
  1. to be up in the air: 悬而未决/前途未卜

  2. out of the woods: 摆脱困境/走出阴霾

  3. to squash the beef: 握手言和/冰释前嫌

  4. to be over the moon: 欣喜若狂/喜出望外

  5. to whip into shape: 重新振作/重整旗鼓

  6. to jump the gun: 操之过急 /行事鲁莽

  7. to cut the mustard: 符合预期/达到目标

  8. to hit a brick wall: 一筹莫展/走投无路

  9. pinch me moment: 难以置信/不可思议

  10. Eureka moment: 恍然大悟/醍醐灌顶

  11. to pack a punch: 效果彰显/影响深远

  12. to set apart: 特立独行/卓尔不群/与众不同

  13. to hold a candle to: 棋逢对手/旗鼓相当

  14. to be back on track: 重回正轨/走出低迷

  15. the cherry on top: 锦上添花/精益求精

  16. to blow away the cobwebs: 振作精神

  17. to bite the bullet: 勉为其难/咬牙坚持

  18. second to none: 登峰造极/无与伦比

  19. to take the cake: 无出其右/无以复加

  20. asleep at the wheel: 玩忽职守/疏于职守

  21. to go off at/on: 大发雷霆/勃然大怒

  22. leave no stone unturned: 竭尽全力

  23. spare no effort: 不遗余力/尽心竭力

  24. to live the high life: 灯红酒绿/纸醉金迷

  25. to tie the knot: 情定终身/永结同心

  26. a slap on the wrist: 略施薄惩/从轻发落

  27. hot on the heels of: 紧随其后

  28. to bend the knee: 甘拜下风/俯首称臣

  29. off the plan: 未来规划/计划之中

  30. at the mercy of: 受人摆布/任人宰割

  31. to pull the strings: 幕后操纵/垂帘听政

  32. a stab in the back: 背信弃义/背义负信

  33. to make waves: 寻衅滋事/惹是生非

  34. to shoot oneself in the foot: 弄巧成拙

  35. to flex one's muscles: 炫耀实力/展示力量

  36. to judge a book by its cover: 以貌取人

  37. to hold all the aces: 稳操胜券/万无一失

  38. to hit the ground running: 首战告捷/旗开得胜

  39. born to the purple: 出身显赫/官宦世家

  40. to shoot to fame: 一鸣惊人/一夕成名

  41. dead heat :棋逢对手/伯仲之间/旗鼓相当

  42. to get blood from a stone:缘木求鱼/枉费心机

  43. to herd cats: 枉费心机/徒劳无功

  44. Bob's your uncle: 十拿九稳/唾手可得

  45. to be in limbo: 无人问津/前途未卜

  46. to go through the roof: 价格飞涨/大发雷霆

  47. to fly off the handle: 勃然大怒/怒不可遏

  48. neck and neck: 不相伯仲/棋逢对手

  49. sitting duck: 坐以待毙/任人宰割

  50. on your mettle: 竭尽全力/尽心竭力

  51. six ways from Sunday:想方设法/穷尽手段

  52. on cloud nine: 欣喜若狂/喜出望外

  有哪些经典英文短语?53. to flip out: 惊恐万分/暴跳如雷

  54. let the cat out of the bag: 走漏风声

  55. get it together: 改过自新/振作精神

  56. a reality check: 大梦方醒/如梦初醒

  57. rose-tinted glasses: 盲目/过度乐观

  58. grey eminence: 幕后操纵/幕后指使

  59. leap in the dark: 铤而走险/孤注一掷

  60. make an example of: 杀一儆百/杀鸡儆猴

  61. to be on last legs: 气数已尽/精疲力尽

  62. smoke and mirrors: 云山雾罩/故弄玄虚

  63. a red herring: 转移焦点/掩人耳目

  64. showboating: 哗众取宠/炫耀技巧

  65. know it backwards: 了如指掌/洞若观火

  66. saved by the bell: 死里逃生/九死一生

  67. an uphill task: 艰巨任务/艰险历程

  68. to face down: 坦然面对/沉着应战

  69. to be on a roll: 好运连连/鸿运当头

  70. off the beaten track: 荒无人烟/不毛之地

  71. jump through hoops: 绞尽脑汁/费尽心力

  72. nutty as a fruitcake: 疯疯癫癫/怪里怪气

  73. kiss someone's ring: 阿谀奉承/溜须拍马

  74. stink to high heaven: 卑鄙下流/寡廉鲜耻

  75. to go rogue: 为所欲为/肆意妄为/自行其是

  76. to chase the bottom line: 唯利是图/见钱眼开

  77. to drive away the blues: 消除烦恼/排解忧愁

  78. to take the heat off: 缓解压力/放松心情

  79. to let your hair down: 尽情享受/无所顾忌

  80. to grapple with: 面对困境/处境艰难

  81. run-of-the-mill: 平淡无奇/枯燥乏味

  82. to put one's stamp on something: 影响深刻

  83. to hand over on a silver platter: 拱手相赠

  84. to rub salt into the wounds: 雪上加霜/落井下石

  85. the final nail in the coffin: 不堪重负/难以为继

  86. be set in one's ways: 一成不变/思想僵化

  87. come to terms with: 认清形势/面对现实

  88. from hero to zero: 身败名裂/信誉扫地

  89. to cut and run: 溜之大吉/抱头鼠窜

  90. on the fence: 模棱两可/举棋不定/左右逢源

  91. to take a swipe at: 强烈谴责/激烈批评

  92. to feel the crunch: 囊中羞涩/捉襟见肘

  93. to buckle under: 完全坍塌/彻底崩溃

