



  被反击蝇咬着救下后:你在想什么啊?!居然敢挡在我和猎物之间?你就喜欢跑出来挡别的虫子的道找麻烦吗?Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother?听好了小东西,我是伟大的左特,声名卓著的骑士。再惹我试试,到时候你就会知道我的武器为什么人称“生命终结者”。Know this, cur. I am Zote the Mighty, a knight of great renown. Cross me again, and you'll find out why they call my weapon 'Life Ender'.你干嘛老来烦我?我是骑士,没兴趣跟你玩小破孩游戏。我得休息。What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest.滚开!不然我要拔骨钉了……

  Be?gone! Lest I draw my nail...


  Foolish beast... you dulled your mandibles by gnawing on my indestructible body. No wonder you were defeated by this weakling!(泪水之城)哟!好好看路,湿答答的流浪汉!别把水溅到我身上了。我花了好大力气才让自己一身干爽。Hoy! Watch where you're going, you soggy vagabond! I don't want you splashing me. I've had a miserable time trying to keep dry.我是伟大的左特,声名卓著的骑士。我要是不想被弄湿,那就不能被弄湿!I am Zote the Mighty, a knight of great renown. If I decide that I'm going to stay dry, then that's what's going to happen!可恶的破烂城市!天上老是掉水滴和怪兽!难怪这被诅咒的王国变成了废墟!……Curse this wretched city! Water and monsters constantly fall from above! It's no wonder this blasted kingdom fell to ruin...这座高塔一定让你大开眼界。呵,但我在旅行中见过的塔要高得多,也美得多。I suppose you're impressed by how tall the towers are here. Hmph. I've seen much taller towers in my travels. Much nicer, too.你见过他们吗?死后仍在城里巡逻的卫兵?Have you seen them? The guards who still patrol this city, even after dying?唉,太过忠于职守并不是美德。Hmph. Being overly devoted to one's duties is no virtue.梦语为什么风声如泣?是这个王国在嘲笑我吗?我早已流干了最后一滴眼泪……Why does the air weep? Is this kingdom trying to mock me? I shed my last tear long ago...(初见泥口镇)那边的!你为什么藏在阴影里?You there! Why are you skulking about in the shadows?没错,你的眼睛不会欺骗你。我就是“伟大的左特”,声名卓著的骑士。在我面前颤抖吧!Yes, your eyes do not deceive you. I am Zote the Mighty, a knight of great renown. Tremble before me!你躲藏在这个肮脏小村庄里的时候,我却在我们脚下的黑暗深坑中冒险,屠戮雄壮的野兽。它有锐利的牙齿,生性残暴。While you were hiding here in your dingy little village, I ventured into the dark pit below us and slew a great beast. It had sharp mandibles and atrocious manners.没错,没错。所有的荣耀都归于我。但我没时间接受你的敬仰!我必须休息,准备好下一次旅行。Yes, yes. All glory to me. But I don't have time for your adulation! I must rest and prepare for my next journey down.那边的老傻瓜……他总在说糊涂话,以为洞穴中的空气都是致命的。那他该试试不呼吸。

  That daft old fellow over there... He keeps talking absolute drivel. Seems to think the very air is deadly down in the caverns. Perhaps he should consider not breathing.他还一直在说什么梦。呸!只有不敢直面生活的懦夫才沉溺于梦境。He keeps talking about dreams, too. Pfah! Dreams are for those too feeble to truly live.唉。真是个肮脏的小地方。空气污浊,村民都长着发光的眼睛。我得尽快回去。Hmph. What a squalid little hamlet this is.The air is foul and the townsfolk have beady eyes. I'll be heading back down below as soon as possible.梦语多沉闷的地方……让我想起了家乡。真可怕……This dreary place... it reminds me of home. How ghastly...


