












  当玩家击败一个区域的 Boss ,或者吸收全部三个守梦人之后,柯尼法会离开这个区域,在原地留下一个纸条,告诉主角可以在德特茅斯的商店中买到对应的这张地图


  嗯?啊,你好。下来探索这些美丽的古老遗迹吗?不要管我。我自己喜欢探险。迷失之后再次找到方向的乐趣无他能比。你和我,我们非常幸运。我的职业是制图师,我现在正给画这个地方的地图。你愿意买我的作品吗?Hmm? Ah, hello there. Come down to explore these beautiful old ruins? Don't mind me.I've a fondness for exploring myself. Getting lost and finding your way again is a pleasure like no other. We're exquisitely lucky, you and I.I'm a cartographer by trade, and I'm working on mapping this area right now. Would you like to buy a copy of my work so far?

  噢,顺便问一下,我还没有介绍我自己,对吧?是的,我应该为此道歉。自己一个人待的时间太长了,只陷入你自己的思绪里的话,你就会忘了交流的必要性。Oh, by the way, I haven't introduced myself have I? Yes, I should apologise for that. When you spend a lot of time by yourself, with just your own thoughts, you forget the niceties of conversation.我的名字叫科尼弗,我一直都很喜欢探索这个世界。为什么呢,在我刚刚被孵化出来的时候,我立刻就走丢了,丢下了我的兄弟姐们和可怜的母亲!My name is Cornifer, and I've always loved exploring the world. Why, when I was first hatched I wandered off immediately, leaving my brothers and sisters and poor mother behind!这就是为什么在我有能力的时候,我就跟我妻子搬迁倒德特茅斯来。在我们家门口,就有一个巨大的、无穷无尽的王国等着我们去探索。谁能忍得住呢?That's why as soon as I could I moved to Dirtmouth with my wife. A huge, unending Kingdom to explore right on our doorstep. Who could resist?不管怎样,我会让你回到你的探险途中的。如果幸运一点的话,我们还会再见的。注意安全,一路平安!Anyway, I'll let you return to your travels. With a little luck, we'll meet again. Be safe and farewell!(原来地图哥这么热情,可惜我除了传火连一周目都没有买过地图)

  …要绘出这个世界的地图。真是开心…要是能和伊塞尔达分享那份激动就好了…...To chart the world. What joy... If only Iselda could share the thrill...(深巢没有办法获得梦语)

  从这里回到商店,要经过长途跋涉。我要让我的腿再多歇息一会。不过不会太久!让伊塞尔达在我后面担心也没用。It's a long trek back to the shop from here. I'll be resting my legs a little longer.Not too long though! It won't do to have Iselda worrying after me.地图非常有用,但是只有地图,它也无法显示你所在的位置。如果你知道怎样辨别方向,我建议你从我妻子伊塞尔达那买一个指南针。她现在在德特茅斯开了我们的新地图商店,将各种各样有用的东西卖给你这样的流浪者。她有时还会卖一些我的旧地图。只要我画完一个区域的地图,我就会回去看她。她看到我总是很兴奋。A map can be a useful thing, but it alone won't show you where you are. If you've not the head for directions, I suggest purchasing a compass from my wife, Iselda.She's just now opening our new map shop in Dirtmouth, selling all sorts of useful things to wanderers like yourself. She'll even sell some of my old maps from time to time.I pop back to see her whenever I finish mapping an area. She's always so excited to see me.

  你是怎么找到我的地图的?我已经在努力画了,但是每张地图都没完成。How are you finding my map? I've tried to fill out as much as I can, but every map is a work in progress.如果你想自己画的话,你可以在尘口从我妻子那里买一些绘图工具。我们开了一个小商店,勉强维持生活。If you'd like to fill out some of the map yourself you can purchase some mapping supplies from my wife up in Dirtmouth. We've set up a little store to help make ends meet.你好,又来了!还在这些漂亮的高速公路上绕来绕去吗?想象一下,他们在王国的鼎盛时期看起来是怎样的,到处都是交通道路,人群熙熙攘攘!我真希望能亲眼看到。Hello again! Still winding your way through these beautiful highways? Just imagine how they must have looked during the kingdom's height, thick with traffic and bustling with life! I wish I could have seen it.噢,我想我应该问问…你有兴趣买一张这个地区的地图吗…?Oh, and I suppose I should ask... are you interested in buying a copy of my map for this area...?(不买地图逛一圈再与地图哥见面)

  还是不感兴趣?是的,非常理解。不带地图去探索,自己在未知的洞穴里面找出路…所有一切都能滋养灵魂。Not interested, then? Yes, quite understandable. Exploring without a map, finding your own way through unknown caverns... All very nourishing for the soul.或许我们还会在探险途中遇到。Perhaps we'll meet again on our travels.

  苍绿之径这不是交叉路口的参照图吗?这个地方又潮湿,又充满生机。这些道路在以最美妙的方式迂回曲折。Isn't this a contrast from the Crossroads? Such a humid, lively place. The roads twist and turn in the most wonderful ways.我已经尽力来画前面这个区域的地图了,不过我必须承认,这些地区的一些居民经证明非常讨厌。I've done my best to chart the area ahead, though I must admit some of the area's inhabitants proved quite a nuisance.我下来这的时候碰到了另一个旅行者。在她冲过去的时候我试着对着她大喊了,但是她都没向我这个方向看。显然不是你我这样欣赏地图的人。(指小姐姐)I ran into another traveller as I made my way down here. I tried to call out to her as she dashed past but she barely even glanced in my direction. Not an appreciater of maps like you and I, obviously.

  真菌荒地啊,我的矮个子朋友,你在最完美的时候遇到了我。我刚刚画完这些有毒的洞穴的地图。Ahh my short friend, you've caught me at the perfect time. I'm just about finished charting these noxious caverns.非常有地盘意识的生物会在这个区域安家。我建议尽可能避开他们。Very territorial types make their homes within this area. I'd suggest avoiding them where possible.再往下,有一些奇怪的瘦小生物把我吓了一大跳。他们那一群看上去很聪明。Further below some strange thin creatures gave me quite a scare. They seemed an intelligent bunch.在我年轻的时候,我还会勇敢地区面对他们的洞穴,但是现在我害怕当他们对我动武的时候,我丰满(划掉)臃肿的体格跑不过他们。

  In my youth I'd have braved their caves but I fear my matured physique wouldn't be able to outrun them were they to turn violent.

  泪水之城这不是从扭曲的天然洞穴变化而来的吗?雨水确实给它蒙上了一层悲伤的阴影,但是建筑物还是很辉煌。Isn't this a change from those twisting natural caverns? The rain does cast something of a sadness upon it all but the architecture is simply splendid.绘制这么一个不一样的空间真的是个挑战,不过是我急切想完成的一个挑战。Charting such a different space is quite the challenge, though one I've eagerly undertaken.或许你现在愿意买我的作品了?Perhaps you'd care to purchase a copy of my achievements so far?我们两个都是从很远的地方来到这个壮观的地方。如果我进到这些建筑里面的话,我必须记得给伊塞尔达达收集一两个小玩意儿。We've both come far to reach this grand place. While I'm about these buildings, I must remember to collect a trinket or two for Iselda.

  呼啸悬崖喜欢这凉爽的空气吗?我们离圣巢的边界和周围那些荒芜的平原非常近了。Enjoying the bracing air? We're quite close to Hallownest's borders and those desolate plains that surround it.在这个方向,只要我愿意,有多远我就能走多远,不过洞穴的狭窄边界从那开始有了赏心悦目的变化。In this direction, I'm about as far as I'm willing to go, though it's been a pleasant change from the tight confines of the caverns.我已经为这个区域画了一张小地图。这一个很简单,而且差不多已经完成了。不知道一个区域的整个范围真的让人会沮丧。I've drawn out a small map for the area. It's a simple one and more for completion really. Not knowing the full extents of a region can be quite frustrating.我碰巧在这些悬崖的最顶上遇到了一只奇怪的虫子。他的房子距离这里不远。I chanced upon a strange bug atop these cliffs. His house isn't far from here.他仪表堂堂,而且毫无疑问,他的剑也很有杀伤力。我想你们两个的共同点要比我跟他的多得多。A very imposing figure he was and no doubt lethal with a Nail. I suspect you two might share more in common than him and I.

