




  1. —-Be quiet please. The boy is s___________.

  —-h, sorry. We won’t shout fro now on.

  2. —-What date is it today?

  —-It’s the s_______ of Auust. We an enjoy lypis in six days.

  3.—-Look! I have a new skirt today.

  —-How ute you look! Your skirt is ore beautiful than __________.

  4.—-What do you know about Yao in?

  —-He is one of the tallest basketball p_________ in the world.

  .—-I an’t learn Enlish well.

  —-You don’t read enouh. You should do _________ readin.

  6.—-Was he born in S___________?

  —-Yes. It’s the ninth onth of the year. And he likes autun a lot.

  7.—-Sue’s father is a poliean. How a ____________ her other?

  —-She is a nurse. She works in that hospital.

  .—-To is so lad today. He is talkin with others h__________ all thetie.

  —-He ust have soethin reat. Let’s o and ask about it.

  9.—-What are you oin to do this Sunday?

  —-I a oin s________ with y friends. It ust be fun to walk inshoppin alls.

  10.—-I a very t_________. I an’t walk any ore.

  —-Let e help you.


  ( ) 1. ore than ________ VIPs will oe to Beijin for the lypiaes.

  A. eiht hundreds B. eiht hundred . eiht hundred of D. eiht hundredsof

  ( ) 2. I an see Eddie _________ his oputer _______ the window.

  A. at; on B. on; at . at; throuh D. on; by

  ( ) 3. y bike is not here. Will you _________ yours _________e?

  A. borrow; to B. borrow; fro .lend; fro D. lend; to

  ( ) 4. Do you know___________?

  A. who he is B. who is he . what he like D. what does he like

  ( ) . There are about six brides over Yante River in Jiansu. ne isfor trains, __________ are all for ars and triks.

  A. the other B. the others . another five D. thers

  ( ) 6. —-I a very sorry but I an’t help you now.


  A. That’s riht B. You’re weloe . Thank you all the sae D. How sorry Ia.

  ( ) 7. _______ weather we are havin these days!

  A. What a bad B. How nie a . How nie D. What bad

  ( ) . r reen is a new teaher at our shool. His job is __________.

  A. teah our Enlish B. teahin us Enlish

  . teah us Enlish D. to teah our Enlish

  ( ) 9. Stop ________. The teaher is oin for the new lass.

  A. talk B. to talk . talkin D. Talks

  ( ) 10. I didn’t think she had _______ ore Ds __________ ike.

  A. so;as B. uh; than . as; as D. any; than

  ( ) 11. We all like hi beause he says __________ but does uh.

  A. little B. a little . uh D. any

  ( ) 12. _______ is the ost interestin of _________.

  A. Unit Three; Book Three B. The Unit Three; the Book Three

  . Third Unit; Third Book D. The Third Unit; the Three Book


  1. Ji is ood at P.E. He ets up early and __________ (do) soe sportsevery ornin.

  2. —-_________ Tiy __________(visit) his friends next Sunday? —-Yes,he is.

  3. illie __________(o) the park by herself and had a ood tie there.

  4. The workers at the repair shop say our ar needs ___________(end).

  . I have no hoework this afternoon. How about _________(fly) kites in thepark?

  6. any students are in the roo now. They ___________(wath) Kunfu Pandaon TV.


  Do you like to shop on the Internet? Thins online are very heap. I oftenet ____1____ online. Let e tell you how to buy one when i want to knowsoethin about a book. Firstly, I write an e-ail to the online shop. Then theywill ____2___ e soe pitures of the book. I think this is very helpful.

  nline shops are _____3____ open. I an do shoppin even at idniht if Iwant to . Real shops usually lose _____4_____ nine o’lok in the evenin.

  After you _______ the online shopkeeper what you want, you an have yourthins in a few days. When you o shoppin in a shoppin all, you have to talk____6____ with the shopkeeper and walk a lot. I don’t like it, beause i ettired _____7____.

  I a teahin y randother ______ online. She annot walk very far(远).___9____ it is easy for her to shop online. y brother wants to learn how to doit too. He is very _____10____ ost of the tie. When he has a little free tie,he an shop online. So you see, shoppin online saves tie.

  ( ) 1. A. shoes B. books . food D. toys

  ( ) 2. A. tell B. show . ive D. sell

  ( ) 3. A. soeties B. often . always D. usually

  ( ) 4. A. in B. on . at D. for

  ( ) . A. spend B. pay . ost D. buy

  ( ) 6. A. a lot of B. uh . lots of D. any

  ( ) 7. A. easy B. easily . happy D. happily

  ( ) . A. why to shop B. where to shop . how to shop D. when to shop

  ( ) 9. A. beause B. for . so D. but

  ( ) 10. A. healthy B. free .lay D. busy


  1. 这个图标的意思是“不要喧哗”。

  The sin __________”Don’t ake _________.”

  2. 你最喜欢哪种水果,苹果、桔子还是香蕉?

  What fruit do you like ________, apples, oranes __________ bananas?

  3. Sandy 游泳比你慢吗?

  __________ Sandy swi ________ than you?

  4. 沿着珠江路走,在第三个路口向右拐。

  Walk __________hujian Road and _________ the third turnin on theriht.

  . Ji上周五花了一个小时开车去公司。

  It _______ Ji an hour to _________ to his opany last Friday.

  6. 每天做眼保健操对你的眼睛是有好处的。

  ____________ eye exerises is ood for your ____________.

  7. 你父母昨天这时候正在做什么?

  What __________ your ________ doin this tie yesterday?


  hildren all like to play with snow at hristas. But the liate(气候)ishanin quikly. The weather in winters is ettin warer and warer. And itdoesn’t snow in soe plaes in southern Enland. Soeties it’s hard forhildren there to have a white hristas. any hildren want to have snow toplay with.

  But the hildren in a hospie(收容所)et a bi surprise. They have a whitehristas. A rih an alled hris Hopkins bouht 10,000 kilos of snow on theInternet for the.

  r Hopkins said, “The hildren here are unhappy. They are too youn butthey have no father or other to look after the. All hildren enjoy hristaswith snow and presents. I feel very happy when I find the snow brins siles totheir faes.

  ( ) 1. r hris Hopkins __________.

  A. Is a rih an B. Is a kind old an . ften visits hospies D. ftenbuys thins

  ( ) 2. The hildren in the hospie are nut happy beause ___________.

  A. They are too youn B. They have no father or other with the

  . They have no snow to play with D. They don’t oney to buy presents

  ( ) 3. r hris Hopkins bouht snow __________.

  A. In a shoppin all B. n the Internet

  . Fro Father hristas D. Fro northern Enland

  ( ) 4. The word hane in the first line(行)is __________ in hinese.

  A. 零花钱 B. 改变 . 下降 D. 移动

  ( ) . Whih of the followin is TRUE?

  A. It doesn’t snow in northern Enland these years.

  B. The liate doesn’t hane uh in Enland. .

  . “A white hristas” is a hristas with snow.

  D. r Hopkins likes to play with snow.


  一、1.sleepin 2.seond 3.ine 4.players .ore 6.Septeber 7.about

  .happily 9.shoppin 10.tired

  二、11-1 BDAB 16-20DBD 21-22AA

  三、 23. Does 24.is oin to visit 2.went 26.endin/tobe ended 27.flyin2.are wathin

  四、29-33BBB 34-3BBD

  五、39.eans, noise 40.best/ost, or 41.Does, slower 42.alon, take

  43.took, drive 44.Doin, eyes 4.Were, parents

  六、46-0 ABBB
