
  * 王云岭 wangyl@sdu.edu.cn * The history of human research subject (continued) The Tuskegee syphilis(梅毒) studies The studies were conducted by the US Public Health Service beginning in 1932. Their purpose was to determine which lesions associated with chronic syphilis were due to the infection and which were due to the treatment. In 1932, this was a legitimate question. The treatment of syphilis in those days consisted of organic preparations of heavy metals such as arsenic(砷,砒霜), bismuth(铋) and mercury(汞). This question became unimportant in 1945 when penicillin became generally available. It was well known that penicillin was a highly safe and effective cure for syphilis. So continuation of the Tuskegee experiment beyond 1945 was a violation of the principle of the beneficence. However, the studies continued until 1971 when they were exposed by an investigative journalist in the Washington Post. * 王云岭 wangyl@sdu.edu.cn * The history of human research subject (continued) Even at the outset in 1932, the studies were ethically problematic. In 1932 it was not customary to get consent from patients before doing research on them. So failure to get consent from these subjects was not particularly different from any other research going on at the time. However, the researchers went beyond simply not getting consent. They told lies to these subjects. For example, they said that the spinal taps that were being done were “a special new form of treatment.” Actually, the only purpose in doing them was to monitor spinal fluid levels of protein for research purposes. And what about the principle of justice it is? The subjects to be studied were six hundred black men who were residents of a rural country in the southeastern United States, they were all illiterate. This was a highly vulnerable population. And so, by 1946 there was clearly a violation of all three of the basic ethical principles. * 王云岭 wangyl@sdu.edu.cn * The history of human research subject (continued) the Will