  94. to knuckle under: 俯首帖耳/唯唯诺诺

  95. Keep one's nose clean: 循规蹈矩/安分守己

  96. the gloves are off: 图穷匕见/你死我活

  97. in the hot seat: 如芒在背/如坐针毡

  98. on the nose: 精确无误/恰到好处

  99. out of touch: 脱离现实/不切实际

  100. straight off the bat: 开门见山/直截了当

  101. to take to one's heels: 溜之大吉/脚底抹油

  102. to ride out the storm: 逃出生天/全身而退

  103. go from strength to strength: 蒸蒸日上

  104. down the drain: 付诸东流/前功尽弃

  105. off to a running start: 拔得头筹/占得先机

  106. off and running: 顺风顺水/风生水起

  “她这一生很不平凡”如何用英语唯美的翻译?107. be back on your feet: 重整旗鼓/卷土重来

  108. to miss the boat/bus: 追悔莫及/错失良机

  109. to kick in the guts: 严厉惩戒/迎头痛击

  110. to go for the jugular: 直击要害/一击毙命

  111. to land a killer blow: 大获全胜/致命一击

  112. be out for blood: 怒不可遏/穷凶极恶

  113. to walk a fine line: 不偏不倚/谨小慎微

  114. in the thick of it: 应接不暇/疲于奔命

  115. a race against time: 争分夺秒/只争朝夕

  116. to rub shoulders with: 往来密切/称兄道弟

  117. to hold all the cards: 只手遮天/大权在握

  118. bread and water: 粗茶淡饭/维持温饱

  119. a feast for the eyes: 美轮美奂/美不胜收

  120. tit for tat: 针锋相对/冤冤相报/你来我往

  121. out of a clear blue sky: 突如其来/措手不及

  122. a tall order: 谈何容易/绝非易事/艰巨任务

  123. bend over backwards: 想方设法/费尽心力

  124. go to any length: 想尽办法/不择手段

  125. under the thumb of: 仰人鼻息/寄人篱下

  126. to ham it up: 装腔作势/装模作样/搔首弄姿

  127. dance to someone's tune: 言听计从

  128. to stop at nothing: 不顾一切/不择手段

  129. put the boot in sb: 落井下石/趁人之危

  130. play to one's strengths: 驾轻就熟/游刃有余

  131. to split hairs: 求全责备/吹毛求疵

  132. in lockstep with: 齐心协力/同心同德

  133. to hit the spot: 心满意足/正中下怀

  134. the meat of it: 关键环节/本质内容

  135. to defy belief: 难以置信/匪夷所思

  136. to rake sb over the coals: 严厉斥责

  137. to take it all in: 充分了解/尽情欣赏

  138. to go belly up: 一蹶不振/一败涂地

  139. open-and-shut: 清晰明确/一目了然

  140. to twist the knife: 落井下石/伤口撒盐

  141. to throw shade: 冷嘲热讽/指桑骂槐

  142. to fly in the face of: 公然违背/公开挑衅

  143. a blunt instrument: 霹雳手段/极端措施

  144. to show one's true colors: 袒露心声

  145. by the book: 遵纪守法/循规蹈矩

  146. to fall through: 一事无成/一败涂地

  147. down and out: 穷困潦倒/朝不保夕

  148. smoking gun: 确凿证据/铁证如山

  149. one's goose is cooked: 一败涂地

  150. wet behind ears: 乳臭未干/黄口孺子

  151. leave sb in the dust: 遥遥领先/一骑绝尘

  152. to sweep to victory: 大获全胜/横扫千军

  153. rough around the edges: 未经修饰/缺乏历练

  154. my way or the highway: 毫不妥协/态度坚决

  155. to circle the drain: 去日无多/命不久矣

  156. to whip up hysteria: 煽风点火/制造恐慌

  157. to throw a bone to: 笼络人心/小恩小惠

  158. to take a heavy toll on: 严重损害/严重破坏

  159. to take a hammering: 一败涂地/丢盔弃甲

  160. to cut both ways: 喜忧参半/各有利弊

  161. to go to town on: 大张旗鼓/无所顾忌

  162. to tear someone apart: 厉声呵斥/严厉责问

  163. to stick out in a crowd: 鹤立鸡群/引人注目

  164. to roll with the punches: 兵来将挡/从容应对

  165. a deer in headlights: 不知所措/呆若木鸡

  166. to go for the jugular: 直击要害/致命一击

  167. a match made in heaven: 天作之合/天生一对

  168. show one's true colors: 原形毕露/图穷匕见

  169. to stick to one's guns: 坚持立场/毫不退缩

  170. to get your head down: 努力奋斗/ 奋发图强

  171. rotten to the core: 道德败坏/毫无诚信

  172. to beat one's chest: 虚张声势/色厉内荏

  173. to put one's mind to: 集中精力/全神贯注

  174. last-ditch effort: 全力一击/孤注一掷

  175. to take a stab at: 尝试/猜测/估计/估算

  176. to have wandering eyes: 风流成性/处处留情

  177. full steam ahead: 全力以赴/全速推进

  178. to hit a home run: 大获全胜/马到成功

  179. to hit a rut: 停滞不前/故步自封/原地踏步

  180. nickel-and-dime: 鸡毛蒜皮/斤斤计较

  181. to bottom out: 触底反弹/否极泰来

  182. to stand/walk tall: 自信满满/踌躇满志

