举个例子,科普斯,科普斯并非一成不变的。就好像在地球上,你去意大利 ,或者去牙买加,它们有着不同的习俗,不同的文化,诸如此类。我们大部分的派系其实都是这样,科普斯也不例外。
实际上,我们将那种风格叫作"天诺风格","奥罗金风格"它通常指的是白色和金色, 比如虚空和月球那种。
因此目前,我们真的没有这方面的计划。但不是完全不可能,我也很喜欢"暗影圣剑" ,当然也很理解玩家的这种期望。
所以,战甲就来自于这两种方式之一,总体上,说到“规则” ,其实并没什么规则,大部分情况下可以说是有一些优先事项,以及我们关注的东西。我们希望它们带来与众不同的感觉,而不是各个战甲玩起来都很相似,我们想让它们别具一格,不光是它们的玩法,还有它们给人的感觉,它们的移动方式,它们的外观等等,这些东西是我们最重视的,也就是战甲的独特性。
它们的关联…如果你玩过“新纪之战” 逛了一遍乌努高塔,你就会稍微多了解一些…哦,我说“稍微”,那就真的是稍微,因为它相当的神秘。你知道那里有一种力量存在,进而,你知道司书和小鸭子也遵循乌努的指引。
不过我们很快会有一些动作,尝试在这方面换个做法,做出一些具挑战性的战斗。但我们并没有打算… 在这种情况下,你想的可能是传统MMO,有一个多boss的副本,需要一堆人互相配合,几个月才最终拿下boss,我们目前并没有考虑那样的内容。
我们并没有这种特长,这种事情可能有些超出了,我们之前能够想象和构思的程度。这个想法很棒,但你懂的,这离我们之前做的事情… 实在是差的太远了。它的确很酷,如果真能实现就好了。
总的来说,它们的制作方式决定了这行不通。所以我们又尝试了一些技术性的点子,将指挥官皮肤转换一下,让漂泊者也能用。不幸的是,这两个想法都没实现。它们看起来不对劲,基本上…当你转换骨骼时,如果有东西变大了,想象一下,有一只手臂,如果手臂变长了,看起来就像是被拉伸了一样。但你不能直接放大,否则看起来会像根香肠一样。这可能不是很好想象,但在任何情况下 问题都在于转换它们是很困难的,因为比例不一样。所以最后的结果,看起来就很…诡异。在这方面 我们还有一个想法,更加复杂且耗时,但我们正在探索它。实际上,我们今天早些时候谈过它。我们还在想办法实现它,至于能不能管用,我们没法做什么承诺。因为,虽然我们一直在做各种尝试,但不幸的是,它目前还没有实现。
Hello, hello. My name is Pablo I'm a designer here at DE. And I got the pleasure today to join you for a Q&A to celebrate Bilibili's 100,000 members. I want to thank everyone from the WeGame community for supporting us, and I'm very glad to be here with you. Let's see what do you have to ask.
Question 1:
I'm so into this future space DE has created, you must have put a lot of effort into it, (We have, we have) , even designing several sets of languages for different factions. I'm eager to learn about the details. How they live on? What's the culture like? Are there any traditions or rules?
So it really depends, we've explored some of this, but not as much as we would like. But you know, it's something that we'll continue to do.
But for example, the Corpus, you know the Corpus they're not all the same. It's kinda like here on Earth, if you go and visit Italy, or you visit Jamaica, there's different customs, different cultures, and stuff like that. So they're similar for all the factions that we have.
So the Corpus, there is a main corpus that you fight and that you know, they're like a church of greed and the followings that they have. But then you can also, for example, go to Fortuna and then you find a very different subculture there, where there's like people that are more, bound to each other, and they're a little more loyal, they're not after the greed, they've being exploited, so they're different. And then you can look at the, for example, the Mycona Colony, which are the ones that appear during the Glast Gambit Quest, which have, the tradition of… I don't want to spoil the quest. But if you look at that, they show their traditions there they have some drawings, and they have like a history of something they do with infestation.
So we do wanna explore even more of that, like smaller, like little pieces of the world to kinda keep on building it. But it is a very vast world, so there's a whole lot of opportunity there.
Question 2:
I like the Orokin style architecture. Do you have any plans to implement this Orokin-style design for more in-game content? For example, in addition to the current Orbiter and the Drifter Camp, do you consider having the State of Orokin as the next open social area that allows players to walk in and experience this glorious Orokin Empire?
So actually we refer to that style as the Tenno style. Orokin style, we generally refer to it as the white and golds, from like the Void or Lua.