  Hoy! What are you doing, you clumsy little oaf?! Swinging your rusty little nail around in the darkness?你差点打到我了!打到我你就完蛋了。没跟你开玩笑!You almost struck me! And if you had, it would have been the end of you. Trust me!我是伟大的左特,声名卓著的骑士。我的武器“生命终结者”击败过数百名敌人。滚

  开吧,不然你就是下一个!I am Zote the Mighty, a knight of great renown. My weapon, 'Life Ender,' has struck down hundreds of foes. Be?gone, or you'll be next!

  嗯?你在黑暗的隧道里迷路了吗?关我什么事。Hmm? Are you lost in these dark tunnels? I don't care.不,我不会带你出去。我记性好得很,当然知道路,但我不需要旅伴。滚开。

  No, I won't lead you out. I know the way, due to my powerful memory, but I only travel alone. Be gone.

  看来这个王国掩盖了这住满致命掠食者的黑暗巢穴。呵,现在最可怕的掠食者来了…So, the kingdom was hiding this dark nest full of deadly predators. Well, now the deadliest predator of all is here...…伟大的左特!...Zote the Mighty!(竞技场)我征战一生,手刃仇敌过百,不,上千。I have been fighting my whole life. I've slain hundreds, nay thousands, of foes.这些蠢货想和我对战?疯子!看来他们是活得不耐烦了。

  And these fools think to face me in combat? Madness! It seems they've been gripped by a powerful desire to be destroyed.那好吧,伟大的左特满足他们…Very well then. Zote the Mighty will grant them their desire...嗯?你要干什么?你也要来嘲笑我吗?Hmm? What do you want, cur? Have you come to laugh at me as well?蠢货!难道你们就没想过也许我就是想被关在这里?

  Fools! Did you never consider that being trapped in this cage was precisely what I intended?!

  没错,你们一定要让我去竞技场!Yes, by all means, release me into your arena!我就是伟大的左特!只要我抽出骨钉“生命终结者”,你们的笑声就会变成恐惧的悲鸣!I am Zote the Mighty! And as soon as I draw my nail, 'Life Ender', your laughter will turn into terror!滚开,卑劣的蠕虫!我要为决战好好休息。祈祷不要在竞技场遇见我吧…

  Leave me be, you lowly worm! I must rest before my great battle. Pray we do not meet in the arena...梦语多可悲啊,被困在这个地方,不能继续我的任务…How miserable, to be stuck here instead of continuing my quest...我是为了实践承诺而来到这个王国…我一定要做到…I came to this kingdom to fulfill a promise... and that is what I will do...

  (揍他的时候)不要恐惧,否则…死亡会很快拜访你。Fear not, cur... Your death will be swift.又一个要被生命终结者干掉的蠢货…

  Another fool to be cut down by Life Ender...我还能再打败一千个敌人......这够了吗,父亲?I'll kill a thousand more...Will that be enough, father?被摁在地上后(这一句梦语已由敌对目标变成npc)快滚吧,小东西!逃命吧!免得我继续羞辱你!

  Go on, cur! Scurry away! Lest I humiliate you further!——————接下来是57条戒律————

  回到小镇上…但通往荣耀的道路上还有更多危险!你一定注意到这个奖杯了吧?这是我最后一次大获全胜时的战利品,战斗就发生在我们脚下的深坑里。... but that's not the only danger I had to overcome in my quest for glory! You've noticed this trophy, haven't you? A keepsake from my final, triumphant battle deep in the pit below us.没错,“生命终结者”又干掉了一个,观众爆发出狂喜的欢呼。那发自真心的巨大欢呼啊。Yes, 'Life Ender' claimed another victim, and the crowd erupted into ecstatic cheering. Cheering that was both loud and utterly sincere.你想问我为什么能获得这么多胜利?就跟我刚才说的一样,关键是我的处世哲学——“左特的五十七条戒律”。To what do I owe my long string of triumphs and victories, you ask? As I said earlier, the key is in my personal philosophy, the 'Fifty-Seven Precepts of Zote'.第一条戒律至关重要:“要永远打胜仗”。其他 56 条戒律呢?好吧……Particularly relevant here is the first precept: 'Always Win Your Battles'. As for the other fifty-six precepts? Well...戒律一:“要永远打胜仗”。Precept One: 'Always Win Your Battles'.失败既不会让你有所得,也不能让你有所悟。要么当胜利者,要么根本别开战!Losing a battle earns you nothing and teaches you nothing. Win your battles, or don't engage in them at all!戒律二:“永不让别的虫子嘲笑你”Precept Two: 'Never Let Them Laugh at You'.傻瓜什么都嘲笑,甚至嘲笑比它们更优秀的。但注意了,笑也是会伤人的!嘲笑会像疾病一样散播,很快所有虫子都会嘲笑你。

