10首欧美对唱情歌 , 动人心扉 (值得收藏)

  A whole? new world


  这是迪斯尼动画片《阿拉丁》的主题曲,由抒情歌王Peabo Bryson和黑人女歌手Regina Belle担任男女对唱。获得第65届奥斯卡最佳音乐和最佳歌曲两项大奖。本视频是美声男伶与女歌手的合唱。


  I can show you the world我愿带你去一个新天地Shining, Shimmering, splendid光彩闪耀 绚烂壮阔Tell me, princess, now when did公主呀 告诉我 你是什么时候You last let your heart decide让你的心最终做出决定I can open your eyes我可以打开你的眼界

  Take you wonder by wonder带你看尽一幕幕Over, sideways and under路旁与地下的奇景On a magic carpet ride借着一趟魔毯之旅A whole new world一个崭新的世界A new fantastic point of view一个奇幻而新颖的观点No one to tell us no or where to go没有人拒绝我们 或者告诉我们何去何从Or say we're only dreaming或者说我们只是空想A whole new world一个崭新的世界A Dazzling place I never knew一个我从未知道的耀眼世界But when I'm way up there但我来到这里It's crystal clear我很清楚That now I'm in a whole new world with you我和你身处在一个崭新的世界中Unbelievable sights难以置信的景色Indescribable feeling难以形容的感受Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling尽情翻转 自由地遨翔Through an endless diamond sky穿越那无垠的闪闪星空A whole new world一个崭新的世界Don't you dare close your eyes让你不敢闭上眼睛A hundred thousand things to see有成千上万的景色去欣赏Hold your hreath - it gets better屏住呼吸 渐入佳境I'm like a shooting star I've come so far我就像一颗来自远方的流星I can't go back to where I used to be我回不去故地A whole new world一个崭新的世界With new horizons to pursue追逐着新的地平线I'll chase them anywhere我会追逐它们至天涯海角There's time to spare时间用之不竭Let me share this whole new world with you让我与你分享这个崭新的世界A whole new world一个崭新的世界A new fantastic point of view一个奇幻而新颖的观点No one to tell us no or where to go没有人拒绝我们 或者告诉我们何去何从Or say we're only dreaming或者说我们只是空想A whole new world一个崭新的世界(Every turn a surprise)每个转角都是个惊喜With new horizons to pursue追逐着新的地平线(Every momment red-letter)每一个瞬间都值得纪念I'll chase them anywhere我会追逐它们至天涯海角There's time to spare时间用之不竭anywhere无论何方There's time to spare时间用之不竭Let me share this whole new world with you让我与你分享这个崭新的世界A whole new world一个崭新的世界That's where we'll be那就是我们要去的地方A thrilling chase一场激动人心的追寻A wondrous place一个神奇的地方For you and me为你我而存在

  Don’t Know Much


  这首《Don't Know Much》,曾获32届格莱美最佳二重唱奖。由女歌手琳达-罗恩施塔特(Linda Ronstadt)与黑人歌手爱伦-奈维尔(Aaron Neville)于1989年合作完成。男女歌手的演绎.一个高亢,润厚凝重;一个细腻,纯静柔美,阴阳相济,婉转深情,轻语呢喃,加上曼妙的旋律,让人醉心其中。


  Look at this face I know the years are showing细看这张脸,留下了岁月的痕迹Look at this life I still don't know where it's going综观人生,我仍不知道它的去向I don't know much but I know I love you无须知道太多,但我知道我爱你And that may be all I need know可能那就是,我所须知道的一切Look at these eyes they never see what matters看这些眼睛,他们总是在茫然寻觅Look at these dreams We beaten and so batered看这些梦,又如此支离破碎

  I don't know much but I know I love you无须知道太多,但我知道我爱你And that may be all need to know可能那就是,我所须知道的一切so many questions still left unanseered如此多的问题,仍然没有答案so much I've never broken through这么多我从没解决的问题and When I feel you near me sometimes当我感到你在身边,有时我清楚地知道I see so clearly the only truth我所知道的唯一事实I'll ever know is near you我永远都知道你在附近Look at this man so blessed with inspiraation看看这个男人,领受着神灵的保佑Look at this soul still searching for savation看看他的灵魂,仍盼望有所皈依Don't know much but I know I love you无须知道太多,但我知道我爱你And that many be all need to know可能那就是,我所须知道的一切Don't know much but I know I love you无须知道太多,但我知道我爱你And that many be all need to know可能那就是,我所须知道的一切Don't know much but I know I love you无须知道太多,但我知道我爱你And that many be all need to know可能那就是,我所须知道的一

  I'm Your Angel


  I'm Your Angel

  Céline Dion;R. Kelly - The Very Best of Celine Dion

  《I'm Your Angel》席琳?迪翁和R&B说唱之王 R. Kelly的经典情歌,完美的音质,两人高超的唱功,使这首歌听起来宛如天籁。这也是一首能让人振作起来的歌,如歌所唱:所有的害怕请交给我,只是想让你知道,我的肩膀将在你哭泣时让你依靠。


  No Mountains too high, for you to climb再高的山峰也无法阻止你的攀登All you have to do is have some climbing faith, oh yeah你所需要的只是攀登的信念No rivers too wide, for you to make it across再宽的河流你也能从容涉过All you have to do is believe it when you pray你所要做的是相信自己的祈祷And then you will see, the morning will come随后你会发现 黎明即将来临And everyday will be bright as the sun每一天都是阳光普照

