新视野大学英语3读写教程教案unit7A Rose Is a Rose

  Unit 7 Teaching Plan

  Time Allotment

  Period 1

  Period 2

  Period 3

  Period 4


  Global reading

  Detailed reading

  Detailed reading


  Section B

  Section A A rose is a rose

  Teaching objectives:

  Help Ss to

  1. grasp the main idea and the organization of the text;

  2. learn to use effective strategies(especially the problem-solution pattern) for developing a passage;

  3. learn many useful expressions and sentence patterns;

  4. learn some basic knowledge about rose business

  Pre-reading: discussion:

  1. What does a rose stand for in your opinion?

  2. Have you ever sent or received flowers for a special occasion? What are the occasions when flowers in general or roses in particular are presented as gift?

  3. Do you know about Valentine’s Day?

  Valentine was a priest in Rome at the time Christianity was a new religion. The Emperor at that time, Claudius II, ordered the Roman soldiers not to marry or become engaged. Claudius believed that as married men, his soldiers would want to stay home with their families rather than fight his wars. Valentine defied the Emperor’s decree and secretly married the young couples. He was eventually arrested, imprisoned, and put to death. Valentine was beheaded on February 14th, the eve of the Roman holiday Lupercalia (牧神节). After his death, Valentine was named a saint. As Rome became more Christian, the priests moved the spring holiday from the 15th of February to the 14th --- Valentine’s Day.

  Global reading

  1. Text structure analysis (PP. 194-7)

  Theme: the rose business must adapt to changing conditions in the marketplace in order to succeed.

  Conclusion: As a result of severe foreign competition, some in the rose business long for the good old days whereas ordinary people wonder about the rose price more than before. (Paras. 13-14)

  2. Devices adopted for developing the text:

  1) Illustration, an example or a series of examples, makes a general statement specific and easy to understand, and makes abstract ideas clear, interesting, memorable or convincing.

  In this passage, a large number of examples are cited, which range from cases and quotations to accurate figures. Consequently, with the device, such an exposition is made interesting to read and quite persuasive. In addition, the technique is employed at all levels in this passage.

  Ask Ss to find some examples, quotations and figures.

  2) The general-specific device can be used to organize not only a passage, but also a paragraph. It is characterized by a general statement at the beginning, and followed by illustrations or specific statements.

  Paras 6 and 7 in this passage are typical of such an organization.

  3) The problem-solution pattern predominates in the passage. The second and the third part in the passage are completely of this pattern.

  Detailed reading: language Study

  1). 不再时兴,过时 to go out of style (L. 6)


  Such exteriors as clothing and hairstyle may fall out of fashion, but the interiors like honesty will never go out of style.

  2) 对某人来讲不再是美差

  to be no longer a beautiful experience for sb. (L. 8)


  Once knowledge seeking is no longer a painful experience for a student, he will focus more of his energy on it.

  3). 给忙碌的人们提供方便 to offer convenience to the busy (L. 9)


  He who offers convenience to others in life finds life convenient for himself.

  4). 是一个很好的范例 to be a good example of (L. 11)


  Desertification is a sad example of how human activities affect the nature adversely.

  5). 应对挑战 to answer the challenge (L. 12 )


  To answer the challenges of the future, many of the youth go back to colleges to recharge themselves with knowledge at their spare time.

  6). 在一定范围内变化或扩展 to range from…to… (L. 12 )


  The development of a country is of many dimensions, ranging from political system and economy to education and the people’s living standards.

  7). 花一大笔钱 to spend a fortune (L. 23)


  Having spent a handsome fortune on a racing car, he immediately became an object of envy to all his friends.

  8). 看起来像;好像要 to look like (L. 24)


  He has learned a little Chinese and knows some idioms, but the way he speaks Chinese looks like he knew everything about China.

  9). 一朵、一朵地买玫瑰 to buy roses in ones (L. 25)


  Misfortunes never come in ones; blessings never arrive in pairs

  10). 剩下来,留下来 to be left over (L. 30)

  今日事,今日毕。Misfortunes never come in ones; blessings never arrive in pairs

  11). 某人成功的秘诀 sb.’s formula for success (L. 32)


  Luck is not reliable, because one’s formula for success lies in 99% of hard work plus only 1% of luck

  12). 降低价格 to hold prices down (L. 32)


  With some people, hardships do not hold them down, but money and beauty do.

  13). 控制玫瑰销售链上的每一个环节

  to control every link in the rose chain (L. 32)


  If any link in the production line goes out of order, the whole chain will break down.

  14). 从······ 跌至······ to decline from…to… (L. 39)


  As a result of another failure in the English exam, her enthusiasm for English learning declined to zero

  15). 占去;解释 to account for (L. 41)


  Human feelings are so complex and subtle that no one can account for them in a satisfactory manner.

  16). 走下坡路 to go down (L. 46)


  The tourist industry in that country went down sharply because of increasing terrorist attacks.

  17). 创立这家公司 to launch the company (L. 48)


  Before launching the new project, the company made a thorough investigation of the market.

  18). 迫使某人退出该行业 to chase sb. out of business (L. 54 )


  Any company, if it is run with only profit in mind regardless of morality, is bound to be chased out of business

  19). 挤垮了国内一些种植商 to crush some domestic growers (L. 55)


  Under heavy mental stress, some are crushed down while some gain courage to make a success

  20). 时来运转,交好运 to get a break (L. 61)


  Treasure your college life, for it is most likely to be a break in your life.

