
  1. My Best Friend’s Wedding (1997)我最好朋友的婚礼For the wedding where… your hot bestie is about to say “I do,” and wow, huh, you’re suddenly aware how perfect they actually are.当平日里油头垢面的朋友穿着帅气西装说着“我愿意”的那一刻,你才突然意识到这一刻他多完美,原来友谊的小船早已升级为了爱情的巨轮……剧情:本片围绕着一名女子茱莉安的感情生活,讲述她在知己好友宣布订婚后,才发现自己已爱上了他,于是用尽千方百计令好友放弃未婚妻的经过。经典台词:Loving him means loving all of him.爱一个人就要爱他的全部。And all the while,the man of your dreams was right in front of you.众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。


  2. Sweet Home Alabama (2002)情归阿拉巴马For the wedding where… tbh, you’re mostly there to see how all your old childhood friends turned out.回老家参加婚礼,顺便看看发小邻居老同学们都变成啥样子了。剧情:时尚设计师梅兰妮为与丈夫离婚回到阔别七年的家乡阿拉巴马,却意外找回了失落已久的爱情。经典台词:Melanie:Why would you want to marry me for anyhow?梅兰妮:为什么你无论如何也要娶我了?Jake:So I can kiss you any time I want.杰克:因为那样我可以随时随地的亲你。


  3. Bride Wars (2009)结婚大作战For the wedding where… you had to make a choice. There are only so many Saturdays in June.好日子就那么几个,结个婚都要撞档期。还是想想周六到底要去参加闺蜜A还是发小B的婚礼吧。剧情:一对情同手足、从小一起长大的好姐妹却不幸将婚礼定在同一天。为了童年的梦想,两个好友互不相让,由此展开一场激烈且妙趣横生的新娘大作战。经典台词:Emma: Your wedding's gonna be huge, just like your ass at prom.爱玛:你的婚礼当然会规模盛大,就像你毕业时候的屁股一样大! Liv: Your wedding can suck it. 丽芙:那你的婚礼正好可以给我擦屁股。


  4. Father Of The Bride (1991)新岳父大人For the wedding where… someone whose diapers you once changed is suddenly all grown up.仿佛昨天还跟在身后撒娇蹦跶的小屁孩儿今天就要嫁人了。剧情:影片诠释一个父亲在女儿出阁前夕忐忑不安的心情的故事。经典台词:I knew I’d never be able to remember what Nina wore that day. But I also knew I’d never forget the way she looked.我知道我永远无法记住那天妮娜穿了什么,但我也永远不会忘记那天她的样子有多美。


  5. The Wedding Date (2005)大喜之日For the wedding where… you need to show your ex just how awesome you’re doing without them.带个完美男友参加婚礼,气死前任。剧情:女主角凯特花重金雇佣完美男友去参加妹妹的婚礼,却与假男友摩擦出真爱火花的浪漫故事。


  6. Four Weddings And A Funeral (1994)四个婚礼和一个葬礼For the wedding where… you hope you run into that ~someone~ with whom you keep crossing paths.老是在婚礼上遇见同一个人,这是不是就是所谓的缘分?剧情:查尔斯虽是婚礼上的常客,却对结婚怀有莫名疑惧。某次婚礼上他对一个姑娘一见倾心,与她共度了美好的一夜。而后姑娘不辞而别,直到在下次婚礼上又遇到了她……经典台词:He was my North, my South, my East, my West. My wooking week and my Sunday rest. My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song. I though love would last forever. 他曾是我的东,我的西,我的南,我的北,我的工作日,我的礼拜天,我的正午,我的深夜,我的言语,我的歌声。我以为爱可以不朽。


  7. The Hangover (2009)宿醉For the wedding where… omg why did we drink so much the night before a wedding who thought this was a good tradition my whole life hurts.比起第二天婚礼,婚礼前夕喝个烂醉的最后单身夜似乎更好玩儿,不过小心别把新郎弄丢了。剧情:影片讲述了三个伴郎和即将举行婚礼的新郎在单身聚会中大醉一场,结果醒来后,发现新郎不见了,于是他们必须回忆起昨晚发生的一切才能找回新郎,顺利举行婚礼。经典台词:When a monkey nibbles on a penis,it's funny in any language.黄段子不分国界。