  雾之峡谷噢噢!尽管圣巢那么奇怪,这些洞穴的奇怪程度可能达到一个全新等级。Ho ho! As odd as much of Hallownest can be, there's a whole new level of strangeness about these caves.你看到下面的黑暗之门了吗?待在它附近让人心神不安。我都是尽力躲开它。Did you see that dark gate below? It's quite unsettling to be near. I did my best to avoid it.我很幸运,找到了另一条进去的路,不过在我费力穿越一些酸液之后,我还是有点烧焦了。Fortunate for me, I found another route in, though I did end up a little singed after wading through some acid.(所以说地图商皮糙肉厚,裸游酸水)

  这下面就有栋大楼,在一个湖的正中心,是个奇观,值得一看。There's a large building just below here, out in the middle of a lake and a marvel to observe.我想进去,但是它变成了粘粘的透明生物的巢。I tried to head in, but it's become a nest for those slimey, see-through creatures.啊。它们非常…恶心,而且你摸一下它们就会那么用力地……电你一下。(啊。它们非常…恶心,而且它们摸上去令人震惊。原文直译)Ugh. They're just so... gross, and they give a nasty shock to touch.

  皇家水道噢噢!难道这些水道不惊心动魄吗?一个用管道和隧道组成的迷宫。Ho ho! Aren't these waterways thrilling? A labyrinth of pipes and tunnels.我再也找不到更好的地方来施展我的才华了。所有一切都井然有序,而且经过了深思熟虑,跟这些洞穴的天然不规则一点也不一样。I couldn't have asked for a better place to employ my talents. It's all so orderly, so considered, nothing like the crude irregularity of those caverns.啊,但是太悲哀了,我的鼻子告诉我这些真菌荒地就在附近,我感觉我的潮湿冒险就要达到终点了。我想我这张地图就完成了。Ahh but so sad, my trunk is telling me those Fungal Wastes are close and I sense my damp adventure may have reached its end. Guess I'll be calling this map done.我打赌这些管道和房子曾经是用来运载城市垃圾的。不然这下面的恶臭味不会这么可怕。值得庆幸的是,连绵不断的雨水已经把它们冲洗干净了。I'd wager these pipes and chambers were once used to carry the city's waste. Would've been a horrid stench down here. Thankfully that constant rain has flushed them clean.

  水晶山峰。总感觉少了来测量那座山的吗?我听说过有关那上面的一个顶峰的故事。不过对我来说太远了,我真的对高山不感兴趣。Come to scale the mountain? I've heard tale of a summit way up there. Too far for me though and I'm not really one for heights.我自己戳到了那里一个水晶上了。它们非常尖锐,而且到处都是。如果你要上去的话,最好小心点。jabbed myself on one of those crystals back there. Awful sharp they are and all over the place. You'd best watch yourself if you're heading up.

