星球大战8经典台词语录大盘点 尤达大师再成金句王

  星球大战系列一直是北美最大的IP,这一系列也是产生过很多经典台词,卢克的父亲那一句“im your father。”也是被不少网友拿来恶搞,那么星球大战8中又有哪些经典的台词呢?今天小编就来盘点一下星球大战8经典台词语录。




  I ha ve a bad feeling about this

  着名台词“I ha ve a bad feeling about this”(我有一个不好的预感)在星战系列电影中至少会出现一次(《侠盗一号》里只有半句)。然而,有观众反映在整部电影里都没有听到这句话,但导演在社交媒体上却表示这句话确实在电影里。

  那是因为,这句话是BB-8说的,没错,它被翻译成机器语言了,也难怪大家听不懂。影片开场波·达默龙单人匹马面对第一秩序的舰队时,BB-8发出了紧张的哔哔声,达默龙回了一句:“Hey, happy beeps here, buddy, c’mon”(来点快乐的哔哔声吧,我的老伙计),莱娅将军接着回应:“I am with the droid on this one"(这次我站机器人这边),一切迹象都表明BB-8说的就是那句话。

  导演原本为达默龙设计的台词是“Oh, I got a good feeling about it. Keep your chin up”(噢,我有一个很好的预感,乐观点我的老伙计),但考虑到提示太过明确就更改了。



  1. 尤达大师: "Young Skywalker, miss you, I ha ve." (当时内心一万句“me too!”泪目)

  2. 尤达大师: "We are what they grow beyond. A true burden to all jedi masters."

  3. DJ to Finn:"Today they blow you up. Some other day you blow them up. It's all just business."

  4. DJ to Finn: "It's all just a machine, partner. Live free, don't join."

  5. Captain Phasma: "You are always scum." Finn: "Rebel scum." (后半部我觉得最决绝的反叛军就是Finn,这个角色的反转看的真的让人很感动)

  6. 尤达大师:"The greatest teacher, failure is." (出场两分钟,依旧是金句王的Yoda)

  7. Kylo Ren: "You come from nothing. You are nothing. But no to me."


  8. Kylo Ren: "Let the past die. Kill it, if you ha ve to. That's the only way to become what you are meant to be."

  9. Snoke:"Pathetic child. I cannot be betrayed, I cannot be beaten. I see his mind, I see his every intent. Yes. I see him turning the lightsaber to strike true. And now, foolish child. He ignites it, and kills his true enemy!"(这一段话好妙,完全解释了为什么snoke会没留意到Kylo的另一只手。

  10. Kylo Ren:"You are not alone." Rey:"Neither are you."