

  In some countries,the government has tried to reduce traffic.For instance,they imposed a congestion tax during rush hour.Do you think this development is positive or negative?




  The traffic congestion issue has long been a public concern especially in some large cities worldwide.Whether governments should be involved in solving this problem has triggered a heated controversy.It is true that government intervention can bring some benefits to some extent,it is opposed by some people though.


  Undoubtedly,governments posses greater authority than any other parties in the society,which means their intervention is comparatively effective.For example,the implement of congestion tax can directly lead to the deadline of traffic during those rush hours because of the increasing driving cost.Another advantage of government intervention is that governments can impact the public to a wider extent.Unlike some actions taken by the social communities,large companies or individuals,the projects carried out by governments have restrictions on every citizen living in the city or country.Once the traffic congestion is reduced,there will be many positive effects followed by,for instance,the commuting time can be largely reduced for those who need to travel to and from work.

  On the other hand,the extra tax raised by the government will impose a negative effect on some people.One potential group influenced by this policy are those who have to drive to and from work.If this measure comes into effect,the financial burden on them is definitely higher.As a result,the well-being of these people may experience a deadline,which is against the aim of government policies.

  In conclusion,benefits and drawbacks co-exits in terms of this tax policy.It can effectively solve the traffic problems to a large extent,while some damages can be caused to those who are taxed especially in the financial way.

  Task 1小作文:官方规定为一篇150字的文章,需要考生进行分析、描述或说明一张表格,曲线图,柱状图或示意图。(20分钟)

  Task 2大作文:官方规定为一篇250字的议论性文章。(40分钟)


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