  Fools laugh at everything, even at their superiors. But beware, laughter isn't harmless! Laughter spreads like a disease, and soon everyone is laughing at you.你必须迅速扑灭这种恶劣的欢愉,免得它散布开来。You need to strike at the source of this perverse merriment quickly to stop it from spreading.戒律三:“保证休息”。Precept Three: 'Always Be Rested'.战斗和冒险会消耗你的体力。而休息的时候,身体可以恢复力量,治愈创伤。休息得越久,你就越强大。Fighting and adventuring take their toll on your body. When you rest, your body strengthens and repairs itself. The longer you rest, the stronger you become.戒律四:“忘记过去”。Precept Four: 'Forget Your Past'.过去充满痛苦,回想过去只能让你满心悲凉。想想别的东西,比如未来和美食。The past is painful, and thinking about your past can only bring you misery. Think about something else instead, such as the future, or some food.戒律五:“以力降力”。Precept Five: 'Strength Beats Strength'.你的对手很强大?没关系!用比他们更强大的力量对付他们,他们很快就会败下阵来。Is your opponent strong? No matter! Simply overcome their strength with even more strength, and they'll soon be defeated.戒律六:“我命由我”。Precept Six: 'Choose Your Own Fate'.我们的长辈说我们的命运在出生之前就已注定。我不同意。Our elders teach that our fate is chosen for us before we are even born. I disagree.

