we are wrong, and to change our minds.


  Sixty years ago, President John F. Kennedy spoke to a capacity audience seated right where you are now. He saw a similar state of unrest as the specter of war loomed. And I suspect he gained a similar sense of optimism atop this platform from members of the Class of 1962. President Kennedy’s historic Commencement address at Yale was sweeping in its rhetoric and its scope. And more than a-half century later, there is still much for us to heed from his message, including the abiding but now especially relevant value of seeking new perspectives.


  “Too often,” President Kennedy told the graduates in a rousing appeal for intellectual humility, “Too often, we subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations.” “Too often,” he continued, “we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.” History teaches us the grave hazard of certitude and the hubris from which it germinates.


  Now, when I was a graduate student here, Professor Irving Janis, a social psychologist, was one of my teachers. He formulated the concept of groupthink and linked the suppression of dissent to a series of foreign policy debacles such as the escalation of the Vietnam War and the Bay of Pigs invasion.


  The Bay of Pigs invasion – a decision by Kennedy to have the CIA lead a group of armed Cuban exiles in a failed attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro – was described by Kennedy aide Arthur Schlesinger as rooted in a “curious atmosphere of assumed consensus, [in which] not one spoke against it.” And as President Kennedy himself disclosed to TIME magazine, “there were 50 or so of us, presumably the most experienced and smartest people we could get, to plan such an operation. Most of us thought it would work…I wasn’t aware of any great opposition.” Yet “when we saw the wide range of failures,” Kennedy continued, “we asked ourselves: why had it not been apparent to somebody from the start? I guess you get walled off from reality when you want something to succeed too much.” The invasion was an embarrassment to the United States, and in those Cold War days, it pushed Cuba closer to the Soviet Union.


  In the many years since President Kennedy spoke at Yale, silos in which unchecked opinion can find refuge have become both ubiquitous and more easily accessed; they act as echo chambers that reaffirm beliefs in real-time. Within these silos, speculation travels great distances without scrutiny. And the spirit of discord between these silos discourages the honest exchange of ideas across them. In short, clinging to our circles of consensus has grown more comforting – and questioning them, more difficult.


  I encourage you to reject that comfort, because a willingness to explore new ideas is what makes all the difference. You know this perfectly well, I realize. The diversity of academic experiences available here at Yale ensured that you were not limited to learning from those who already shared your outlook. Indeed, President Kennedy chose to speak of such matters at Yale “because of the self-evident truth that a great university is always enlisted against the spread of illusion and on the side of reality.”


  Another social psychologist, Mark Leary, who recently retired from the faculty of Duke University, closely examined the intellectual humility I seek to nurture in higher education generally and in you today. His review of this attribute – a recognition that “one’s beliefs and opinions might be incorrect” – reveals that it is associated with gratitude, altruism, empathy, and more satisfying relationships. Intellectually-humble people are more likely to be forgiven by others for their mistakes.


  As extremism, polarization, and gridlock plague our politics at a time when pressing challenges call on us to harness our shared humanity, Professor Leary details equally substantial advantages of intellectual humility for society, including “lower acrimony that is based on differences in beliefs and ideology…[and] greater negotiation and compromise.”


  Now, when we first met four years ago in Woolsey Hall, I described a series of obligations that would accompany your Yale education, including the responsibility to be constantly curious – and to listen carefully to others. At that 2018 Opening Assembly, I encouraged members of this class to remember that “you have come to Yale because you don’t know everything – not yet.”


  Now, even as you prepare to depart Yale four years later, I will again declare that your acquisition of knowledge is unfinished. You’ll leave Yale despite not knowing everything. The transformative power of liberal education lies not in a promise to teach you everything but in the preparedness to meet presumptions – including those we harbor ourselves – with a healthy measure of doubt. It lies not in the ability to answer but in the audacity to question.


  As graduates, it behooves you to carry forth the inquisitive attitude you have forged here at Yale into the world; to carry forth your insistence on pushing opinions – including your own – beyond the confines of comfort; your resolve to strengthen your reasoning through personal investigation and civil discourse.


  In thinking of these trademarks of the academic enterprise, I am reminded of a dictum from Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, the great medieval philosopher known as Maimonides. In his introduction to Pirkei Avot, the Ethics of our Fathers, Maimonides urges readers to “accept the truth from whoever speaks it.”


  Indeed, wisdom is rooted in this willingness – this responsibility – to entertain ideas brought to you by others. To listen carefully. To think critically. To challenge your views – and then to change them when the discovery of truth demands it. As Justice Sonya Sotomayor said recently, “It is, I fear, too easy for people to fail to listen when what they’re hearing is different than what they think.” 


  As we know, engaging with those who hold profoundly different perspectives threatens not to betray our beliefs, but to broaden them. Listening to that with which we may disagree is an act not of conciliation, but of fidelity to truth. And admitting what we got wrong is no sign of failure, but a necessary step toward knowledge.


  The mark of a great education consists not only of the new frontiers of knowledge we reach, but of the existing viewpoints we reconsider; not necessarily of the understanding we gain, but of the assumptions we shed. For only when we subject the “prefabricated set of interpretations” President Kennedy spoke of here at Yale to scrutiny, can we elevate our limitations into points of strength. Indeed, humility – that willingness to say we are wrong – enables us to scale otherwise unattainable heights in the lifelong pursuit of knowledge.


  As Yale graduates, you are allegiant to truth. You know that breakthroughs are byproducts of the questions you raise, the conventions you dispute, the fallacies you uncover. But, also, the mistakes you own. You know that the “new ideas and solutions” I spoke of when we first assembled as a class four years ago – ideas and solutions to fight disease, alleviate suffering, and find justice – are made better when they endure the rigors of critical inquiry.


  Perhaps now more than ever, the world into which you will soon enter needs you to search for these solutions. It needs your expertise. But it also needs your example as a graduate of this inspiring learning environment. It needs you to continue probing the preconceptions held by others and, with equal vigor, those you hold yourself. It needs your answers and your questions. It needs your scholarship and your skepticism. It needs your intellectual prowess. And it needs your intellectual humility. 


  It needs you, Class of 2022. 







  搭配 “sneak peek” 的意思是 “偷偷地快速看一眼” 或 “在正式展示给其他人前看某样东西”,如电影或电视剧。“Sneak peek” 常与动词 “have” 和介词 “of” 搭配使用,即 “have a sneak peek of something”。

  I had a sneak peek of my birthday present without anyone knowing!我偷看了一眼我的生日礼物,没人知道!

  We are showing a sneak peek of the new film before it goes on general release.在这部新片公映之前,我们先给大家看一下。

  Would you like a sneak peek of the shop before it opens to the public?在这家商店对公众开放之前,你想不想先来看一看?



  ?“80后”和“90后”其实属于中国特色说法,英美国家虽然也有对人群根据年龄进行划分,不过他们的标准跟我们的有点不同。英语中与80后90后最接近的说法是millennials(或者Generation Y, Gen Y)。Millennials中文一般翻译为“千禧一代”。根据维基百科的定义,它指的是1981到1996年之间出生的人群,之所以将这群人称为millennials,是因为这一群体中年龄最大的人在新千年伊始(millennium)刚好成年。Millennials, also known as Generation Y or Gen Y, are the demographic cohort following Generation X and preceding Generation Z. Researchers and popular media use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years, with the generation typically being defined as people born from 1981 to 1996.对于00后,英文中接近的一个称呼是Generation Z(或者Gen Z),它是指1997-2012年间出生的人,中文里面有时候将它们翻译为“Z世代”。比Generation Z更年轻的则是Generation Alpha,这是指2010年以后出生的人,类似于我们说的10后和20后。人们有时候也用digital natives来统称millennials, Generation Z以及Generation Alpha这三个群体,因为他们都是在信息时代长大的,对于电子设备以及社交媒体非常熟悉。比“千禧一代”更早一点的群体是Generation X,这是指1965 至1980年间出生的人。比Generation X更早的则是baby boomers(战后婴儿潮一代),他们也是大部分“千禧一代”的父母。Baby boomers是指二战后生育高峰期出生的人。目前大部分英文资料将这一群体定义为1946-1964年间出生的人,有点类似于我们说的50后和60后。目前西方年轻人中有一种流行观点认为,“战后婴儿潮一代”是最幸运的一代,因为他们享受了战后经济高速发展的成果,同时还不用面对高房价以及高失业率等问题。与之相比,现在的“千禧一代”承受着巨大的生活压力以及阶层固化的困境,看不到未来的希望。这种反差也导致了代际之间的分歧。比如前两年西方年轻人中有一个流行的梗叫OK boomer,当上一代人向年轻人说教时,年轻人就用"OK boomer"这一口头禅来回应,意思类似于“您说得都对“,”爱咋咋地吧”。中国的“80后”和“90后”对应的英文说法会简单一点,比如“90后”一般称为post-90s或者the post-90s generation。CNN在一篇报道中国90后的文章就有这样的标题:How will China's tech-savvy, post-90s generation shape the nation?同理,80后可以说the post-80s generation, 00后则是the post-00s generation









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