  183. a storm in a teacup: 小题大做/无事生非

  184. short and sweet: 短小精悍/简洁明了

  185. hats off to someone: 致以敬意

  186. roll out the red carpet: 热烈欢迎/喜出望外

  187. lie through one's teeth: 满口谎言/谎话连篇

  188. front and center: 至关重要/举足轻重

  189. to warm up to: 逐步接受/ 渐生兴趣

  190. have your back to the wall: 走投无路/日暮穷途

  191. a bitter pill to swallow: 有苦难言/难言之隐

  192. to be a cakewalk: 轻而易举/易如反掌

  193. to be in a cleft stick: 骑虎难下/进退维谷

  194. have more bark than bite: 虚张声势/色厉内荏

  195. to pull the pin: 退隐江湖/金盆洗手/告老还乡

  196. hot under the collar: 勃然大怒/怒火中烧

  197. to beat up the story: 添油加醋/过度渲染

  198. to drag one's feet: 犹豫不决/拖延时日

  199. to ask for the moon: 异想天开/痴心妄想

  200. to be without a hitch: 一帆风顺/手到擒来

  201. to work one's tail off: 不辞辛劳/夜以继日

  202. to raise hell: 怨声载道/牢骚满腹/叫苦连天

  203. to pull one's socks up: 振作精神/奋发图强

  204. one's heart sinks into his shoes: 万念俱灰

  205. to pull the wool over one's eyes: 瞒天过海

  206. to put one's feet up: 悠然自得/安适愉快

  207. to mop the floor: 一网打尽/大获全胜

  208. to turn things around: 力挽狂澜/反败为胜

  209. to move into high gear: 全力以赴/全心全意

  210. to pull out all the stops: 不遗余力/竭尽全力

  211. right out of the gate: 顷刻之间/转瞬之间

  212. to be up to speed: 与时俱进/跟上时代

  213. to be not all roses: 美中不足/金无足赤

  214. to give someone the hump: 惹人厌恶

  215. to play footsie with: 眉来眼去/暗通款曲

  216. a cut above the rest: 出类拔萃/鹤立鸡群

  217. stretched too thin: 疲于奔命/焦头烂额

  218. to lay one's cards on the table: 开诚布公

  219. a fish out of water: 无计可施/束手无策

  220. the cream of the crop: 人中龙凤/英雄豪杰

  221. to get ahead of oneself: 言之过早/仓促行事

  222. in for a rough ride: 前途坎坷/面临困境

  223. to give someone the creeps: 不寒而栗

  224. when the chips are down: 艰难时刻/紧要关头

  225. to come up in the world: 平步青云/飞黄腾达

  226. to take coals to Newcastle: 多此一举/画蛇添足

  227. to be sent to Coventry: 千夫所指/众叛亲离

  228. to be in over one's head: 无法自拔/泥足深陷

  229. to throw the kitchen sink: 全力以赴/竭尽全力

  230. to put oneself on the line: 铤而走险/孤注一掷

  231. to hit the nail on the head: 一针见血/切中要害

  232. to make quick work of: 轻而易举/易如反掌

  233. come rain or shine: 无论如何/不顾一切/在所不惜

  234. to feel some type of way: 春心荡漾/心猿意马

  235. to make light of: 不屑一顾/嗤之以鼻

  236. to tread on one's heels: 紧追不舍/步步紧逼

  237. to fall into line with: 循规蹈矩/安分守己

  238. to be on the ropes: 黔驴技穷/束手无策

  239. to scream from the rooftops: 大声疾呼

  240. to be at loose ends: 无所事事/游手好闲

  241. to be on pins and needles: 坐立不安

  242. to take the bull by the horns: 临危不惧

  243. paint them with the same brush: 一概而论

  244. to work hand in glove with: 密切合作

  245. to have big shoes to fill: 任务艰巨

  246. comfortable in one's skin: 满怀信心

  247. on the double: 十万火急 /刻不容缓

  248. on the mark: 切中要害/鞭辟入里/一语中的

  249. to knock it out of the park: 表现卓越

  250. at loggerheads with: 势不两立/水火不容

  251. way above one's head: 高深莫测/难以捉摸

  252. to hammer something home: 反复强调

  253. to hang in the balance: 前途未卜/悬而未决

  254. to hold one's nerve: 坚定不移/不卑不亢

  255. at a pinch: 迫不得已/身不由己/万般无奈

  256. a punch to the gut: 致命打击/灭顶之灾

  257. to go to the wall: 一蹶不振/彻底崩溃

  258. to rock with someone: 大力支持/鼎力相助

  259. hot and bothered: 心浮气躁/坐立不安

  260. to shake the tree: 敲山震虎/引蛇出洞

  261. whip someone into a frenzy: 骇人听闻

  262. to take it by storm: 并吞八荒/囊括四海

  263. to be in the hot seat: 心惊胆战/寝食难安

  264. to come home to roost: 恶有恶报/自作自受

  265. to give a tip of the hat to: 衷心感谢/深表敬意

  266. to chase after one's own tail: 竹篮打水一场空