  戒律七:“放下对逝者的执念”。Precept Seven: 'Mourn Not the Dead'.死去之后的世界会更好还是更糟?没人知道。所以我们无需心存执念。hen we die, do things get better for us or worse? There's no way to tell, so we shouldn't bother mourning. Or celebrating for that matter.戒律八:“独自旅行”。Precept Eight: 'Travel Alone'.你不能依赖别的虫子,没人永远忠诚。所以没人能永远和你同行。You can rely on nobody, and nobody will always be loyal. Therefore, nobody should be your constant companion.戒律九:“保持房屋整洁”。Precept Nine: 'Keep Your Home Tidy'.你自己就是你最有价值财产,而家是你的安身之所。所以要让家里干净整洁。Your home is where you keep your most prized possession - yourself. Therefore, you should make an effort to keep it nice and clean.戒律十:“保持武器锋利”。Precept Ten: 'Keep Your Weapon Sharp'.我会让我的武器“生命终结者”随时保持最佳状态。这样砍东西就容易多了。I make sure that my weapon, 'Life Ender', is kept well-sharpened at all times. This makes it much easier to cut things.戒律十一:“母亲总会犹豫计较”。Precept Eleven: 'Mothers Will Always Betray You'.这一条不言自明。This precept explains itself.戒律十二:“让披风保持干燥”。Precept Twelve: 'Keep Your Cloak Dry'.披风打湿之后尽快弄干。穿湿的披风很不舒服,而且还会生病。If your cloak gets wet, dry it as soon as you can. Wearing wet cloaks is unpleasant, and can lead to illness.戒律十三:“永不恐惧”。Precept Thirteen: 'Never Be Afraid'.恐惧只能让你裹足不前。直面恐惧需要巨大的努力,第一步就是不能恐惧。Fear can only hold you back. Facing your fears can be a tremendous effort. Therefore, you should just not be afraid in the first place.戒律十四:“尊重强者”。Precept Fourteen: 'Respect Your Superiors'.尊重力量、智慧或两者都胜于你的虫子,不得轻视或嘲笑它们。If someone is your superior in strength or intellect or both, you need to show them your respect. Don't ignore them or laugh at them.戒律十五: “对付一个敌人只需一拳”。Precept Fifteen: 'One Foe, One Blow'.一击便足以对付一个敌人,再多也是浪费。记住自己出了几拳也就能知道打败了多少敌人。You should only use a single blow to defeat an enemy. Any more is a waste. Also, by counting your blows as you fight, you'll know how many foes you've defeated.戒律十六:“不可犹豫”。Precept Sixteen: 'Don't Hesitate'.下定决心就动手,不要瞻前顾后。这样的行事方式会让你取得更多成就。Once you've made a decision, carry it out and don't look back. You'll achieve much more this way.戒律十七: “相信自己的力量”。Precept Seventeen: 'Believe In Your Strength'也许有别的虫子会怀疑你,但总有一个可以永远信赖——你自己。相信自己的力量能让你永远步伐坚定。Others may doubt you, but there's someone you can always trust. Yourself. Make sure to believe in your own strength, and you will never falter.戒律十八:“在黑暗中追寻真理”。Precept Eighteen: 'Seek Truth in the Darkness'.这条戒律也是不言自明。This precept also explains itself.戒律十九:“没有尝试,只有成功”。Precept Nineteen: 'If You Try, Succeed'.如果要尝试什么事情,那就一定要达成目标。不能成功的话就是失败!要不计代价地取得成功。If you're going to attempt something, make sure you achieve it. If you do not succeed, then you have actually failed! Avoid this at all costs.戒律二十: “永不撒谎”。Precept Twenty: 'Speak Only the Truth'.和别的虫子谈话的时候,说真话既显谦恭又很高效。不过要小心,说真话可能会让你树敌。这是你必须承受的代价。When speaking to someone, it is courteous and also efficient to speak truthfully. Beware though that speaking truthfully may make you enemies. This is something you'll have to bear.