  深邃巢穴(上层)你。。。你好。我是柯尼法。我的职业是制图人。我试着将这下面密密麻麻的巢穴画出来,但。但。但是事实证明,这对我这样的虫子来说太危险了。Hh..hello. I'm Cornifer. I'm a m-mapper by trade. I've tried to chart the dense nest beneath here b...b...but it's proving too dangerous for a bug like me.恶毒的小生物突然都出现在了这个地方,而那些通道就是黑暗、扭曲的迷宫。虽然我能辨别清楚方向,但我。我。我也已经受够了。Vicious little creatures burst out all o...over the place and the passages are a dark, twisting maze. Even with my good head for direction, I...I...I've had enough.除非你做好了充分的准备,不然我催你尽早离开。不过如果你感觉自己足够强大,可以下去,那你能买我的地图吗?Unless you're well prepared, I'd urge you to leave, though if you're feeling strong enough to descend, would you like to buy m...my meagre map?对。对地图没兴趣?N...not interested in the map?吉欧不。不够?N...not enough Geo?你。你决定要买地图?Y...you want to buy a map after all?(下层)这个地方给我一种毛骨悚然的感觉。恶毒的小生物突然都出现在了这个地方,而那些通道就是黑暗、扭曲的迷宫。This p...place gives me the creeps. Vicious little creatures burst out all o...over the place and the passages are a dark, twisting maze.除非你做好了充分的准备,不然我催你尽早离开。不过如果你感觉自己足够强大可以下去,那你能买我的地图吗?Unless you're well prepared, I'd urge you to leave, though if you're feeling strong enough to descend, would you like to buy my map?多。多。多可怕的一个住满愤怒野兽的繁殖场。要从这个深坑里爬出去,可能要用上全身的力气。我想我会在这再躲藏一段时间。(真是一个住满愤怒野兽的可怕大杂院。要从这个深坑里爬出去,可能要用上全身的力气。我想我会在这再躲藏一段时间。原文直译)W...w...what a horrid warren of angry beasts. It's going to take a whole lot of effort to climb out of this dark pit. I think I-I'll hide here a little longer. (warren兔子窝; 过道狭窄的建筑;街道狭窄而密集的街区。根据游戏内汉化翻译为繁殖场。)

  王国边缘这不是个温暖舒适的洞吗?我一直都在这旁边的荒地里冒险,而且一直想要片刻的休息。Isn't this a cosy hole? I've been venturing about that wilderness beside here and thought a moment's break was well called for.城市这边的风景都相当的宁静,不过这里的居民还是一样凶猛。The landscape's all rather serene this side of the city, though the inhabitants are as ferocious as ever.从这堵墙来判断,城市的居民似乎在犹豫要不要进一步在这些洞穴里面修建。我想知道是什么阻止了他们的扩张?udging by this wall, the city's folk seemed hesitant to build further into these caverns. I wonder what kept them at bay?女王花园你听说过圣巢的女王吗?很显然,这些花园曾经是她休息的寓所。Have you heard of Hallownest's Queen? Apparently these gardens were once her retreat.现在,一些凶残的生物在那个地方四处爬行,植物也杂乱生长。Now some vicious types are crawling all over the place and the plants have grown wild.虽然那里不适宜居住,但我也很享受在这的旅行。想看看我的心血之作吗?As inhospitable as it is, I've enjoyed my travels here. Care to see my efforts?这些花园的中心有一个鹿角站。如果不是门锁上的话,我可能已经在那里休息了。There's a Stag Station at the heart of these gardens. I would've taken my rest there if someone hadn't gone and locked the door.古老盆地这些是古老的洞穴。你难道感受不到上面那个王国的重量吗?它很沉重的,好吧。Old caverns these ones. Can't you just feel the weight of the kingdom above? It's a heavy thing alright.我预计没有多少人到过这些深渊里面。你跟我都是先行者,至少在近代史上是。I reckon not many'd reach these depths. We're pioneers you and I, at least in recent history.从这里回到商店,要经过长途跋涉。我要让我的腿再多歇息一会。It's a long trek back to the shop from here. I'll be resting my legs a little longer.不过不会太久!让伊塞尔达在我后面担心也没用。Not too long though! It won't do to have Iselda worrying after me.安息之地

  对不起,我错过了你!如果你感觉迷路了,为什么不来我们在泥口镇的商店,买一张这个地区的地图?现在在以非常优惠的价格出售!——柯尼法Sorry I missed you! If you're feeling lost, why not pop up to our store in Dirtmouth and purchase a map of this area? Available now for an excellent price! - - Cornife