  267. to call one's bluff: 戳穿谎言/看破手脚

  268. to bootlick someone: 低三下四/卑躬屈膝

  269. to let one's guard down: 放松心情/舒缓情绪

  270. to get left in the dust: 望尘莫及/自愧不如

  271. to call it quits:金盆洗手/退隐江湖

  272. to bear witness to: 亲眼目睹/亲身经历

  273. with tail between one's legs: 垂头丧气

  274. to look the other way: 熟视无睹/置之不理

  275. to turn one's nose up at: 嗤之以鼻/不屑一顾

  276. to ride the tide: 因势利导/随机应变/因地制宜

  277. to play someone like a violin: 玩弄于股掌之中

  278. to flirt with disaster: 铤而走险/孤注一掷

  279. to hold a grudge: 怨声载道/牢骚满腹

  280. to be in bed with: 暗通款曲/狼狈为奸

  281. to send chills down one's spine: 不寒而栗

  282. to chime in on something: 广开言路/博采众议

  283. to pull out the big guns:看家本领/杀手锏

  284. by fair means or foul: 不择手段/想尽办法

  285. to ruffle one's feathers: 蓄意挑衅/寻衅滋事

  286. to put ones' heads together: 集思广益

  287. to bawl one's eyes out: 放声大哭/痛哭流涕

  288. to be totally on board for: 大力支持/鼎力相助

  289. to lay something to rest: 打消顾虑/消除疑虑

  290. let nature take its course: 顺其自然/无为而治

  291. to bite off more than one can chew: 自不量力

  292. to play the devil's advocate: 存心刁难/故意为难

  293. to lose ground to: 甘拜下风/自愧不如

  294. to take a steep dive: 土崩瓦解/一蹶不振

  295. to grab the spotlight: 引人注目/备受关注

  296. to keep ones' heads down: 勤勤恳恳/恪守本分

  297. to drive a wedge between: 挑拨离间

  298. to take a leap of faith: 一往无前/义无反顾

  299. to be up and coming: 前途无量/前程似锦

  300. to get handed one's head: 无地自容/当众羞辱

  301. to be at peace with: 泰然处之/坦然面对

  302. to be done and dusted: 完事大吉/撒手不管

  303. to put words in one's mouth: 蓄意歪曲/颠倒黑白

  304. to have too much on one's plate: 焦头烂额

  305. to move the needle: 意义重大/影响深远

  306. to cry out for: 迫不及待/刻不容缓/迫切需要

  307. to heap praise on: 不吝溢美之词/大肆夸赞

  308. the middle of nowhere: 不毛之地/荒无人烟

  309. to be on shaky ground: 摇摇欲坠/岌岌可危

  310. to put a hold on something: 暂时搁置/暂缓执行

  311. down to the wire: 千钧一发/最后关头/危急存亡

  312. to step on others' toes: 激起民愤/引起众怒

  313. to take the reins: 全面掌控/执掌大权/掌控全局

  314. to be in the frame: 风雨飘摇/岌岌可危

  315. to go down the tubes: 吹灯拔蜡/关门大吉

  316. to put it on the pending tray: 束之高阁

  317. to rise to the occasion: 激流勇进/迎难而上

  318. to come in all shapes and sizes: 五花八门

  319. at the drop of a hat: 转瞬之间/电光石火

  320. to lack real teeth: 毫无效果/软弱无力

  321. to be fresh off the boat: 初来乍到/人生地疏

  322. to swallow one's pride: 忍辱负重/委曲求全

  323. to bring someone to heel: 逼迫就范/彻底控制

  324. one's heart is so full: 满心欢喜/心怀感激

  325. to bump up against the limits: 挑战极限

  326. to stand by one's decision: 坚定不移/毫不动摇

  327. to put someone to the sword: 彻底击败

  328. to strike a chord in one's heart: 深表同感

  329. to go up the escalation ladder: 日益加剧

  330. to get chipped away: 日益凋零/风光不再

  331. to look up to someone: 满怀敬仰/心怀崇敬

  332. to take someone under their wing: 谆谆教诲

  333. to do something by half measures: 敷衍了事

  334. to be left in the dust: 望尘莫及/自叹不如

  335. to push comfort zones: 挑战自我/不断进取

  336. to be at a breakneck pace: 电光石火/弹指之间

  337. to be at one's fingertips: 唾手可得/随处可见

  338. to play a straight bat: 旁敲侧击/闪烁其词

  339. to dodge a bullet: 逃脱劫难/大难不死

  340. to be on one's last legs: 气数已尽/大势已去

  341. to pour water into the sand: 竹篮打水一场空

  342. to hit all the points: 面面俱到/包罗万象

  343. to be in a world of hurt: 痛不欲生/惨不忍睹

  344. to bring the curtain down on: 解甲归田

  345. to find one's groove: 初学乍练/渐入佳境

  346. to take it with a grain of salt: 不可全信