  戒律二十一:“留意周围”。Precept Twenty-One: 'Be Aware of Your Surroundings'.不要总低着头走路!你得时不时抬起头四处看看,免得被偷袭。Don't just walk along staring at the ground! You need to look up every so often, to make sure nothing takes you by surprise.戒律二十二:“不要恋巢”。Precept Twenty-Two: 'Abandon the Nest'.翅膀一长硬我就离开了故乡,开始探索世界。不要眷恋故巢。你会一事无成。As soon as I could, I left my birthplace and made my way out into the world. Do not linger in the nest. There is nothing for you there.戒律二十三:“寻找敌人的弱点”。Precept Twenty-Three: 'Identify the Foe's Weak Point'.所有敌人都有弱点,比如甲壳上的裂缝或是在睡梦中。你必须始终保持警惕,仔细探查敌人的弱点!Every foe you encounter has a weak point, such as a crack in their shell or being asleep. You must constantly be alert and scrutinising your enemy to detect their weakness!戒律二十四: “攻击敌人的弱点”。Precept Twenty-Four: 'Strike the Foe's Weak Point'.发现敌人的弱点之后就发起攻击。它们马上就会丢盔弃甲。Once you have identified your foe's weak point as per the previous precept, strike it. This will instantly destroy them.戒律二十五:“保护好自己的弱点”。Precept Twenty-Five: 'Protect Your Own Weak Point'.小心不要被敌人发现弱点,要好好保护它们。最好的保护是什么?就是根本不要有弱点。Be aware that your foe will try to identify your weak point, so you must protect it. The best protection? Never having a weak point in the first place.戒律二十六:“不要相信你的倒影”。Precept Twenty-Six: 'Don't Trust Your Reflection'.凝视某些闪耀的平面时,你会看到你自己的脸。那张脸会模仿你的动作,好像就是你自己。但不要相信它。When peering at certain shining surfaces, you may see a copy of your own face. The face will mimic your movements and seems similar to your own, but I don't think it can be trusted.戒律二十七:“尽量多吃”。Precept Twenty-Seven: 'Eat As Much As You Can'.吃饭的时候能吃多少吃多少。这能让你获得更多能量,而且能减少吃饭的次数。When having a meal, eat as much as you possibly can. This gives you extra energy, and means you can eat less frequently.戒律二十八:“不要窥视黑暗”。Precept Twenty-Eight: 'Don't Peer Into the Darkness'.如果你窥视黑暗,久久不见一物,你的心就会流连于古旧的记忆。戒律四已经说过了,我们要避开记忆。If you peer into the darkness and can't see anything for too long, your mind will start to linger over old memories. Memories are to be avoided, as per Precept Four.戒律二十九:“训练方向感”。Precept Twenty-Nine: 'Develop Your Sense of Direction'.曲折的洞穴里很容易迷路,而优秀的方向感就像装在你脑子里的魔法地图,非常有用。It's easy to get lost when travelling through winding, twisting caverns. Having a good sense of direction is like having a magical map inside of your head. Very useful.戒律三十:“不要盲目轻信承诺”。Precept Thirty: 'Never Accept a Promise'.承诺有时不是很可靠,要对别的虫子所允诺的事情警惕。Spurn the promises of others, as they are always broken. Promises of love or betrothal are to be avoided especially.戒律三十一:“病从脏处起”。Precept Thirty-One: 'Disease Lives Inside of Dirt'.老在脏兮兮的地方待着会让你生病。去别的虫子家的时候,要让它们提供最高规格的卫生条件。You'll get sick if you spend too much time in filthy places. If you are staying in someone else's home, demand the highest level of cleanliness from your host.戒律三十二:“名字中含有力量”。Precept Thirty-Two: 'Names Have Power'.名字具有力量,给东西起名字就是赋予它们力量。我把自己的骨钉叫做“生命终结者”。不要盗用我想的名字!自己去想!Names have power, and so to name something is to grant it power. I myself named my nail 'Life Ender'. Do not steal the name I came up with! Invent your own!戒律三十三:“不可尊重敌人”。Precept Thirty-Three: 'Show the Enemy No Respect'.对敌人热情洋溢算不上美德!反对你的虫子不配得到你的尊重、善意和同情。Being gallant to your enemies is no virtue! If someone opposes you, they don't deserve respect or kindness or mercy.

