[Vincent 诚译] 《艾尔登法环》官网简介中文版

  黄金律法[Golden Order]已然崩坏。

  崛起吧,褪色者!藉由失落祝福[Grace]的指引,重新拥抱艾尔登法环的力量。回到夹缝之地[Lands Between],成为艾尔登之主。


  玛丽卡女王的后代,以及所有的半神都获得了一部分的法环碎片,这些碎片亦被称为“伟大符文”。法环碎片的扭曲力量引发了一场大战,史称“撼世之战[Shattering]”。这场战争也标志着曾经蒙受祝福的存在已被“(女王的)伟大意志[Greater Will]”所抛弃。


  The Golden Order has been broken.

  Rise, Tarnished, and be guided by grace to brandish the power of the Elden Ring and become an Elden Lord in the Lands Between.

  In the Lands Between ruled by Queen Marika the Eternal, the Elden Ring, the source of the Erdtree, has been shattered.

  Marika's offspring, demigods all, claimed the shards of the Elden Ring known as the Great Runes, and the mad taint of their newfound strength triggered a war: The Shattering. A war that meant abandonment by the Greater Will.

  And now the guidance of grace will be brought to the Tarnished who were spurned by the grace of gold and exiled from the Lands Between. Ye dead who yet live, your grace long lost, follow the path to the Lands Between beyond the foggy sea to stand before the Elden Ring.

  And become the Elden Lord.

  [SOURCE] https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/elden-ring/elden-ring