  21). 靠别人的灾难来做生意

  to operate a business on someone else’s disaster (L. 62)


  It is not only immoral but even a crime to build one’s happiness on someone else’s misfortunes

  Typical patterns for the exposition of sb.’s way of doing sth.

  A: Sb.’s formula / recipe / prescription for (doing) sth. is sth. else / to do sth. else.

  某人做某事)的诀窍 / 秘诀是······ (L. 32)



  B: Instead of doing sth., sb. tries to do sth. else

  某人不是要做某事,而是千方百计/设法做别的事情。 (L. 55)

  (try: resolve / choose / plan / manage / decide)



  C: As a replacement for sthhttps://www.hjenglish.com/sijichengji/p611094/sb. lost, sb. (also) does sth. else.

  作为对失去的某物/某人的弥补,某人(也)做别的事。(L. 59)


  Typical patterns for comparisons and contrasts

  A. For those who…, sth. is more…than sth. else. (L. 3)




  B. While sb. watches his business/career/study etc. bloom/thrive/boom/prosper etc., sb. else is undergoing sth. unfortunate/distressing etc. (L. 38)





  1. Essay summary

  2. Ss discuss in group how to put the devices (illustration, general-specific, problem-solution) into practice in speeches and writing. They may give their own brief examples for each device.

  3. Write your own composition with a problem-solution pattern on the given topics on P. 198 or choose your own topic, trying to combine the devices we have leaned.

  Section B The Chunnel

  Teaching objectives:

  1) Learn to grasp a reading skill: identifying the writer’s purpose;

  2) Get some information about the Chunnel;

  3) To get some useful words and expressions

  Reading skill

  1. Read P. 199 carefully so that Ss can distinguish between the three kinds of purposes.

  1) To inform. Informational writing features facts and evidence, not opinions or value judgments. It often contains dates, statistics or other figures or quotes from experts or witnesses. The language style is often simple.

  2) To persuade. Persuasive writing features emotional appeals: opinions and arguments; rhetorical questions; evaluating language and judgmental language, etc.

  3) To entertain. This kind of writing often use informal language, simple sentence structure, dialogues, puns and figures of speech.

  2. Guide Ss to identify the writing purpose of Passage A .

  1) The title leads us to think of some romantic stories. However, after finishing the first paragraph, we find out the passage talks about Valentine’s Day, the growing, sales and distributions of roses. The language is simple in diction and structure.

  2) We find many statistics and dates. Quotes of a director, a rose customer and a rose grower can be found. All of them indicate the passage focuses on facts instead of opinions.

  Therefore, we decide that the writer aims to be informational.

  3. Ss are to analyze the writing purpose of Passage B following the above route.

  The first paragraph is simple in diction, but a rather long sentence, which is characteristic of journalism. No technical terms are involved in both paragraphs. The last paragraph, simple in structure, gives the reader the impression of uncertainty. The overwhelming word in the paragraph is “pessimistic”. To sum up, as the text is featured by statistics, dates, quotes, and a journalist style, the writer aims to be informational.

  Detailed reading:

  1. excluded sb. from: prevent sb. from entering some place, taking part in sth., etc.

  Women are often excluded from positions of authority.

  They excluded people under 18 from joining the club.

  2. for short: serving as a short form of sth. 简称,缩写,简略之

  He is called Alfred, or Alf for short.

  The National Broadcasting Company is called NBC for short.

  3. behind schedule: later than the planned time 落后于预定计划

  Owing to the recent bad weather, the work is several weeks behind schedule.

  The plane is two hours behind schedule.

  according to schedule 按照原定进度

  ahead of schedule 提前

  on schedule 按时间表, 准时

  tight schedule 排得紧紧的时间表

  to schedule [美]按照预定时间

  bus schedule 公共汽车时刻表

  class schedule 功课表, 课表

  train schedule 列车明细表

  4. if not for: if it weren’t/hadn’t been for; were it not for/had it not been for 要不是

  If not for my brother’s help, I would not have finished.

  The Earth would be a frozen ball if not for the radiant heat of the sun.

  5. introduce sb. to sth. : lead sb. to know sth. 使某人了解某物

  I was first introduced to university politics on a most unfortunate occasion.

  I shall always be grateful to my former teacher for introducing me to the study of language.

  6. go back to: return to (an earlier point in space or time) 回溯,追溯

  Can I go back to what you said at the beginning of the meeting?

  We must go back to the Middle Ages to discover the origins of English plays.

  date back to date from

  trace back to retrospect to

  7. by far: (used to emphasize that sth. is the best or has more of a particular quality than anything else) ······得多;最······;显然

  Shanghai’s population is greater by far than that of any other Chinese city.

  as far as … be concerned 至于 ……

  as (so) far as one can 尽力

  as far as it goes 就其本身而言

  far and wide 四面八方,到处

  far from it 远非如此

  so far 迄今为止

  so far so good 到目前为止一切顺利

  8. in case: because of the possibility of sth. happening 免得,以防

  In case he arrives before I get back, please ask him to wait.

  You had better take your umbrella, in case it rains.