  戒律三十四:“睡觉之前不要吃东西”。Precept Thirty-Four: 'Don't Eat Immediately Before Sleeping'.睡前吃东西不好消化,还会让你睡不着。这是常识了。This can cause restlessness and indigestion. It's just common sense.戒律三十五:“上就是上,下就是下”。Precept Thirty-Five: 'Up is Up, Down is Down'.在黑暗中跌倒之后就很容易失去方向感,找不到往上的路。这一条要好好记住!f you fall over in the darkness, it can be easy to lose your bearing and forget which way is up. Keep this precept in mind!戒律三十六:“蛋壳易碎”。Precept Thirty-Six: 'Eggshells are brittle'.这条戒律还是不言自明。Once again, this precept explains itself.戒律三十七:“管别的虫子借东西,不要借东西给它们”。Precept Thirty-Seven: 'Borrow, But Do Not Lend'.别的虫子借了不还你落得一场空,自己借了不还赚大把。If you lend and are repayed, you gain nothing. If you borrow but do not repay, you gain everything.戒律三十八:“小心神秘的力量”。Precept Thirty-Eight: 'Beware the Mysterious Force'.&我们头上有一股神秘的力量冲我们压过来,把我们往下按去。如果你在空中停留太久,那股力量就会把你压进地里,让你丢掉小命。小心啊!A mysterious force bears down on us from above, pushing us downwards. If you spend too long in the air, the force will crush you against the ground and destroy you. Beware!戒律三十九:“快吃慢饮”。Precept Thirty-Nine: 'Eat Quickly and Drink Slowly'.身体非常精细,补充能量的时候得小心谨慎。吃饭地时候尽量快点,但喝水的时候就得慢下来。Your body is a delicate thing and you must fuel it with great deliberation. Food must go in as fast as possible, but fluids at a slower rate.戒律四十:“随心所欲,无视规则”。Precept Forty: 'Obey No Law But Your Own'.过分地拘泥于规则可能会托你后腿。有时候要灵活变通。Laws written by others may inconvenience you or be a burden. Let your own desires be the only law.戒律四十一:“学会分辨谎言”。Precept Forty-One: 'Learn to Detect Lies'.别的虫子跟你说话的时候经常会撒谎。要无情地分辨和质疑他们,直到他们承认自己撒谎。When others speak, they usually lie. Scrutinise and question them relentlessly until they reveal their deceit.戒律四十二:“有钱就花”。Precept Forty-Two: 'Spend Geo When You Have It'.有些虫子是吝啬鬼,甚至会把钱带进棺材。能花的时候就花才是上策,不然享受不到生命中的各种乐趣。Some will cling onto their Geo, even taking it into the dirt with them when they die. It is better to spend it when you can, so you can enjoy various things in life.戒律四十三:“永不原谅”。Precept Forty-Three: 'Never Forgive'.如果有虫子祈求你的原谅,比如你兄弟,那就一定要拒绝。这个兄弟和其他虫子都不配得到你的原谅。If someone asks forgiveness of you, for instance a brother of yours, always deny it. That brother, or whoever it is, doesn't deserve such a thing.戒律四十四:“你没法在水里呼吸”。Precept Forty-Four: 'You Can Not Breathe Water'.水很提神,但试图在水里呼吸的话那感觉就糟透了。Water is refreshing, but if you try to breathe it you are in for a nasty shock.戒律四十五:“一个东西没法变成别的东西”。Precept Forty-Five: 'One Thing Is Not Another'.这很明显嘛,但有些虫子就是要指鹿为马。你要小心!This one should be obvious, but I've had others try to argue that one thing, which is clearly what it is and not something else, is actually some other thing, which it isn't. Stay on your guard!戒律四十六:“世界没你想象的那么大”。Precept Forty-Six: 'The World is Smaller Than You Think'.你年轻的时候自然满心以为天地广阔。遗憾呐,世界实际上要小得多。这就是我走遍每一片土地之后的感触。When young, you tend to think that the world is vast, huge, gigantic. It's only natural. Unfortunately, it's actually quite a lot smaller than that. I can say this, now having travelled everywhere in the land.戒律四十七:“打造自己的武器”。Precept Forty-Seven: 'Make Your Own Weapon'.只有你自己知道自己需要什么武器。我在你这么大的时候亲手用壳木打造了“生命终结者” 。它从不让我失望。我对它也一样。Only you know exactly what is needed in your weapon. I myself fashioned 'Life Ender' from shellwood at a young age. It has never failed me. Nor I it.戒律四十八:“小心火烛”。Precept Forty-Eight: 'Be Careful With Fire'.火是肆意狂舞的灼热精灵。它可以给你温暖,为你照明,但太过靠近的时候也会烤焦你的身体。Fire is a type of hot spirit that dances about recklessly. It can warm you and provide light, but it will also singe your shell if it gets too close.戒律四十九:“雕塑没有意义”。Precept Forty-Nine: 'Statues are Meaningless'.不要崇拜雕塑!又没虫子为你我立像,那我们为什么要注意这种玩意儿?Do not honour them! No one has ever made a statue of you or I, so why should we pay them any attention?

