
  “Ralph Breaks the Internet” is practically gorging itself at the Thanksgiving box office.


  Buoyed by good reviews, the Disney animated sequel appears to be the de facto choice for families looking for options to get out of the house and break away from all the feasting. The film racked up a massive $18.5 million on Wednesday, its first full day of release. It is now looking at a domestic launch of $80 million-plus over the five-day period, with rival studios projecting that “Ralph Breaks the Internet” could end its holiday run with between $90 million to $100 million in grosses. If the film hits those lofty figures it could break the previous Thanksgiving record set by Disney’s “Frozen” at $93.6 million.

  [译]受到广泛好评的鼓舞,迪士尼电影似乎是给所有想远离节日宴会、又希望出门的家庭的提供一个不二之选。 这部电影在周三上映第一天便收获了惊人的1850万美金票房。目前来看,《无敌破坏王2》很可能在五天内突破8000万美元的北美票房。根据竞争公司们的预测,《无敌破坏王2》在整个节假日内票房可能会达到9000万美元到1亿美元。如果这部电影真的如此卖座,它可能会打破迪士尼《冰雪奇缘》创下的9360万美元感恩节票房纪录。