  347. to get one's story straight: 自圆其说

  348. to lock horns with: 针锋相对/剑拔弩张

  349. to count one's blessings: 大难不死/心怀感念

  350. to paint someone in a bad light: 声名狼藉

  351. to hang up the boots: 归隐田园/金盆洗手

  352. to talk someone's ear off: 喋喋不休/滔滔不绝

  353. to keep something on the down low: 保守机密

  354. to be green around the gills: 身体不适/贵体欠安

  355. famous for all the wrong reasons: 臭名昭著

  356. to have nothing to show for: 一事无成

  357. to start from scratch: 白手起家/自力更生

  358. to turn something upside down: 一塌糊涂

  359. to be in shambles: 灰头土脸/垂头丧气/一败涂地

  360. to remain at large: 逍遥法外/踪迹全无/不知去向

  361. to take the shine out of: 喧宾夺主/本末倒置

  362. to make no bones about: 开门见山/直来直去

  363. to get the better of: 战而胜之/占尽先机

  364. to deliver a snub to: 视若无睹/无所顾忌

  365. to be under the pump: 焦头烂额/不堪重负

  366. to be cut from the same cloth: 如出一辙

  367. to get to the bottom of that: 真相大白

  368. to be pushed over the edge: 精神崩溃/情绪失控

  369. to put up the wall: 拒人于千里之外/冷若冰霜

  370. to spill the beans on: 透露秘密/泄露机密

  371. to see it through to the end: 坚持不懈

  372. to go toe to toe with: 针锋相对/剑拔弩张

  373. to put plans on the backburner: 暂时搁置

  374. to straddle the line: 模棱两可/含糊其辞

  375. to make money hand over fist: 盆满钵满

  376. the nuts and bolts of: 根本问题/本质问题

  377. to have a chip on one's shoulder: 怀恨在心

  378. to keep pushing the ball forward: 坚持不懈

  379. to drag one's feet: 拖延不决/拖拖拉拉

  380. to get out of one's box: 勇于尝试/推陈出新

  381. a sight for sore eyes: 相见甚欢/喜出望外

  382. to put one's finger on it: 切中要害/一针见血

  383. be put through the grinder: 惨遭折磨/备受煎熬

  384. to dig in deep: 刨根问底/寻本求源/追根溯源

  385. to be up to speed: 了如指掌/尽在掌握/洞若观火

  386. to live on borrowed time: 苟延残喘/时日无多

  387. to go off the rails: 恣意妄为/肆无忌惮/胡作非为

  388. to put one's foot down: 意志坚定/百折不挠

  389. to overplay one's hand: 不可一世/目中无人

  390. to get along like a house on fire: 一见如故

  391. to hang on by one's fingernails: 危在旦夕

  392. to come out on top: 大获全胜/凯旋而归

  393. on a whim: 一时冲动/不假思索/心血来潮

  394. to pull the plug on: 吹灯拔蜡/关门大吉

  395. to burn one's bridges: 破釜沉舟/孤注一掷

  396. to lay that all out for someone: 详细阐明

  397. to fish for compliments: 沽名钓誉/哗众取宠

  398. to give someone a bloody nose: 迎头痛击

  399. to search for a unicorn: 大海捞针/芳踪难觅

  400. to topple someone over: 迎头痛击/彻底打垮

  401. to wear one's heart on one's sleeve: 敞开心扉

  402. to let the pigeons loose: 身先士卒/争先恐后

  403. to look the other way: 视而不见/充耳不闻

  404. to peel back the layers: 抽丝剥茧/刨根问底

  405. to be drowning in debt: 债台高筑/负债累累

  406. to run out of steam: 后继乏力/难以为继

  407. to break bread with: 和谐共处/亲如一家

  408. to get into someone's grill: 剑拔弩张/针锋相对

  409. to come out with a bang: 一鸣惊人/一飞冲天

  410. to wear two hats: 身兼双职/两头兼顾/一仆二主

  411. to take it on the chin: 坦然面对/默默承受

  412. to be on a par with: 平起平坐/不分伯仲


  如何高级的翻译神明到来或神明现世?俗话说的英语怎么翻?「休息得很好」该怎么用英语表达?如何将“没有人不食人间烟火”翻译成英文?能分享一下你们相册随手拍的照片吗?你好,需要什么,用英语怎么说?爆棚,用英语怎么说,比如,幸福感爆棚?太舒服了英语怎么说?“凡人之力比肩神明”有没有什么信达雅的翻译?"注意休息,不要太累了”用地道的英文怎么说?“中国人像中国广阔土地一样,拥有一个广阔的胸怀”这句话怎样用英语翻译的高级一些?仰望星空不如脚踏实地英文怎么翻译?你的明白用英语怎么说?天人合一怎么翻译比较合适?#翻译#?求教英语大神们!了解当时当下的自己,这句话怎么用英语的表达?请问如何用英语地道且准确地表达“深厚的功底”? - Tudor 译道世家的回答 - 知乎 https://www.zhihu.com/answer/3020070954如何更好地翻译“驾驭”这个词?如何用英语说“不要随便上纲上线”?从头到尾,用英语怎么说?“义无反顾”用英语怎么说?怎么用英语表达“好巧啊,你怎么也在这”?打破困境用英文可以翻译为"break the dilemma"吗?“合适的才是最好的”怎么翻译(中译英)才妥当并且言简意赅?中文“不然呢”怎么翻译成英语呢?「内心纠结」应该怎么翻译成英文?用英语地道的说“没错”怎么说?永不服输英语怎么说?一把把把把住了,翻译成英文怎么写?如何翻译“遇见了你,最好的自己才开始”?适得其反用英语怎么表达会更好?“不是办法的办法”、“没得办法的办法”用英语怎样表达?永不回头用英语怎么说?回不去怎样用英语含蓄的表达?“做人只求问心无愧。”求大神翻译成地道点的英语,用于纹身。?可以翻译一下 神明也会哭泣吗 要诗意的那种 英文的?The Art of Eating Spaghettis 中Art的意思是什么?“狂风暴雨”该如何翻译?请问,不负自己,用英文怎么说?(13)电影口语 --"幸灾乐祸" 用英文怎么说?你知道“拐弯抹角”用英语怎么说吗?外国人问「How are you?」时到底应如何回答?话到嘴边说不出来英文怎么翻译?如何将「出来混,迟早要还」翻译成英语?"凛冬散尽 星河长明"如何用英文翻译得唯美一些?“我爬上峭壁,以便饱览大海的景色”用英语怎么说?如何用英语优雅地翻译“无欲则刚”?

  1. Born to the purple: 出身显赫

  2. Shoot to fame: 一鸣惊人

  3. Hold all the aces:稳操胜券

  4. Out for blood: 怒不可遏


  5. Judge a book by its cover: 以貌取人

  6. Flex one's muscles: 炫耀实力

  7. Shoot oneself in the foot: 弄巧成拙

  8. A stab in the back: 背信弃义

  9. Making waves: 制造事端

  10. At the mercy of: 受人摆布

  11. Under the thumb of: 仰人鼻息

  12. Bend the knee: 甘拜下风

  13. Off the plan: 未来规划

  14. Hot on the heels of: 紧随其后

  15. The meat of it: 关键环节

  16. Run of the mill: 庸庸碌碌

  17. Spare no efforts: 不遗余力

  18. Tie the knot: 情定终身

  19. Leave no stone unturned: 竭尽全力

  20. Go off at/on: 大发雷霆

  21. A feast for the eyes: 美轮美奂

  22. Second to none: 登峰造极

  23. Take the cake: 无出其右

  24. Not all there: 智商掉线


  1.Tie the knot: 情定终身

  2.The cherry on top: 锦上添花

  3.Second to none: 登峰造极

  4.A feast for the eyes: 美轮美奂

  5.Go off at/on: 大发雷霆

  6.Hold all the aces:稳操胜券

  7.Shoot to fame: 一鸣惊人

  8.Spare no efforts: 不遗余力

  9.Pinch me moment: 难以置信

  10.Over the moon: 欣喜若狂

  11.look before you leap 三思而后行

  12.be down-to-earth 脚踏实地

  13.Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌

  14.be at odds with 格格不入

  15.please the eye 赏心悦目

  16.Bite the bullet: 勉为其难

  17.Bend the knee: 甘拜下风

  18.Leave no stone unturned: 竭尽全力

  19. 金无足赤人无完人

  Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect

  20. 大开眼界

  open one's eyes; broaden one's horizon; be an eye-opener

  21. 好了伤疤忘了疼

  once on shore, one prays no more

  22. 过犹不及

  going too far is as bad as not going far enough;beyond is as wrong as falling short;too much is as bad as too little

  23. 功夫不负有心人

  Everything comes to him who waits

  24. 唯利是图

  draw water to one's mill

  25. 好事不出门恶事传千里

  Good news never goes beyond the gate,while bad news spread far and wide

  26. 和气生财

  Harmony brings wealth

  27. 活到老学到老

  One is never too old to learn

  28. 既往不咎

  let bygones be bygones

  29. 大事化小小事化了

  try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all

  30. 金玉满堂

  Treasures fill the home

  31. 脚踏实地

  be down-to-earth

  32. 脚踩两只船

  sit on the fence

  33. 君子之交淡如水

  the friendship between gentlemen is as pure as crystal;a hedge between keeps friendship green

  34. 老生常谈陈词滥调

  cut and dried,cliché

  35. 礼尚往来

  Courtesy calls for reciprocity

  36. 留得青山在不怕没柴烧

  Where there is life,there is hope

  37. 马到成功

  achieve immediate victory;win instant success

  38. 名利双收

  gain in both fame and wealth

  39. 茅塞顿开

  be suddenly enlightened

  40. 没有规矩不成方圆

  Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards

  41. 每逢佳节倍思亲

  On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one's dear ones far away It is on the festival occasions when one misses his dear most

  42. 谋事在人成事在天

  The planning lies with man,the outcome with Heaven Man proposes,God disposes

  43. 弄巧成拙

  be too smart by half;Cunning outwits itself

  44. 拿手好戏


  45. 赔了夫人又折兵

  throw good money after bad

  46. 抛砖引玉

  a modest spur to induce others to come forward with valuable contributions;throw a sprat to catch a whale

