



  bookish:adj. 书本上的;好读书的;书呆子气的

  flush:n. 激动,洋溢;面红;萌芽;旺盛;奔流 vt. 使齐平;发红,使发亮;用水冲洗;使激动 vi. 发红,脸红;奔涌;被冲洗 adj. 大量的;齐平的;丰足的,洋溢的;挥霍的

  snap:vt. 突然折断,拉断;猛咬;啪地关上 vi. 咬;厉声说;咯嗒一声关上 n. 猛咬;劈啪声;突然折断 adj. 突然的

  ersatz:adj. 代用的;人造的;假的 n. 代用品;仿制品

  begrudgingly:adv. 吝啬地;小气地


  Talking Sex With Dad (in the Ford Taurus)


  Before his fingers had reached the volume knob to turn off Steely Dan, I already knew: My bookish and tightly wound father was about to tell me something I did not want to hear.

  I was only 14 but could recognize the signs: the ambiguous errand that required us to drive into Chicago from our suburb; the unusually tight grip on the steering wheel; the uncomfortable sigh as he turned off the tape deck (Talking Heads if I was lucky, Bob Seger if I was not); and — more than anything else — the acute sensation that I was going to vomit.

  在他手指碰到音量旋钮,关掉Steely Dan之前,我已经知道:我那书卷气十足、紧张敏感的父亲,将要告诉我一些我不想听的东西。

  当时我只有14岁,但我能察觉出这些迹象:一项需要我们从居住的郊区开车前往芝加哥市区的语焉不详的任务;被他异常紧紧握住的方向盘;他关掉播放器时发出的不舒服的叹息声(如果我幸运的话,放的是Talking Heads,如果不走运的话,是鲍勃·西格[Bob Seger]);最重要的是——我快要呕吐了!

  “You know,” he said, his eyes mercifully fixed on the road. “When I was your age, the nuns told us that mas-tur-ba-tion” — his was so uncomfortable with the word, he almost added an extra syllable — “was a mortal sin.”

  My face flushed, my head turned toward the billboard careering past us and I rolled my eyes so hard that the gesture was nearly audible.

  “Do you know what that means?” he asked.

  “Yes, Dad!” I snapped, hoping that one of us would have an aneurysm.

  “I don’t mean mas-tur-ba-tion. I’m sure you’ve figured that out by now,” he continued, as I prayed for the ability to time-travel, like I’d seen in “A Wrinkle in Time.” “I mean ‘mortal sin.’ The nuns were saying that mas-tur-bat-ing was on the same level of sinning as murder.”





  “我不是指自-慰。我确信你已经明白了,”他继续说道,我祈祷自己有穿越时空的能力,就像《时间的皱纹》(A Wrinkle in Time)里的那样。“我是说‘大罪’,修女们说自慰和谋杀是同一个程度的大罪。”

  You know that scene at the beginning of “Lady Bird” when Saoirse Ronan throws herself out of a moving vehicle to avoid talking to her mother for one second longer? That was me in my teens, convinced that grave bodily injury or death would be preferable to what I was hearing from the passenger seat of the family Ford Taurus station wagon, doled throughout my adolescence.

  On puberty: “God gives young men the equipment for sex way before he gives them the knowledge of how to have sex responsibly.”

  On pornography: “Hell, Shane, I’m not going to tell you that I never peeked at a Playboy in my day. But if you look at stuff like that, you have to remember that that woman isn’t a thing, she’s a person.”

  On sex and media: “If an alien came down to earth and watched TV for 24 hours straight, they would think that all we did is have sex all day and that it was the most important thing in our lives. Well, let me tell you: It’s not.”

  On “It’s Raining Men,” when it came on the radio and I changed the station to avoid seeming gay (which I very much was): “What are you doing? That song’s a classic! Paul Shaffer wrote this!”

  你知道《伯德小姐》(Lady Bird)开头的那一幕吗?就是西尔莎·罗南(Saoirse Ronan)为了不再和她妈妈多说一秒钟,让自己从正在行驶的汽车上摔了下来那一幕。我十几岁的时候就是那个样子,比起我整个青春期在福特金牛座旅行车的客座上一点一点听到的东西,身体重伤或死亡都要好一点。




  关于《天上下男人》(It’s Raining Men),当收音机放到这首歌时,我换了台,以避免我看起来像同性恋者(其实我就是):“为什么要换台?那首歌很经典!保罗·谢弗(Paul Shaffer)写的!”

  I was a fat, closeted teenager who loved musical theater and hated my body, so hearing my father say any of this felt like a violation of the Geneva Conventions. My father — a Catholic baby boomer from Cleveland whose own father wouldn’t let him listen to the Rolling Stones because the music was too risqué — couldn’t have enjoyed these chats any more than I did.

  And yet these exercises in mutually assured embarrassment continued for my entire youth. The only thing that stopped them was me moving out of the house.

  But it turned out even that couldn’t end them. You can take the teenager out of the Ford Taurus, but you can’t take the unendurable sex talk out of the teenager. Sure, being an ersatz adult meant that I could do all the things my teenage id yearned to do — drink alcohol, take drugs and (try to) have sex — but it didn’t mean that I could forget the ordeals my father put me through on the highways of Chicagoland.

  我当时是一个胖胖的、没出柜的少年,喜欢音乐剧院,讨厌自己的身体,所以听我父亲说的这一切都感觉像是在违反《日内瓦公约》。我父亲——一个克利夫兰天主教婴儿潮时期出生的人,一个因为父亲觉得滚石(Rolling Stones)音乐粗俗而不让他听的人——也跟我一样,不可能享受这些对话。



  And worst of all: I’m grateful for it.

  Twenty years after ye old masturbation lecture, I marvel at how relevant — straight up zeitgeisty! — my father’s advice has proved.

  Long before our current understanding of consent and all that it entails, he imparted to me that we need to differentiate between what our libidos signal and what’s right for ourselves and our partners.

  My father couldn’t have predicted how pornography would become more widely available and exponentially more explicit than the Playboys he mentioned, but he helped prepare me to consume pornography with a critical eye.

  Today I’m one of those queers who can find a narrative about sexuality in anything. But my father’s warning that sex was “not as important as the sitcoms would have us believe” has often reminded me that sex in America is as much marketing as it is a means of pleasure or self-expression.

  I begrudgingly thank my father for these excruciating exchanges we shared in the 1990s. Today, when some men seem to confuse physical abuse with consensual role play, when teenagers are consuming pornography at a younger age, and when abstinence-only sex education is getting a renewed push, I look back and realize what a blessing it was to have a father who made me want to crawl out of my own skin every now and then. (Also, I spent pretty much my entire 20s embarrassing him back.)

  And you know what? “It’s Raining Men”is a classic and Paul Shaffer did write it.

  But I will still never forgive my father for making me listen to Bob Seger.











  性教育(英语:Sex Education)是关于人类的性表象的教育,内容包括情感关系和责任、人类的性生殖器结构、性行为、性生殖、最低合法性交年龄、生殖健康、生育权、安全性行为、避孕以及性禁欲。涵盖以上范畴的性教育称为综合性性教育。性教育的常见提供者/组织包括父母等照顾者、正规学校课程和公共卫生活动。