But for the Tenno style, right now we just curiously released Angels of the Zariman, which is a big shift, that is in that style only, it's..it's seen better days, let's just say. And you do have your dormizone, which is like your little apartment, and in there, it has all of that sort of stuff, and we have a little extra decorations and stuff that are in that style. The relays we also make them on that style. I don't think right now there's like any plans to expand for that, cause we literally just did one that is in that style. But for Orokin... they're gonna say more than that.
Question 3:
My favorite warframe is Excalibur Umbra. I'm curious about the next Umbra warframe will be, and what forms the Umbra series is going to be unveiled?
We don't really have plans for more Umbras at the moment. Excalibur Umbra is pretty special in the way that we did it. Like you know, there was a story behind it and obviously a request for sacrifice, it's all revolving a big kind of the origins of Excalibur Umbra.
So, never say never, but at this point we don't really have plans to go further into now making... you know, we have 49 warframes, so you know making 48 more Umbras is kind of daunting.
So yeah, at this point, we don't really have a plan for it. But never say never. I do love Excalibur Umbra, definitely I can see the desire.
Question 4:
Do you consider adding Farming Areas in the Drifter Camp or on the Plains of Eidolon where players can cultivate specific plants and raise animals? Thought this mode might be popular, not only expanding the player base, and but also improving Warframe's retention rate.
This is a bit of a spoiler, hopefully no one will see this. But if you go and visit your dormizone, in the Angels of the Zariman that just came out, just look around, you might see a little tease of what's to come, a little tease of what's to come.
Question 5:
Multi-player dungeons are impressive! Missed the old days when 8 Tennos worked together on Trial Missions. Have you considered bringing back this Trial Mission or launching a brand new Trial Mission?
We have, we actually have that something every now and then we talk about it again. 8 player missions were really... complicated for us the way everything set up in game right now, those 8 player missions were really prone to basically failure.
Essentially there were a lot of bugs that were really hard to test for us, and I don't know. So the answer, the truthful answer is we even don't know. Like we do miss them as well, we do miss the idea of the story missions, we do wanna bring them back at some point. It is not something we have forgotten about, we definitely go back and revisit every now and then, and maybe at some point, it will come back.
Question 6:
The distinct Warframes are the game's soul, I want to ask the design team, regarding the source of inspiration for the design of the warframe, are there any rules to follow?
Generally, they come from two different parts. Sometimes, basically we have some concept artists that basically make the signs, right now if I go on and look, there's like a folder with several concept arts for potential warframes, and there's like probably like 20+ scenes there, that are mainly just... you know, concept art, and a little bit of blurb for someone's idea and the name, and that's kinda it... So sometimes I'll go in to see the designer, and they'll take a look through that folder and be like: “Woo, that's really cool!”. And then I'll start to think: “OK, what could this warframe do? How could it work?”, and if I find something inspiring, then I grab it from there and then we continue.
The other path is, for example, for Nidus, it was the other way around. I had an idea for the mechanics I wanted, and then I talked to a concept artist, and I was like, “OK, this is kind of what I want.”, and from there, they developed the look and feel for him.
So it can come from either way. Generally like, in terms of rules there's not really rules. Mostly, I would say like there's some priorities and what things we care about, and you know...we want them to feel different. We don't want one Warframe to play very similar to another Warframe, we want them to feel distinct, in not only how they play but also how they feel, how they move, how they look, etc. So those are kind of the things that we value the most, you know, how unique is this warframe.
Question 7:
Will Operators have melee amplifiers or weapon systems similar to Warframes?
They will not, We actually recently removed melee from operators. They used to have a little...Void blast, I forgot the name for a moment, we removed that, and now when you press melee, you switch to your warframe and attack with melee.
We are adding a little bit more depth to the apps, we are revisiting a few of the choices that we made with apps in the past, and trying to add a little bit more of... a little bit more decision making for you guys, a little more customization. So we are looking at that, but we don't want... basically we don't want the operator to play the same as a warframe, because then what is the point of having both, right?
So we want you to feel one way when you're playing with your warframe and then when you switch to your operator, it should feel distinct in a way. So that's why we don't really want to have like a one-to-one match of how the gear works for your operator and for your warframe.
Question 8:
What is the purpose of The Quills and Little Duck? They know the capabilities of Tennos, Operators, and Sentiment very well, do these relate to the mysterious Void power?
Well, they relate...if you played The New War, and you went through the tower, the Unum, you know a little bit more of... Well, when I say a little bit more, it is a little bit more because it is pretty mysterious. You know there's a power there, and you know that the Quills and Little Duck by extension basically, follow the guidance of the Unum.And the Unum clearly is a power beyond what we know.
That's as far as I wanna go on that. We definitely will at some point get back to the Unum, it's definitely something that's very interesting. But in terms of like what they do in the world, the Quills and Little Duck can follow the guidance of the Unum is what they do.
Question 9:
Will there be more types and difficulties of boss challenges in the future? The current boss fights are not enough and not challengeable.
Yeah, honestly this is one of those things that is very complicated to do. Because we really like the power fantasy warframe, but the opposite side of that is that some warframes are so powerful, that it's kind of impossible to make really tough bosses. Because the warframes are not like really tightly balanced, so it means essentially, you can find a strategy with current warframes to one or two shot most bosses. So we've always struggled with this because, while you can also do that, also if we make bosses really hard, then a lot of warframes become “unusable” for that content.
We do have some things coming kinda soon where we will be trying another swing at that, another swing making a bit more challenging combat. But we're not really looking, if you're thinking more like in the context stuff, you know, traditional MMO, where you have a raid with bosses, where it can take you months of coordinated war to finally defeat a boss, we're not really looking at that type of content at the moment.
Question 10:
Why don't we make a Warframe-themed Animation, like the Arcane: League of Legends, which received a big hit. Telling the story before Ordis transformed to Cephalon or the glorious past of Orokin, will be fascinating.
Obviously, I love the Arcane, it was super cool. One of the very interesting things, about how they did Arcane, is actually a lot of it was developed in house, so that's what kinda kept the feel and all of the...you know, the special sauce that they have the riot team to make this sort of stuff.
It's not a specialty that we have. He's probably beyond the things that we had in the past can thought about it and thought a little bit about ideation. It would be amazing, but you know, it's a bit far away from our... from the sort of things we've done before. So it would be really cool, though, it would be really cool.
Question 11:
I like the character of Lotus very much and don't want to see her turned into an ordinary NPC. Will there be follow-up Quests of Lotus?
I think Lotus will always be... a very central character. She's very important for many things in the story, it's not the end of her story.
But it is a like, the sequence of quests that we've done up to here, is the big arc that we had thought for her from beginning to end. Will there be other stories in the future that involve her? Absolutely, but I think you should consider like this part like first time. Obviously it's not a trilogy because there's more than 3 quests. But you know, it's her first big arc, and I'm very glad that it just kinda goes from beginning to end, and it feels like a complete story. But you know, there's always more things to tell after.
Question 12:
Will there be functional differences between the roles of the Operator and the Drifter in the main quests? And whether the Drifter and the Operator can share cosmetics in the future?
Basically, so for the first one, not really... this is a little tricky to answer because there is a thing that... As it currently stands, the operator and the drifter, work pretty much the same and it's mostly a change in looks. Obviously when you played with the drifter in the quest, the drifter played very different. And there might be a little bit of that coming back at some point, you know, you can look back at some older trailers to get an idea of what I'm talking about.
But for the most part, when you're playing with your operator or with a drifter, they're supposed to fulfill the same sort of role. As for the cosmetics, we are literally we've been looking into, this and trying to find how to share the skins.
Essentially the way that they're made makes it so it doesn't work. So we tried a couple, we had a couple ideas, technical ideas on how we could convert, from operator skins so that they could be used for drifter. Unfortunately, neither of those panned out. They didn't look quite right, there was essentially... when you are converting from one skeleton to the other, if something grows, imagine you have like an arm, if the arm is longer, it kinda looks more stretchy, but you cannot just scale it up because then it looks kinda like a sausage.
That's not like maybe it's a little hard to visualize. But in any case, the point is it's hard to just convert them, because proportions are different. So things end up looking, kind of... weird. We have one more idea on how to do it that is more complicated and time-consuming, but it's being explored. We were literally talking about it like earlier today. So we're still exploring ways to achieve it, we can't make any promise if it's gonna work or not. Because, you know, we've been trying stuff, unfortunately, it hasn't worked so far.
Question 13:
Will there be new gameplay in the future? such as BR or hide-and-seek mode?
There'll definitely always be that different things that we explore. I mean, I think even if you look at Angels of the Zariman, you can see that it leans much more toward exploration than all the other updates did. So we're always trying different things.
I don't think we'll… I shouldn't say no, but I don't think we'll ever go into something like Battle Royale, or something like that where we're just totally departing from what is the core of Warframe.
But you can expect some pretty different things especially on the next two big updates. There's like a couple of things that do deviate quite a bit from, the norm of gameplay that we usually do. And I think that's about as far as I can go without spoiling too much.
That's it! Those are the questions that got sent to me, I hope you enjoyed your time here with me. I wanna thank you again for supporting us all this time, and I hope you have an excellent day! ?Adios!