蓝罂粟 Blue Poppy|绘作展





  Blue Poppy


  Paintings by MUYE.G

  戈牧野 绘作展


  NO.23, Songzhu Temple, Shatan North St,

  Dongcheng District, Beijing

  北京嵩祝寺与智珠寺 MORI SENSE 起居室




  英国著名植物猎人威尔逊于1903年在中国 南地区海拔3500米的地方,发现了第一株开着花的蓝罂粟。


  蓝罂粟是一种生 在海拔3000米以上的高原野生植物。在冰霜凛冽、辐射强烈、 大土薄的极端环境中,傲然挺立,倔强盛放,被誉为“离天空最近的花朵”。它是喜 拉雅的传奇,不丹王国的国花,也是藏传佛教中白度母手中的那一株。英国生物学家金敦·沃德更将其描述为“充满梦幻色彩的神圣花朵,令人魂牵梦绕的蓝色罂粟”。

  此次展览以“蓝罂粟”为题,展现了戈牧野在Ipad上创作的一系列表现植物生命力的作品。画家将花朵与枝叶抽丝剥茧,画面中交织着盛放与枯萎,以浓烈的色彩和素雅的轮廓 表现出生命圣洁的姿态。画家借由对植物的描绘,用Ipad这一电子媒介所能够实现的效果, 模拟花朵绽放抑或凋零的不同生命阶段,这种不“自然”地对于自然的再现,表达画家对于社会发展过程中与自然和谐共存问题的思考。


  Blue poppy is a wild flower found mainly in mountainous areas at anelevation of 3,000-4,500 meters, as they can survive in extreme conditions,such as freezing temperatures. In 1903, the plant hunter Ernest Henry Wilson discoveredand collected the first blue poppy on the plateau of South West China,introduced it to the world.


  This series of meticulous and beautiful paintings under the theme ofblue poppy, was drawn by Ge Muye on his Ipad. The artist disassembledflower and leaves of the plant, recreated it with strong colours and elegantoutlines, to present vitality of the fascinating flower. Muye simulatesdifferent life stages of flower blooming and withering though his iPad, anordinary electronic device. This unnatural representation of nature,expressed his thoughts on the coexistence of technology and nature in thecontemporary world.





  Blue Poppies


  “蓝罂粟” 这个主题对我而言有着特别的吸引力,原因有很多。首先,我在喜 拉雅山脉东侧的阿萨姆(印度)出生,当地以鲜花种类繁多而闻名,蓝罂粟也在那里生 。阿萨姆是植物猎人的天堂。后来,我去尼泊尔研究古 族文化,又在另一片 满蓝罂粟的土地生活工作了许多年。这个主题令我回想起快乐的童年以及在喜 拉雅腹地度过的岁月,也让我想起游历中国云南时看到的美丽花朵。

  The theme, ‘blue poppies’ particularly attracts me for several reasons. Iwas born and spent a few years in the eastern Himalayas in Assam, aplant-hunter’s paradise and very famous for flowers, including the bluepoppy. Later in life when I worked in Nepal, I was also in the land of theblue poppy. So it brings back my childhood and many happy years in thecentral Himalayas as well as the wonderful flowers of Yunnan.


  Furthermore, my father’s younger brother used to look after me when Iwas a young boy at his house in Scotland. Wonderful holidays and he hada beautiful garden, which included some blue poppies. He gave me someseeds for my Cambridge garden, but sadly they did not take. So my father’sScottish family is evoked by this wonderful flower.


  Finally, part of the attraction of the flower for us in the U.K. is thatpoppies here are a vivid red or orange. They are highly symbolic as theygrew after the great battles of the First World War. So we have a ‘PoppyDay’ to remember the dead.

  蓝色品种的出现让我们感到意外:这朵花以一种奇怪的方式令东方和 方颠倒过来了。在我对 方文化的研究中, 方人更偏爱蓝/绿色谱中的事物,我们的皇室蓝和其他重要颜色也属于这个色系。在东方,人们更爱红色/金色,它是皇室色和最重要的颜色。这朵神奇的花在我们的世界是红色,在东方却是蓝色,这是一个多么有趣的倒置。

  It is a shock to us to find a blue variety like this. In a strange way itinverts the East and the West. My studies of western and eastern (Chineseand Japanese) eyesight has shown that we in the West like things at theblue/green end of the colour spectrum. Our royal and other colours arelocated there. In the East, people prefer the red/gold end of the spectrum,which are the royal and most important colours. Thus, to have a flowerwhich with us is red and in the East is blue, is an intriguing inversion.


  So this exquisite rendering in dazzling colours of this extraordinaryflower is a particular delight for me. I congratulate Muye on the launch ofthis impressive exhibition.

  艾伦· 克法兰教授



  Professor Alan Macfarlane,King’s College,



  December 2020








  本次展览场馆 Mori Sense 起居室所在的古老庙宇,位于紫禁城东北角和景山公园之间。院里早期的建筑群建造于明永乐年间,当时为皇家御用的番经厂和汉经厂。清朝时则有活佛居住在此,所以又称「智珠寺」。目前这里是一处集酒店、餐厅、艺术展览于一身的文化艺术中心“Temple东景缘”。Temple Restaurant Beijing 坐落于此,著名艺术家 James Turrell 的长期艺术装置 Gathered Sky(落日观赏)也藏于此处。


  In the Same Room


  YOA Perfume Exhibition

  在同一场馆, 独立香水品牌 YILI Olfactory Art 也带来了一场关于嗅觉的香水艺术展览。调香师YILI 带来新香作品「 kāla 」,也在本月限量发售。YILI将之描述为 “一支 ‘疾行如时间可听风猎猎作响,端坐亦如时间凝神屏气穿越六百年’ 气味的香水。” (详情戳下图)