  8. My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002)我的盛大希腊婚礼For the wedding where… two wonderful cultures will join in wedded bliss!当来自不同文化背景的两人结合一起时,双方亲友团将擦出怎样的火花。剧情:影片讲述了一名希腊妇女摒弃家庭传统,嫁给了非希腊裔人士所引起的风波和家庭矛盾以及由此而引发的一系列喜剧和闹剧。经典台词:My family is big and loud but they're my family. We fight and we laugh and yes, we roast lamb on a spit in the front yard. And where ever I go, what ever I do they will always be there. 我的家人很多且喧闹但他们是我的家人。我们争吵,我们大笑,我们在前院烧烤。无论我去哪里,做什么,他们都会支持着我。


  9. Wedding Crashers (2005)婚礼傲客For the wedding where… you fully plan on entering single, but who knows what your status will be when you leave.原本计划着在婚礼上找点儿乐子,谁知就碰上了真爱。剧情:讲述以专泡伴娘为乐的两个非典型性花花公子的感情故事。经典台词:We have no way of knowing what lays ahead for us in the future. All we can do is use the information at hand to make the best decision possible.我们永远不知道未来会有什么结果,我们唯一能做的就是用现在所拥有的信息来做一个最好的决定。

  10. I Love You, Man (2009)寻找伴郎For the wedding where… you fear your crew’s bromance may outshine the bride and groom.比起新郎新娘间的爱情,伴郎和新郎的基情似乎更值得关注。剧情:影片主要讲述了一个事业有成的男人结婚时寻找到伴郎后,却不经意地冷落了女友,于是他又和“伴郎”一同去挽回尴尬局面的故事。经典台词:I will see you there, or I will see you on another time!大宝明天见,大宝天天见!

  11. Rachel Getting Married (2008)蕾切尔的婚礼For the wedding where… some family drama is pretty much guaranteed.整个婚礼注定是一场家庭伦理大戏。剧情:影片讲述刚从戒毒康复中心出来的凯姆去参加姐姐婚礼的经历,并通过一系列碰撞去重新审视了当代家庭伦理,亲属之间的感情关系。经典台词:But I do want to be sober. 不过我真的想清醒过来。

  12. Corpse Bride (2005)僵尸新娘For the wedding where… the awesome couple is getting married on Halloween!婚礼选在七月半,就是这么任性。剧情:维克多的父母为儿子安排了一场婚姻,却意外遭遇一个僵尸新娘。在两个世界,两个新娘之间,维克多该如何抉择。经典台词:With this hand,I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty,for I will be your wine. With this candle,I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine. 执子之手,承汝之忧。 愿为甜酿,盈汝之杯。 但如明烛,为汝之光。 永佩此誓,与汝偕老。

  13. The Wedding Banquet喜宴For the wedding where… you couldn’t be happier to attend a ceremony where the couple doesn’t have to hide their love.就是爱看新人们秀恩爱晒幸福,敢爱敢做不掩饰。剧情:影片讲述定居在美国的同性恋者高伟同为了打发从台北而来逼婚的父母,与因为拿不到美国绿卡发愁的非法移民女画家顾葳葳假结婚而展开的一连串故事。经典台词:You are witnessing the result of 5000 years of sexual repression. 你正在见证着中国五千年性压抑的后果。


  14. The Princess Bride (1987)公主新娘For the wedding where… the couple had a fairy tale romance.在完美的童话爱情故事面前,除了祝福还能说什么?剧情:该片讲述了一个关于爱与冒险的古老童话,邪恶的王子绑架了美丽的公主,并逼迫公主嫁给自己。公主儿时的玩伴、现在的勇敢海盗决定前去拯救公主……经典台词:As You Wish. 如你所愿。