  戒律五十:“不要沉溺于谜题”。Precept Fifty: 'Don't Linger on Mysteries'.生活有时候让人疑惑。晦涩的谜题。如果不能马上发现一件事物的内涵,那就不要浪费时间去探究。继续前进即可。Some things in this world appear to us as puzzles. Or enigmas. If the meaning behind something is not immediately evident though, don't waste any time thinking about it. Just move on.戒律五十一:“万物皆有害处”。Precept Fifty-One: 'Nothing is Harmless'.只要有机会,任何东西都能伤害你。朋友、敌人、怪物,甚至是道路。要怀疑一切。Given the chance, everything in this world will hurt you. Friends, foes, monsters, uneven paths. Be suspicious of them all.戒律五十二:“小心父亲的嫉妒”。Precept Fifty-Two: 'Beware the Jealousy of Fathers'.父亲很严厉,所以经常要求我们服从于他。如果你要开拓自己的道路,有时候适当地成长、反抗和表达自己也是应当的。Fathers believe that because they created us we must serve them and never exceed their capabilities. If you wish to forge your own path, you must vanquish your father. Or simply abandon him.戒律五十三:“不要横刀夺爱”。Precept Fifty-Three: 'Do Not Steal the Desires of Others'.所有生物心中都有欲望。你要是瞥见了别的虫子的欲望,那就抑制住夺走它的冲动。横刀夺爱不会给你带来快乐。Every creature keeps their desires locked up inside of themselves. If you catch a glimpse of another's desires, resist the urge to claim them as your own. It will not lead you to happiness.戒律五十四:“把东西锁起来的时候记得带好钥匙”。Precept Fifty-Four: 'If You Lock Something Away, Keep the Key'.没什么可以永远的被锁起来,所以拿好钥匙。总有一天你得回来拿走藏起来的东西。Nothing should be locked away for ever, so hold onto your keys. You will eventually return and unlock everything you hid away.戒律五十五:“不向任何虫折腰”。Precept Fifty-Five: 'Bow to No-one'.有虫子会强迫别的虫子遵从自己的意志。他们想抢走你的食物、你的土地、你的身体,甚至你的思想!There are those in this world who would impose their will on others. They claim ownership over your food, your land, your body, and even your thoughts!他们凭什么白白拿走你的东西?不要屈服,绝不能听从他们的命令。They have done nothing to earn these things. Never bow to them, and make sure to disobey their commands.戒律五十六:“不要做梦”。Precept Fifty-Six: 'Do Not Dream'.梦想是危险的东西,是不属于你的古怪念头。它们会侵蚀你的思想。但你一对抗这些念头,你的身体就会受伤!所以最好跟我一样根本不做梦。Dreams are dangerous things. Strange ideas, not your own, can worm their way into your mind. But if you resist those ideas, sickness will wrack your body! Best not to dream at all, like me.戒律五十七:“遵从所有的戒律”。Precept Fifty-Seven: 'Obey All Precepts'.最重要的是要把戒律铭记于心,一丝不苟地加以执行。包括这一条!Most importantly, you must commit all of these precepts to memory and obey them all unfailingly. Including this one!你真的把我说的话都听进去了吗?我们再重复一遍“左特的五十七条戒律”。Hmm. Have you truly listened to everything I've said? Let's start again and repeat the 'Fifty-Seven Precepts of Zote'.最后的梦语我来到这个王国履行诺言…现在已经成功完成了任务!I came to this kingdom to fulfill a promise... and now I have succeeded!那是我很久以前…对自己许下的承诺…That promise I made so long ago... A promise to myself...荣耀的承诺!我伟大的左特的荣耀!我从来没有怀疑过自己,从来不会动摇,我已经得到了想要的一切。A promise of glory! Glory for I, Zote the Mighty! I never doubted myself, never faltered, and now I have achieved everything I desired.迷妹梦境梦语(?)迷妹梦境梦语(重置)小左特她如此美丽!She's beautiful!她如此才华横溢!(日记文笔看来是这样的)She's so talented!她将不会孤单!She'll never be lonely!

  我的女王……我所做的都是为了你!My Queen... I do it all for you!在这世上,我最爱她!I love her more!黑暗…光明…与她相比都不值一提!Dark... Light... They're nothing compared to her!我会迅速解决你……我必须回到女王身边!I'll kill you quickly... I must tend to my Queen!嫉妒的傻瓜!你是没有机会的!

  Jealous fool! You stand no chance!