If you're not familiar with the term "mild cognitive impairment," you're not the only one. More than 80% of Americans aren't familiar with this condition that affects up to 18% of people ages 60 and older and can lead to Alzheimer's disease, a new survey has found.
Mild cognitive impairment is an early stage of subtle memory loss or other cognitive ability loss, such as language or visual/spatial perception, according to research published Tuesday in the Alzheimer's Association's 2022 Alzheimer's Disease Facts and Figures report. The signs can be serious enough to be noticed by the affected person and loved ones, yet mild enough that the affected person can maintain their ability to do most activities of daily living.
Many people confuse this impairment, often called MCI, with normal aging, but it is different -- around one-third of people with mild cognitive impairment develop dementia due to Alzheimer's disease within five years, according to the research.
Depending on the type of MCI people have, they might have trouble remembering conversations, keeping track of things, maintaining their train of thought during a conversation, navigating a usually familiar place or completing everyday tasks, such as paying a bill. Some individuals don't increasingly decline, and others revert to normal function, according to the report.
To better understand awareness, diagnosis and treatment of MCI in the United States, the Alzheimer's Association commissioned a survey of more than 2,400 adults and 801 primary care physicians at the end of last year. All answered questions online or over the phone. More than 80% of participants initially had little to no familiarity with MCI; then, when told what MCI was, more than 40% said they were worried about developing the condition in the future.
为了更进一步了解美国对MCI的认知、MCI 的诊断和治疗,阿兹海默症协会在去年年底正式委托展开一项针对超过2400名成年人和801位初级护理医师的调查。所有的问题都通过在线或电话的方式来回答。超过80%的参与者最初几乎或完全不了MCI;随后,当向参与者解释了什么是MCI后,超过40%的人表示很担心自己以后也会出现这种情况。
"It was surprising to validate that both the public and primary care physicians are challenged in the distinctions between mild cognitive impairment vs. what is deemed 'normal aging,'" said Morgan Daven, the vice president of health systems at the Alzheimer's Association, via email. "Those results underscore how much work we must do in continuing to educate."
Morgan Daven,阿兹海默症协会健康体系副主席在邮件中表示:“公众和初级护理医师分不清轻度认知损害和‘正常衰老’之间的区别,这一情况很让人吃惊。这一结果也让我们深知在继续教育方面我们还有许多工作要做。”
Eighty-five percent of adults said they would want to know early if they had Alzheimer's disease so they could plan, treat symptoms earlier, take steps to preserve cognitive function or understand what's happening, the research found.
But despite this sense of urgency, these adults also showed reluctance to get professional advice if they started experiencing symptoms. Only 40% said they would talk to their doctor right away if they experienced symptoms of MCI. Concerns about getting help included possibly receiving the wrong diagnosis or treatment, learning of a serious health problem, or believing symptoms might go away.
Hispanic and Black Americans were least likely to want to know early.
西班牙裔和非洲裔美国人是最想要尽早知道MCI 的人群。
Multiple factors can contribute to MCI, so MCI is more an umbrella term than it is one specific condition, according to the research.
"It can be caused by things that are reversible, like vitamin deficiencies or medical conditions like thyroid dysfunction," said Dr. Richard Isaacson, director of the Alzheimer's Prevention Clinic in the Center for Brain Health at Florida Atlantic University's Schmidt College of Medicine.
Richard Isaacson,佛罗里达大西洋大学施密特药学院大脑健康中心阿兹海默症预防门诊主任表示:“MCI可能由可以逆转的因素所导致,比如缺乏维生素或疾病,比如甲状腺功能异常。”
"Some of the causes get better and some of the causes get worse. When a person has a neurodegenerative dementia, those people, obviously, will tend to decline."
Other possible causes include medication side effects; sleep deprivation; anxiety; neurologic or psychiatric disorders; genetics; systemic disorders such as high blood pressure; stroke or other vascular disease; and traumatic brain injury.
In general, the variety of factors, broad symptoms and lack of an MCI test can make diagnosing MCI difficult and uncomfortable for many doctors, which the findings showed.
When physicians detect MCI in patients, they most often recommend lifestyle changes, do lab tests or refer patients to a specialist, the authors wrote.
"People can take control of their brain health by making active changes in their daily life," Isaacson said. "It's not just all about exercise, diet, sleep and stress, but it's also medical conditions that primary care doctors can help optimize and treat -- like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes."