


  1、Causal Inference in Statistics, Social, and Biomedical Sciences : An Introduction

  2、大侦探经济学 : 现代经济学中因果推断革命



  5、为什么 : 关于因果关系的新科学[美]朱迪亚·珀尔(Judea Pearl)、[美]达纳·麦肯齐(Dana Mackenzie) / 江生、于华 / 中信出版集团 /

  6、The Effect: An Introduction to Research Design and Causality

  7、Explanation in Causal Inference : Methods for Mediation and Interaction Tyler VanderWeele / Oxford University Press /

  8、Causality : Statistical Perspectives and Applications Berzuini, Carlo; Dawid, Philip; Bernardinell, Luisa / Wiley-Blackwell /

  9、Causal Inference in Statistics : A Primer Judea Pearl / Wiley /

  10、The Theory of the Design of Experiments (Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability) D.R. Cox、N. Reid / Chapman & Hall/CRC /

  11、因果推理:基础与学习算法 [荷] 乔纳斯·彼得斯 / 机械工业出版社

  12、Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis, Second Edition : A Regression-Based Approach Andrew F. Hayes / Guilford Press /

  13、Fundamentals of Causal Inference : With R Babette A. Brumback / Chapman and Hall/CRC /

  14、统计因果推理入门 : 翻译版,Judea Pearl、Madelyn Glymour、Nicholas P.Jewell / 杨矫云、安宁 / 高等教育出版社 /

  15、Causality and Explanation Wesley C. Salmon / Oxford University Press /

  16、Causation, Prediction and Search : Second Edition Peter Spirtes、Clark Glymour、Richard Scheines / The MIT Press /

  17、The Book of Why : The New Science of Cause and Effect Judea Pearl、Dana Mackenzie / Basic Books /

  18、Causal Inference: The Mixtape Scott Cunningham / Yale University Press (January 26, 2021) /

  19、Causal Inference : What If

  20、调节效应和中介效应分析,温忠麟、刘红云、侯杰泰 / 教育科学出版社 /

  21、Elements of Causal Inference : Foundations and Learning Algorithms,Jonas Peters、Dominik Janzing、Bernhard Sch?lkopf / The MIT Press /

  22、基本无害的计量经济学 : 实证研究者指南

  23、mastering econometrics

  24、Natural Experiments in the Social Sciences : A Design-Based Approach,Thad Dunning / Cambridge University Press /

  25、Finding Pathways : Mixed-Method Research for Studying Causal Mechanisms Nicholas Weller、Jeb Barnes / Cambridge University Press

  最新:因果推断书籍和代码合集(免费阅读下载 1、Causal Inference: The Mixtape




  这是《Causal Inference: The Mixtape》的在线版本,因果推理包括一些工具,让社会科学家能够确定什么导致什么。在一个混乱的世界里,因果推理有助于确定所研究行为的因果关系——例如,提高最低工资对就业的影响(或缺乏影响),幼儿教育对以后生活中的监禁的影响,或者在发展中地区引进蚊帐对经济增长的影响。Scott Cunningham使用一系列建模技术和用于R和Stata编程语言的编码指令,向学生和实践者介绍了获得因果关系问题有意义答案的必要方法。


  Table of contents


  1 Introduction

  2 Probability and Regression Review

  3 Directed Acyclic Graphs

  4 Potential Outcomes Causal Model

  5 Matching and Subclassification

  6 Regression Discontinuity

  7 Instrumental Variables

  8 Panel Data

  9 Difference-in-Differences

  10 Synthetic Control

  11 Conclusion

  Teaching Resources




















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  2、Causal Inference:Measuring the Effect of X on y










  3、Causal Inference: What If


  内容简介:本书由哈佛大学 Miguel Hernan、Jamie Robins 教授编著,对因果推理的概念和方法做了系统性阐述。该书在知乎等各大平台一直是呼声很高的书籍,众多计量学者期待已久,目前该书。





  4、Mostly Harmless Econometrics



  由Joshua D. Angrist和J?rn-Steffen Pischke合作撰写的计量经济学经典著作Mostly Harmless Econometrics: An Empiricist's Companion详细介绍了应用实证研究中的核心计量工具,为社会科学研究者提供了一份精炼的操作指南。

  然而,随机实验耗时长、成本高、可能遭遇学术伦理问题,因此对大多数学者来说未必具有现实可操作性。为此,本书作者以随机实验为基准(benchmark),把目光转向了自然实验(natural experiment)及准自然实验(quasi-experiment)。利用自然实验及准自然实验进行因果推断,需要充分利用本书所关注的核心计量工具:多元回归分析、工具变量方法(IV)和双重差分策略(DID)。本书在第三章主要讨论了多元回归分析方法。这一方法主要是指在控制了其他与残差项不相关的变量之后,用被解释变量对核心解释变量进行回归分析。该方法对提高估计准确性并揭示可能的因果关系大有裨益,而且也是接下来讨论的IV、DID等工具之基础。IV在本书第四章得到讨论。尽管工具变量不易寻找,但一旦找到合适的工具变量之后,使用两阶段普通最小二乘法便可较为精准地获得因果联系。当然,工具变量方法并非万无一失,局部有效性(LATE)等问题也受到了作者高度关注。DID在本书第五章得到呈现。作为处理遗漏变量问题、进行因果推论的有效方法,双重差分同样备受作者重视。与此相关,作者还在本章中就固定效应及面板数据处理进行了细致分析。以上便是本书的核心内容。接下来本书还进行了一些拓展讨论,主要涉及断点回归分析、分位数回归分析及回归分析中的标准差处理。





  “Finally – An econometrics book for practitioners! Not only for students, Mostly Harmless Econometricsis a fantastic resource for anyone who does empirical work.” — Sandra Black, UCLA

  “This is a remarkable book–it does the profession a great service by taking knowledge that is usually acquired over many years and distilling it in such a succinct manner.” — Amitabh Chandra, Harvard Kennedy School of Government

  “MHE is a fantastic book that should be read cover-to-cover by any young applied micro economist. The book provides an excellent mix of statistical detail, econometric intuition and practical instruction. The topic coverage includes the bulk of econometric tools used in the vast majority of applied microeconomics. I wish there was an econometric textbook this well done when I was in graduate school.” — Bill Evans, University of Notre Dame

  Mostly Harmless Replication

  一个大胆的尝试,用以下语言复制了《无害计量经济学》一书中的表格和数字: Stata R Python Julia



  Questions about Questions

  The Experimental Ideal

  Making Regression Make Sense

  Instrumental Variables inAction

  Parallel Worlds

  Getting a Little Jumpy

  Quantile Regression

  Nonstandard Standard Error Issues


  代码链接 https://gitee.com/econometric/mostly-harmless-replication


  代码链接 https://gitee.com/econometric/causalinference

  6、The Effect: An Introduction to Research Design and Causality






  如果您想运行本书中的代码示例,您将需要causaldata包,它包含大多数代码块的示例数据。可以在R中使用install.packages(' Causaldata ')安装Causaldata,在Stata中使用ssc install causaldata,或者在Python中使用 pip install causaldata。



  7、Causal Inference for Statistics, Social,and Biomedical Sciences:An Introduction



  8、The Book of Why The New Science of Cause and Effect


  作者: [美]朱迪亚·珀尔(Judea Pearl) / [美]达纳·麦肯齐(Dana Mackenzie)

  出版社: 中信出版集团股份有限公司

  副标题: 关于因果关系的新科学

  原作名: The Book of Why : The New Science of Cause and Effect

  译者: 江生 / 于华

  出版年: 2019-7-1






  9、Causality:Models, Reasoning and Inference

  作者: Judea Pearl

  出版社: Cambridge University Press

  副标题: Models, Reasoning and Inference

  出版年: 2009-9-14



  10、Counterfactuals and Causal Inference

  作者: Stephen L. Morgan / Christopher Winship

  出版社: Cambridge University Press

  副标题: Methods and Principles for Social Research

  出版年: 2014-11-17


  List of Figures page xiii

  List of Tables xvii

  Acknowledgments forFirst Edition xxi

  Acknowledgments forSecond Edition xxiii

  I Causality and Empirical Research inthe Social Sciences

  1 Introduction 3

  1.1 The Potential Outcome Model of Causal Inference 4

  1.2 Causal Analysis and Observational Social Science 6

  1.3 Examples Used Throughout the Book 14

  1.4 Observational Data and Random-Sample Surveys 27

  1.5 Causal Graphs as an Introduction to the Remainder of the Book 29

  II Counterfactuals, Potential Outcomes, and Causal Graphs

  2 Counterfactuals and the Potential Outcome Model 37

  2.1 Defining the Causal States 37

  2.2 Potential Outcomes and Individual-Level Treatment Effects 43

  2.3 Treatment Groups and Observed Outcomes 44

  2.4 The Average Treatment Effect 46

  2.5 The Stable Unit Treatment Value Assumption 48

  2.6 Treatment Assignment and Observational Studies 53

  2.7 Average Causal Effects and Naive Estimation 54

  2.8 Over-Time Potential Outcomes and Causal Effects 62

  2.9 The Potential Outcome Model forMany-Valued Treatments 70

  2.10 Conclusions 73

  2.11 Appendix to Chapter 2: Population and Data Generation Models 74

  3 Causal Graphs 77

  3.1 Identification 78

  3.2 Basic Elements of Causal Graphs 79

  3.3 Graphs and Structural Equations 84

  3.4 Causal Graphs and the Potential Outcome Model 90

  3.5 Conclusions 94

  3.6 Appendix to Chapter 3: Graphs, Interventions, and Potential Outcomes 95

  III Estimating Causal Effects by Conditioning on Observed Variables to Block Back-Door Paths

  4 Models of Causal Exposure and Identification Criteria forConditioning Estimators 105

  4.1 Conditioning and Directed Graphs 105

  4.2 The Back-Door Criterion 109

  4.3 Models of Causal Exposure and Point Identification Based on the Potential Outcome Model 118

  4.4 Conditioning to Balance and Conditioning to Adjust 128

  4.5 Conclusions 130

  4.6 Appendix to Chapter 4: The Back-Door and Adjustment Criteria, Descendants, and Colliders Under Magnification 130

  5 Matching Estimators of Causal Effects 140

  5.1 Origins of and Motivations forMatching 141

  5.2 Matching as Conditioning via Stratification 143

  5.3 Matching as Weighting 150

  5.4 Matching as a Data Analysis Algorithm 158

  5.5 Remaining Practical Issues inMatching Analysis 181

  5.6 Conclusions 187

  6 Regression Estimators of Causal Effects 188

  6.1 Regression as a Deive Tool 188

  6.2 Regression Adjustment as a Strategy to Estimate Causal Effects 194

  6.3 Regression as Conditional-Variance-Weighted Matching 206

  6.4 Regression as an Implementation of a Perfect Stratification 214

  6.5 Regression as Supplemental Adjustment When Matching 215

  6.6 Extensions and Other Perspectives 217

  6.7 Conclusions 224

  7 Weighted Regression Estimators of Causal Effects 226

  7.1 Weighted Regression Estimators of the ATE 227

  7.2 Weighted Regression Estimators of the ATT and the ATC 231

  7.3 Doubly Robust Weighted Regression Estimators 234

  7.4 Remaining Practical Issues inWeighted Regression Analysis 238

  7.5 An Extended Example 243

  7.6 Conclusions 262

  IV Estimating Causal Effects When Back-Door Conditioning Is Ineffective

  8 Self-Selection, Heterogeneity, and Causal Graphs 267

  8.1 Nonignorability and Selection on the Unobservables Revisited 268

  8.2 Selection on the Unobservables and the Utility of Additional Posttreatment Measures of the Outcome 269

  8.3 Causal Graphs forComplex Patterns of Self-Selection and Heterogeneity 278

  8.4 Conclusions 290

  9 Instrumental Variable Estimators of Causal Effects 291

  9.1 Causal Effect Estimation with a Binary IV 291

  9.2 Traditional IV Estimators 296

  9.3 Instrumental Variable Estimators inthe Presence of Individual-Level Heterogeneity 305

  9.4 Conclusions 324

  10 Mechanisms and Causal Explanation 325

  10.1 The Dangers of Insufficiently Deep Explanations 326

  10.2 The Front-Door Criterion and Identification of Causal Effects by Mechanisms 330

  10.3 The Appeal forGenerative Mechanisms 338

  10.4 The Pursuit of Explanation with Mechanisms That Bottom Out 346

  10.5 Conclusions 352

  11 Repeated Observations and the Estimation of Causal Effects 354

  11.1 Interrupted Time Series Models 355

  11.2 Regression Discontinuity Designs 360

  11.3 Panel Data 363

  11.4 Conclusions 392

  11.5 Appendix to Chapter 11: Time-Varying Treatment Regimes 392

  V Estimation When Causal Effects Are Not Point-Identified by Observables

  12 Distributional Assumptions, Set Identification, and Sensitivity Analysis 419

  12.1 Distributional Assumptions and Latent Variable Selection-Bias Models 420

  12.2 Set Identification with Minimal Assumptions 422

  12.3 Sensitivity Analysis forProvisional Causal Effect Estimates 429

  12.4 Conclusions 434

  VI Conclusions

  13 Counterfactuals and the Future of Empirical Research inObservational Social Science 437

  13.1 Objections to Adoption of the Counterfactual Approach 438

  13.2 Modes of Causal Inquiry inthe Social Sciences 446

  References 451

  Index 497

  11、Applied Causal Analysis (with R)

  本书作为MA研讨会应用因果分析的幻灯片和脚本。该研讨会目前由Paul C. Bauer在曼海姆大学(2020年春季)授课。这些材料由Paul C. Bauer和Denis Cohen编写,并将构成《Applied Causal Analysis (with R)》一书的基础。