  47. 破釜沉舟

  cut off all means of retreat;burn one‘s own way of retreat and be determined to fight to the end

  48. 抢得先机

  take the preemptive opportunities

  49. 巧妇难为无米之炊

  If you have no hand you can't make a fist One can't make bricks without straw

  50. 千里之行始于足下

  a thousand-li journey begins with the first step--the highest eminence is to be gained step by step

  51. 前事不忘后事之师

  Past experience,if not forgotten,is a guide for the future

  52. 前人栽树后人乘凉

  One generation plants the trees in whose shade another generation rests One sows and another reaps

  53. 前怕狼后怕虎 fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind hesitate in doing something

  54. 强龙难压地头蛇 Even a dragon(from the outside)finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt-Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies

  55. 强强联手 win-win co-operation

  56. 瑞雪兆丰年 A timely snow promises a good harvest

  57. 人之初性本善 Man's nature at birth is good

  58. 人逢喜事精神爽 Joy puts heart into a man

  59. 人海战术 huge-crowd strategy

  60. 世上无难事只要肯攀登 Where there is a will,there is a way

  61. 世外桃源 a fictitious land of peace away from the turmoil of the world;

  62. 死而后已 until my heart stops beating

  63. 岁岁平安 Peace all year round

  64. 上有天堂下有苏杭 Just as there is paradise in heaven,there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth

  65. 塞翁失马焉知非福 Misfortune may be an actual blessing

  66.三十而立 A man should be independent at the age of thirty At thirty,a man should be able to think for himself

  67. 升级换代 updating and upgrading(of products)

  68. 四十不惑 Life begins at forty

  69. 谁言寸草心报得三春晖 Such kindness of warm sun,can't be repaid by grass

  70. 水涨船高 When the river rises,the boat floats high

  71. 时不我待 Time and tide wait for no man

  72. 杀鸡用牛刀 break a butterfly on the wheel

  73. 实事求是 seek truth from facts;be practical and realistic;be true to facts

  74. 说曹操,曹操到 Talk of the devil and he comes

  75. 实话实说 speak the plain truth;call a spade a spade;tell it as it is

  76. 实践是检验真理的唯一标准 Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth

  77. 山不在高,有仙则名 No matter how high the mountain is,its name will spread far and wide if there is a fairy

  78. 韬光养晦 hide one's capacities and bide one's time

  79. 糖衣炮弹 sugar-coated bullets

  80. 天有不测风云 Anything unexpected may happen a bolt from the blue

  81. 团结就是力量 Unity is strength

  82. “跳进黄河洗不清” 'eve if one jumped into the Yellow River,one can not wash oneself clean--there's nothing one can do to clear one's name'

  83. 歪风邪气 unhealthy practices and evil phenomena

  84. 物以类聚,人以群分 Birds of a feather flock together

  85. 往事如风 The past has vanished(from memory)like wind;What in past,is pas

  86. 望子成龙 hold high hopes for one's child

  87. 屋漏又逢连阴雨 Misfortunes never come singly When it rains it pours

  88. 无源之水,无本之木 water without a source,and a tree wiithout roots

  1. white night 不眠之夜

  2. spare no effort不遗余力

  3. Money talks.有钱能使鬼推磨

  4. Achilles' heel 致命要害

  5. Love me, love my dog爱屋及乌

  6. a drop in the bucket 沧海一粟

  7. speak of the devil 说曹操,曹操到

  8. play it by ear 见机行事

  9. Time and tide wait for no man.时不我待

  10. Let nature take its course.顺其自然

  11. bite off more than one can chew不自量力

  12. self-created suspicion杯弓蛇影

  13. Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见(眼见为实)

  14. let bygones be bygones既往不咎

  15. If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。

  16.Man proposes, God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。

  17. There are no waves without wind. There's no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪

  18. worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst. 比上不足比下有余

  19. going too far is as bad as not going far enough过犹不及

  20. Everything comes to him who waits.功夫不负有心人

  21. It is a sin to steal a pin.勿以恶小而为之

  22. Revenge is a dish that could be eaten cold.君子报仇,十年不晚。

  23. Every dog has its day. 风水轮流转

  24. It is easy to find a stick to beat a dog.欲加之罪,何患无辞?

  25. find quarrel in a straw 鸡蛋里挑骨头

  26. A stitch in time saves nine.小洞不补,大洞吃苦。

  27. once in a blue moon 千载难逢

  28. like a bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳

  29. to fish in the troubled water 浑水摸鱼

  30. as light as a feather 轻如鸿毛

  31. castle in the air 空中楼阁

  32. to burn the boat 破釜沉舟

  33. to be on the thin ice 如履薄冰

  34. as dumb as an oyster; as silent as the graves; as close as wax 守口如瓶

  35. as poor as a Church mouse 一贫如洗

  36. as strong as a horse 健壮如牛

  37. to bleed like a pig血流如注

  38. to cast pearls before swine 对牛弹琴

  39. to paint the lily 画蛇添足

  40. to help a lame dog over a stile 雪中送炭

  41. as easy as falling off a log 易如反掌

  42. Seeing is believing. 百闻不如一见

  43. A slow sparrow should make an early start. 笨鸟先飞

  44. Gold can't be pure and man can’t be perfect. 金无足赤,人无完人

  45. Treasures fill the home 金玉满堂

  46. be down-to-earth 脚踏实地

  47. No discord, no concord. 不打不成交

  48. Rob Peter to pay Paul. 拆东墙补西墙

  49. Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分

  50. When it rains, it pours. 屋漏偏逢连夜雨

  51. Bad news has wings. 好事不出门,坏事传千里。

  52. A slow sparrow should make an early start. 笨鸟先飞

  53. A fighting chance 一线生机

  54. Harmony in diversity 和而不同

  55. The greatest virtue is like water. 上善若水

  56. Greatness lies in the capacity. 有容乃大

  57. Rome isn't built in one day. 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。

  58. Look before you leap. 三思而后行。

  59. Tit for tat. 以牙还牙,针锋相对

  60. Once on shore, one prays no more. 好了伤疤忘了疼。

  61. Survival of the fittest 优胜劣汰

  62. Hide one's capacity and bide one's time.韬光养晦

  63. Justice has long arms. 天网恢恢疏而不漏。

  64. A hedge between keeps friendship green. 君子之交淡如水。

  65. A bolt from the blue 突如其来,始料不及

  66. A bull in a china shop 笨手笨脚

  67. Burn a hole in one's pocket 花钱如流水

  68. Cold feet 临阵退缩

  69. Go up in flames 毁于一旦

  70. Cut and dried 已成定局

  71. Winner takes all. 赢家通吃

  72. Rack your brain 绞尽脑汁

  73. What is done is done. 木已成舟

  74.to wake a sleeping dog打草惊蛇


  1. Born to the purple:出身显赫

  2. Shoot to fame:一鸣惊人

  3. Hold all the aces: 稳操胜券

  4. Out for blood:怒不可遏

  微信公众号:柒柒薄荷5. Judge a book by its cover:以貌取人

  6. Flex one's muscles:炫耀实力

  7. Shoot oneself in the foot:弄巧成拙

  8. A stab in the back:背信弃义

  微信公众号:柒柒薄荷9. Making waves:制造事端

  10. At the mercy of:受人摆布

  11. Under the thumb of:仰人鼻息

  12. Bend the knee:甘拜下风

  微信公众号:柒柒薄荷13. Off the plan:未来规划

  14. Hot on the heels of:紧随其后

  15. The meat of it:关键环节

  16. Run of the mill:庸庸碌碌

  17. Spare no efforts:不遗余力

  18. Tie the knot:情定终身

  19. Leave no stone unturned:竭尽全力

  20. Go off at/on:大发雷霆

  21. A feast for the eyes:美轮美奂

  22. Second to none:登峰造极

  23. Take the cake:无出其右

  24. Not all there:智商掉线


  1、The cherry on top:锦上添花

  2、Pinch me moment:难以置信

  3、Over the moon:欣喜若狂

  4、look before you leap:三思而后行

  5、be down-to-earth:脚踏实地

  6、Love me, love my dog:爱屋及乌

  7、be at odds with:格格不入

  8、please the eye:赏心悦目

  9、Bite the bullet:勉为其难

  10、 Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect:金无足赤人无完人

  11、 once on shore, one prays no more:好了伤疤忘了疼

  12、 dream a dream:做一个梦

  13、 light a light:点一盏灯

  14、 turn a turn:转个弯

  15、 touch a touch:感受抚摸

  16、 fall a fall:坠入爱河

  17、 fight a fight:拌一次嘴

  18、 taste a taste:品尝一次味道

  19、 kiss a kiss:接一次吻


  20、fool you : 忽悠

  21、damn single : 单身狗

  22、no z-turn : 不折腾

  23、as busy as bee : 忙的一笔

  24、go believe : 狗不理

  25、smell smelly,taste tasty : 闻着臭,吃着香

  26、a full into the pit,a gain in your wit : 吃一堑,长一智

  27、thank you for…well…nothing : 让我感谢你,赠我空欢喜

  28、Up in the air:悬而未决

  29、six ways from Sunday:想方设法/穷尽手段

  30、fly off the handle:勃然大怒/怒不可遏

  31、bread and water:粗茶淡饭/维持温饱

  32、white night:不眠之夜

  33、Money talks:有钱能使鬼推磨

  34、Love me, love my dog:爱屋及乌

  35、going too far is as bad as not going far enough:过犹不及

  36、It is a sin to steal a pin:勿以恶小而为之

  37、Revenge is a dish that could be eaten cold:君子报仇,十年不晚

  38、as poor as a Church mouse:一贫如洗

  39、to be on the thin ice:如履薄冰

  40、be down-to-earth:脚踏实地

  41、Where there is life,there is hope:留得青山在不怕没柴烧

  42、to cast pearls before swine:对牛弹琴

  43、like a bolt from the blue:晴天霹雳

  44、to burn the boat:破釜沉舟

  45、Like a dog,like a god:突然有了软肋,又突然有了铠甲


  Fuck the world if you're rich.

  Otherwise, go fuck yourself:穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下。