  All of your fears cast them on me所有的害怕与疑虑 请都交给我I just want you to see..我只是想让你知道I'll be your cloud up in the sky我将是天空中属于你的那片云彩I'll be your shoulder when you cry我的肩膀将在你哭泣时让你依靠I'll hear your voices when you call me我会听见你呼唤我的声音I am your angel我是你的天使And when all hope is gone, I'm here即便所有的希望远离你我也会在你身边No matter how far you are, I'm near无论你去往的地方多远我也会近在咫尺It makes no difference who you are无论你是谁都不影响I am your angel我是你的天使I saw the teardrops, and I heard you cry我看见你的泪水 并且听到你的哭泣声All you need is time, seek me and you shall find亲爱的,你需要的是时间 找寻到我你才会发现You have everything and you're still lonely你拥有了全世界但是你依然孤单It doesn't have to be this way, let me show you a better day其实生活并不是这样 让我为你描绘一个更好的明天And then you will see, the morning will come随后你会发现 黎明即将来临And all of your days will be bright as the sun每一天都是阳光普照So all of your fears, just cast them on me所有的害怕与疑虑 请都交给我How can I make you see...我该怎样让你知道I'll be your cloud up in the sky我将是天空中属于你的那片云彩I'll be your shoulder when you cry我的肩膀将在你哭泣时让你依靠I'll hear your voices when you call me我会听见你呼唤我的声音I am your angel我是你的天使And when all hope is gone, I'm here即便所有的希望远离你我也会在你身边No matter how far you are, I'm near无论你去往的地方多远我也会近在咫尺It makes no difference who you are无论你是谁都不影响I am your angel我是你的天使And when it's time to face the storm是时候面对暴风雨了I'll be right by your side我会站在你的身旁Grace will keep up safe and warm神的宽容使我们安全而又温暖And I know we will survive我们终将幸免于难And when it seems as if your end is drawing near因为每当死神的气息即将降临Don't you dare give up the fight千万别放弃努力Just put your trust beyond the sky...用信任支撑彼此穿越苍穹I'll be your cloud up in the sky我将是天空中属于你的那片云彩I'll be your shoulder when you cry我的肩膀将在你哭泣时让你依靠I'll hear your voices when you call me我会听见你呼唤我的声音I am your angel我是你的天使And when all hope is gone, I'm here即便所有的希望远离你我也会在你身边No matter how far you are, I'm near无论你去往的地方多远我也会近在咫尺It makes no difference who you are无论你是谁都不影响I am your angel我是你的天使I'm your angel我是你的天使I'll be your cloud up in the sky我将是天空中属于你的那片云彩I'll be your shoulder when you cry我的肩膀将在你哭泣时让你依靠I'll hear your voices when you call me我会听见你呼唤我的声音I am your angel我是你的天使And when all hope is gone, I'm here即便所有的希望远离你我也会在你身边No matter how far you are, I'm near无论你去往的地方多远我也会近在咫尺It makes no difference who you are无论你是谁都不影响I am your angel我是你的天使



  唱这首歌的男女歌手原是情侣,后成为夫妻,在他们婚礼上,男歌手演唱了那首同样经典的《Love To Be Loved By You》,感动了当场的所有人。然而,好景不长,两人的爱情并没有像上面那首歌那么美妙,最终两人分手,并留下了这首《Just One Last Dance》。


  Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat演唱的歌曲《Lucky》,以轻快柔美的旋律和两位演唱者动听的声音征服了严格的格莱美评委们,获得了2010年第52届格莱美最佳流行合作歌曲。英语版本是和Colbie Caillat合唱的。

  Way Back Into Love


  《Way Back Into Love》,为喜剧电影《共谱恋曲》、《k歌情人》、《Music and Lyrics》主要插曲。在该电影中由男女主人公Alex和Sophie(分别由休·格兰特和德鲁·巴里摩尔饰)合作谱写的浪漫抒情歌曲,此曲贯穿全剧并成为剧情发展的主要线索之一。

  Endless Love无尽的爱

  美国传奇流行巨星Lionel Richie联手乡村天后Shania Twain抒情新单《Endless Love》,哪有什么比凝视爱人双眼说上一句“You will always be my endless love”更催泪的呢,听听吧,看看能不能感动到你。

  Don't You Wanna Stay


  由美国乡村男歌手Jason Aldean和著名流行歌手Kelly Clarkson合作演唱,?这首歌曲前奏欢快、明朗,非常适合用作手机铃声, 实在是百听不厌很耐听啊!这首歌曲也曾被这两位大咖在第54届格莱美现场演绎过,显然两位实力派歌手使这首歌的现场演唱更有魅力。





  《Destiny》优美的旋律一出来,耳朵直接被俘虏。金·布来克曼的钢琴音乐太迷人了!琴音轻爽而柔软,伴着Jordan Hill 和 Billy Porter深情的演绎,全曲充满了浪漫温柔的气息。茫茫人海中,可以找到你命中注定的那个人,是如此美丽。

  When You Tell Me That You Love Me


  《When You Tell Me That You Love Me》有人说这首歌是西城男孩与戴安娜·罗斯的奇妙搭配,他们都是抒情唱将,歌声中都蕴含着忧伤,这样的合作带来的不仅仅是听觉的至美享受,那种深刻的忧伤,至深的情怀,让人心疼又感动。